--- title: Android Overview icon: simple/android description: Android adalah sistem operasi sumber terbuka dengan perlindungan keamanan yang kuat, yang menjadikannya pilihan utama kami untuk ponsel. --- Android is a secure operating system that has strong [app sandboxing](https://source.android.com/security/app-sandbox), [Verified Boot](https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot) (AVB), and a robust [permission](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/permissions/overview) control system. ## Memilih Distribusi Android Ketika Anda membeli ponsel Android, sistem operasi bawaan perangkat sering kali dilengkapi dengan integrasi invasif dengan aplikasi dan layanan yang bukan merupakan bagian dari [Android Open-Source Project](https://source.android.com/). Contohnya adalah Layanan Google Play, yang memiliki hak istimewa yang tidak dapat dibatalkan untuk mengakses file, penyimpanan kontak, log panggilan, pesan SMS, lokasi, kamera, mikrofon, pengidentifikasi perangkat keras, dan sebagainya. Aplikasi dan layanan ini meningkatkan permukaan serangan pada perangkat Anda dan merupakan sumber dari berbagai masalah privasi pada Android. This problem could be solved by using a custom Android distribution that does not come with such invasive integration. Unfortunately, many custom Android distributions often violate the Android security model by not supporting critical security features such as AVB, rollback protection, firmware updates, and so on. Some distributions also ship [`userdebug`](https://source.android.com/setup/build/building#choose-a-target) builds which expose root via [ADB](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb) and require [more permissive](https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_sepolicy/search?q=userdebug&type=code) SELinux policies to accommodate debugging features, resulting in a further increased attack surface and weakened security model. Idealnya, ketika memilih distribusi Android kustom, Anda harus memastikan bahwa distribusi tersebut menjunjung tinggi model keamanan Android. At the very least, the distribution should have production builds, support for AVB, rollback protection, timely firmware and operating system updates, and SELinux in [enforcing mode](https://source.android.com/security/selinux/concepts#enforcement_levels). Semua distribusi Android yang kami rekomendasikan memenuhi kriteria ini. [Rekomendasi Sistem Android kami :material-arrow-right-drop-circle:](../android.md ""){.md-button} ## Avoid Rooting [Rooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooting_(Android)) Android phones can decrease security significantly as it weakens the complete [Android security model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system)#Security_and_privacy). Hal ini dapat mengurangi privasi jika ada eksploitasi yang dibantu oleh penurunan keamanan. Common rooting methods involve directly tampering with the boot partition, making it impossible to perform successful Verified Boot. Apps that require root will also modify the system partition meaning that Verified Boot would have to remain disabled. Having root exposed directly in the user interface also increases the [attack surface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_surface) of your device and may assist in [privilege escalation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privilege_escalation) vulnerabilities and SELinux policy bypasses. Adblockers, which modify the [hosts file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_(file)) (AdAway) and firewalls (AFWall+) which require root access persistently are dangerous and should not be used. Mereka juga bukan cara yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan tujuan yang dimaksudkan. For Adblocking we suggest encrypted [DNS](../dns.md) or [VPN](../vpn.md) server blocking solutions instead. RethinkDNS, TrackerControl and AdAway in non-root mode will take up the VPN slot (by using a local loopback VPN) preventing you from using privacy enhancing services such as Orbot or a real VPN server. AFWall+ works based on the [packet filtering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firewall_(computing)#Packet_filter) approach and may be bypassable in some situations. We do not believe that the security sacrifices made by rooting a phone are worth the questionable privacy benefits of those apps. ## Verified Boot [Verified Boot](https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot) is an important part of the Android security model. It provides protection against [evil maid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_maid_attack) attacks, malware persistence, and ensures security updates cannot be downgraded with [rollback protection](https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/verified-boot#rollback-protection). Android 10 and above has moved away from full-disk encryption to more flexible [file-based encryption](https://source.android.com/security/encryption/file-based). Your data is encrypted using unique encryption keys, and the operating system files are left unencrypted. Verified Boot ensures the integrity of the operating system files, thereby preventing an adversary with physical access from tampering or installing malware on the device. In the unlikely case that malware is able to exploit other parts of the system and gain higher privileged access, Verified Boot will prevent and revert changes to the system partition upon rebooting the device. Unfortunately, OEMs are only obliged to support Verified Boot on their stock Android distribution. Only a few OEMs such as Google support custom AVB key enrollment on their devices. Additionally, some AOSP derivatives such as LineageOS or /e/ OS do not support Verified Boot even on hardware with Verified Boot support for third-party operating systems. We recommend that you check for support **before** purchasing a new device. AOSP derivatives which do not support Verified Boot are **not** recommended. Many OEMs also have broken implementation of Verified Boot that you have to be aware of beyond their marketing. For example, the Fairphone 3 and 4 are not secure by default, as the [stock bootloader trusts the public AVB signing key](https://forum.fairphone.com/t/bootloader-avb-keys-used-in-roms-for-fairphone-3-4/83448/11). This breaks verified boot on a stock Fairphone device, as the system will boot alternative Android operating systems such (such as /e/) [without any warning](https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/boot-flow#locked-devices-with-custom-root-of-trust) about custom operating system usage. ## Pembaruan Firmware Firmware updates are critical for maintaining security and without them your device cannot be secure. OEM memiliki perjanjian dukungan dengan mitra mereka untuk menyediakan komponen sumber tertutup untuk periode dukungan terbatas. These are detailed in the monthly [Android Security Bulletins](https://source.android.com/security/bulletin). As the components of the phone, such as the processor and radio technologies rely on closed-source components, the updates must be provided by the respective manufacturers. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi Anda untuk membeli perangkat dalam siklus dukungan yang aktif. [Qualcomm](https://www.qualcomm.com/news/releases/2020/12/16/qualcomm-and-google-announce-collaboration-extend-android-os-support-and) dan [Samsung](https://news.samsung.com/us/samsung-galaxy-security-extending-updates-knox/) mendukung perangkat mereka selama 4 tahun, sementara produk yang lebih murah sering kali memiliki siklus dukungan yang lebih pendek. Dengan diperkenalkannya [Pixel 6](https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4457705), Google kini membuat SoC sendiri dan mereka akan memberikan dukungan minimal 5 tahun. EOL devices which are no longer supported by the SoC manufacturer cannot receive firmware updates from OEM vendors or after market Android distributors. Ini berarti bahwa masalah keamanan pada perangkat tersebut akan tetap tidak diperbaiki. Fairphone, misalnya, memasarkan perangkat mereka dengan dukungan selama 6 tahun. Namun, SoC (Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G pada Fairphone 4) memiliki tanggal EOL yang jauh lebih pendek. Ini berarti bahwa pembaruan keamanan firmware dari Qualcomm untuk Fairphone 4 akan berakhir pada bulan September 2023, terlepas dari apakah Fairphone terus merilis pembaruan keamanan perangkat lunak. ## Versi Android It's important to not use an [end-of-life](https://endoflife.date/android) version of Android. Versi Android yang lebih baru tidak hanya menerima pembaruan keamanan untuk sistem operasi, tetapi juga pembaruan penting untuk meningkatkan privasi. For example, [prior to Android 10](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/privacy/changes), any apps with the [`READ_PHONE_STATE`](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE) permission could access sensitive and unique serial numbers of your phone such as [IMEI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mobile_Equipment_Identity), [MEID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_equipment_identifier), your SIM card's [IMSI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_mobile_subscriber_identity), whereas now they must be system apps to do so. System apps are only provided by the OEM or Android distribution. ## Izin Android [Permissions on Android](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/permissions/overview) grant you control over what apps are allowed to access. Google regularly makes [improvements](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/permissions) on the permission system in each successive version. All apps you install are strictly [sandboxed](https://source.android.com/security/app-sandbox), therefore, there is no need to install any antivirus apps. A smartphone with the latest version of Android will always be more secure than an old smartphone with an antivirus that you have paid for. Lebih baik tidak membayar perangkat lunak antivirus dan menghemat uang untuk membeli smartphone baru seperti Google Pixel. Android 10: - [Scoped Storage](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/privacy/changes#scoped-storage) gives you more control over your files and can limit what can [access external storage](https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage#permissions). Apps can have a specific directory in external storage as well as the ability to store specific types of media there. - Tighter access on [device location](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/privacy/changes#app-access-device-location) by introducing the `ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION` permission. This prevents apps from accessing the location when running in the background without express permission from the user. Android 11: - [One-time permissions](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/permissions#one-time) which allows you to grant a permission to an app just once. - [Auto-reset permissions](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/permissions#auto-reset), which resets [runtime permissions](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/permissions/overview#runtime) that were granted when the app was opened. - Granular permissions for accessing [phone number](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/permissions#phone-numbers) related features. Android 12: - A permission to grant only the [approximate location](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-12#approximate-location). - Auto-reset of [hibernated apps](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-12#app-hibernation). - [Data access auditing](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-12#data-access-auditing) which makes it easier to determine what part of an app is performing a specific type of data access. Android 13: - A permission for [nearby wifi access](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/behavior-changes-13#nearby-wifi-devices-permission). The MAC addresses of nearby WiFi access points was a popular way for apps to track a user's location. - More [granular media permissions](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/behavior-changes-13#granular-media-permissions), meaning you can grant access to images, videos or audio files only. - Background use of sensors now requires the [`BODY_SENSORS`](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/behavior-changes-13#body-sensors-background-permission) permission. An app may request a permission for a specific feature it has. For example, any app that can scan QR codes will require the camera permission. Some apps can request more permissions than they need. [Exodus](https://exodus-privacy.eu.org/) can be useful when comparing apps that have similar purposes. If an app requires a lot of permissions and has a lot of advertising and analytics this is probably a bad sign. We recommend looking at the individual trackers and reading their descriptions rather than simply **counting the total** and assuming all items listed are equal. !!! peringatan Jika sebuah aplikasi sebagian besar merupakan layanan berbasis web, pelacakan dapat terjadi di sisi server. [Facebook](https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/com.facebook.katana/latest/) menunjukkan "tidak ada pelacak" tetapi tentu saja melacak minat dan perilaku pengguna di seluruh situs. Apps may evade detection by not using standard code libraries produced by the advertising industry, though this is unlikely. !!! catatan Aplikasi ramah privasi seperti [Bitwarden](https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/com.x8bit.bitwarden/latest/) dapat menampilkan beberapa pelacak seperti [Google Firebase Analytics] (https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/trackers/49/). This library includes [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firebase_Cloud_Messaging) which can provide [push notifications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_technology) in apps. Ini [adalah kasus] (https://fosstodon.org/@bitwarden/109636825700482007) dengan Bitwarden. Itu tidak berarti bahwa Bitwarden menggunakan semua fitur analisis yang disediakan oleh Google Firebase Analytics. ## Akses Media Cukup banyak aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda untuk "berbagi" file dengan mereka untuk mengunggah media. If you want to, for example, tweet a picture to Twitter, do not grant Twitter access to your "media and photos", because it will have access to all of your pictures then. Instead, go to your file manager (documentsUI), hold onto the picture, then share it with Twitter. ## Profil Pengguna Multiple user profiles can be found in **Settings** → **System** → **Multiple users** and are the simplest way to isolate in Android. With user profiles, you can impose restrictions on a specific profile, such as: making calls, using SMS, or installing apps on the device. Each profile is encrypted using its own encryption key and cannot access the data of any other profiles. Even the device owner cannot view the data of other profiles without knowing their password. Multiple user profiles are a more secure method of isolation. ## Work Profile [Work Profiles](https://support.google.com/work/android/answer/6191949) are another way to isolate individual apps and may be more convenient than separate user profiles. A **device controller** app such as [Shelter](#recommended-apps) is required to create a Work Profile without an enterprise MDM, unless you're using a custom Android OS which includes one. The work profile is dependent on a device controller to function. Features such as *File Shuttle* and *contact search blocking* or any kind of isolation features must be implemented by the controller. You must also fully trust the device controller app, as it has full access to your data inside of the work profile. This method is generally less secure than a secondary user profile; however, it does allow you the convenience of running apps in both the work and personal profiles simultaneously. ## VPN Killswitch Android 7 and above supports a VPN killswitch and it is available without the need to install third-party apps. This feature can prevent leaks if the VPN is disconnected. It can be found in :gear: **Settings** → **Network & internet** → **VPN** → :gear: → **Block connections without VPN**. ## Global Toggles Modern Android devices have global toggles for disabling Bluetooth and location services. Android 12 introduced toggles for the camera and microphone. When not in use, we recommend disabling these features. Apps cannot use disabled features (even if granted individual permission) until re-enabled. ## Google If you are using a device with Google services, either your stock operating system or an operating system that safely sandboxes Google Play Services like GrapheneOS, there are a number of additional changes you can make to improve your privacy. We still recommend avoiding Google services entirely, or limiting Google Play services to a specific user/work profile by combining a device controller like *Shelter* with GrapheneOS's Sandboxed Google Play. ### Program Perlindungan Lanjutan If you have a Google account we suggest enrolling in the [Advanced Protection Program](https://landing.google.com/advancedprotection/). It is available at no cost to anyone with two or more hardware security keys with [FIDO](../basics/multi-factor-authentication.md#fido-fast-identity-online) support. The Advanced Protection Program provides enhanced threat monitoring and enables: - Stricter two factor authentication; e.g. that [FIDO](../basics/multi-factor-authentication.md#fido-fast-identity-online) **must** be used and disallows the use of [SMS OTPs](../basics/multi-factor-authentication.md#sms-or-email-mfa), [TOTP](../basics/multi-factor-authentication.md#time-based-one-time-password-totp) and [OAuth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth) - Only Google and verified third-party apps can access account data - Scanning of incoming emails on Gmail accounts for [phishing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing#Email_phishing) attempts - Stricter [safe browser scanning](https://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/whitepaper.html#malware) with Google Chrome - Stricter recovery process for accounts with lost credentials If you use non-sandboxed Google Play Services (common on stock operating systems), the Advanced Protection Program also comes with [additional benefits](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/9764949?hl=en) such as: - Not allowing app installation outside of the Google Play Store, the OS vendor's app store, or via [`adb`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_Debug_Bridge) - Mandatory automatic device scanning with [Play Protect](https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2812853?hl=en#zippy=%2Chow-malware-protection-works%2Chow-privacy-alerts-work) - Warning you about unverified applications ### Google Play System Updates In the past, Android security updates had to be shipped by the operating system vendor. Android has become more modular beginning with Android 10, and Google can push security updates for **some** system components via the privileged Play Services. If you have an EOL device shipped with Android 10 or above and are unable to run any of our recommended operating systems on your device, you are likely going to be better off sticking with your OEM Android installation (as opposed to an operating system not listed here such as LineageOS or /e/ OS). This will allow you to receive **some** security fixes from Google, while not violating the Android security model by using an insecure Android derivative and increasing your attack surface. We would still recommend upgrading to a supported device as soon as possible. ### ID Iklan All devices with Google Play Services installed automatically generate an [advertising ID](https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6048248?hl=en) used for targeted advertising. Disable this feature to limit the data collected about you. On Android distributions with [Sandboxed Google Play](https://grapheneos.org/usage#sandboxed-google-play), go to :gear: **Settings** → **Apps** → **Sandboxed Google Play** → **Google Settings** → **Ads**, and select *Delete advertising ID*. On Android distributions with privileged Google Play Services (such as stock OSes), the setting may be in one of several locations. Check - :gear: **Settings** → **Google** → **Ads** - :gear: **Settings** → **Privacy** → **Ads** You will either be given the option to delete your advertising ID or to *Opt out of interest-based ads*, this varies between OEM distributions of Android. If presented with the option to delete the advertising ID that is preferred. If not, then make sure to opt out and reset your advertising ID. ### SafetyNet and Play Integrity API [SafetyNet](https://developer.android.com/training/safetynet/attestation) and the [Play Integrity APIs](https://developer.android.com/google/play/integrity) are generally used for [banking apps](https://grapheneos.org/usage#banking-apps). Many banking apps will work fine in GrapheneOS with sandboxed Play services, however some non-financial apps have their own crude anti-tampering mechanisms which might fail. GrapheneOS passes the `basicIntegrity` check, but not the certification check `ctsProfileMatch`. Devices with Android 8 or later have hardware attestation support which cannot be bypassed without leaked keys or serious vulnerabilities. As for Google Wallet, we don't recommend this due to their [privacy policy](https://payments.google.com/payments/apis-secure/get_legal_document?ldo=0&ldt=privacynotice&ldl=en), which states you must opt-out if you don't want your credit rating and personal information shared with affiliate marketing services.