Privacy Guides Privacy Guides

Your central privacy and security resource to protect yourself online.

## About **Privacy Guides** is a socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. We are a non-profit collective operated entirely by volunteer team members and contributors. Our current list of team members can be found [here]( Additionally, [many people]( have made contributions to the project, and you can too! ## Contributing - 💬 [Start a discussion or suggest an idea]( - 💖 [Sponsor the project]( - 📝 Edit the site, everything's accessible in this repo - Browse our [open issues]( to see what needs to be updated - When making more significant (than simple typo fixes, etc.) changes, update the [changelog](/ - View some contribution tips on our [contributor's wiki]( ## Developing 1. Clone this repository: `git clone` 2. Install [Python 3.6+]( 3. Install [mkdocs-material]( `pip install mkdocs-material` 4. Serve the site locally: `mkdocs serve` - The site will be available at `http://localhost:8000/`. Your local site will appear slightly different, because the production version of the website uses a private/custom build of mkdocs-material with additional features. Team members with access to [mkdocs-material-insiders]( should instead: 1. Clone this repository and submodules: `git clone --recurse-submodules` 2. Install [Python 3.6+]( 3. Install **pipenv**: `pip install pipenv` 4. Start a pipenv shell: `pipenv shell` 5. Install dependencies: `pipenv install --dev` 6. Serve the site locally: `mkdocs serve --config-file mkdocs.production.yml` - The site will be available at `http://localhost:8000` - You can build the site locally with `mkdocs build --config-file mkdocs.production.yml` - This version of the site should be identical to the live, production version