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Donate via OpenCollective

If you are able, please consider contributing to our development and outreach programs. Contributions via OpenCollective to privacytools.io are tax deductible for US taxpayers. These funds are transparently and primarily used to cover server costs.

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Please Donate

Our website is free of advertisements and not affiliated with any listed providers.
Your donation will cover our costs for servers, domains, coffee, beer, and pizza.

You may also contribute via the cryptocurrencies below, however we will not be able to provide a receipt for your contribution.
Your contribution will be considered an anonymous, unrestricted contribution and paid to our Fiscal Host at OpenCollective when we convert to currency.

We prefer Bitcoin donations to be above $5 due to the state of the network's transaction fees. You are welcome to donate any smaller or larger amount on any other cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, or Stellar.

More Cryptocurrencies

The privacytools.io team does not necessarily endorse all of the cryptocurrencies listed on this page. Please conduct your own research before purchasing any cryptocurrencies.

Thanks for your support. You are awesome!