Encrypted Instant Messenger

{% include cardv2.html title="Signal" image="/assets/img/tools/Signal.png" description="Signal is a mobile app developed by Open Whisper Systems. The app provides instant messaging, as well as voice and video calling. All communications are end-to-end encrypted. Signal is free and open source." labels="success:VoIP" website="https://signal.org/" forum="https://forum.privacytools.io/t/discussion-signal/664" github="https://github.com/signalapp" android="" ios="" %} {% include cardv2.html title="Wire" image="/assets/img/tools/wire.png" description="A free software End-to-End Encrypted chatting application that supports instant messaging, voice, and video calls. Full source code is available." labels="warning:Warning:Wire stores some plaintext metadata about its users on their servers. This data includes profile names, profile pictures, usernames, and users' lists of connections and conversations.|success:VoIP" website="https://wire.com/" forum="https://forum.privacytools.io/t/discussion-wire/750" github="https://github.com/wireapp/" android="" ios="" mac="" windows="" linux="" web="" %}

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