--- title: Mata Uang Kripto icon: material/bank-circle --- Melakukan pembayaran secara daring adalah salah satu tantangan terbesar bagi privasi. Mata uang kripto di bawah ini menyediakan privasi transaksi secara bawaan (sesuatu yang **tidak** dijamin oleh sebagian besar mata uang kripto), asalkan Anda memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang cara melakukan pembayaran pribadi secara efektif. Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk membaca artikel ikhtisar pembayaran kami terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pembelian: [Melakukan Pembayaran Pribadi :material-arrow-right-drop-circle:](advanced/payments.md ""){.md-button} !!! danger Banyak atau bahkan sebagian besar proyek mata uang kripto adalah penipuan. Lakukan transaksi dengan hati-hati hanya dengan proyek yang Anda percayai. ## Monero !!! recommendation ![Logo Monero](assets/img/cryptocurrency/monero.svg){ align=right } **Monero** menggunakan blockchain dengan teknologi yang meningkatkan privasi yang mengaburkan transaksi untuk mencapai anonimitas. Setiap transaksi Monero menyembunyikan jumlah transaksi, alamat pengirim dan penerima, dan sumber dana tanpa ada rintangan yang harus dilewati, menjadikannya pilihan ideal untuk pemula mata uang kripto. [:octicons-home-16: Laman Beranda](https://www.getmonero.org/){ .md-button .md-button--primary } [:octicons-info-16:](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/){ .card-link title=Dokumentasi} [:octicons-code-16:](https://github.com/monero-project/monero){ .card-link title="Kode Sumber" } [:octicons-heart-16:](https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/contributing/){ .card-link title=Berkontribusi } Dengan Monero, pengamat luar tidak dapat menguraikan alamat yang memperdagangkan Monero, jumlah transaksi, saldo alamat, atau riwayat transaksi. Untuk privasi yang optimal, pastikan untuk menggunakan dompet nonkustodian di mana kunci tampilan tetap berada di perangkat. Ini berarti hanya Anda yang dapat menggunakan dana Anda dan melihat transaksi yang masuk dan keluar. If you use a custodial wallet, the provider can see **everything** you do; if you use a “lightweight” wallet where the provider retains your private view key, the provider can see almost everything you do. Some noncustodial wallets include: - [Official Monero client](https://getmonero.org/downloads) (Desktop) - [Cake Wallet](https://cakewallet.com/) (iOS, Android) - Cake Wallet supports multiple cryptocurrencies. A Monero-only version of Cake Wallet is available at [Monero.com](https://monero.com/). - [Feather Wallet](https://featherwallet.org/) (Desktop) - [Monerujo](https://www.monerujo.io/) (Android) For maximum privacy (even with a noncustodial wallet), you should run your own Monero node. Using another person’s node will expose some information to them, such as the IP address that you connect to it from, the timestamps that you sync your wallet, and the transactions that you send from your wallet (though no other details about those transactions). Alternatively, you can connect to someone else’s Monero node over Tor or i2p. In August 2021, CipherTrace [announced](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ciphertrace-announces-enhanced-monero-tracing-160000275.html) enhanced Monero tracing capabilities for government agencies. Public postings show that the US Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network [licensed](https://sam.gov/opp/d12cbe9afbb94ca68006d0f006d355ac/view) CipherTrace's "Monero Module" in late 2022. Monero transaction graph privacy is limited by its relatively small ring signatures, especially against targeted attacks. Monero's privacy features have also been [called into question](https://web.archive.org/web/20180331203053/https://www.wired.com/story/monero-privacy/) by some security researchers, and a number of severe vulnerabilities have been found and patched in the past, so the claims made by organizations like CipherTrace are not out of the question. While it's unlikely that Monero mass surveillance tools exist like they do for Bitcoin and others, it's certain that tracing tools assist with targeted investigations. Ultimately, Monero is the strongest contender for a privacy-friendly cryptocurrency, but its privacy claims have **not** been definitively proven one way or the other. More time and research is needed to assess whether Monero is resilient enough to attacks to always provide adequate privacy. ## Criteria **Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend.** In addition to [our standard criteria](about/criteria.md), we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. We suggest you familiarize yourself with this list before choosing to use a project, and conduct your own research to ensure it's the right choice for you. !!! example "This section is new" We are working on establishing defined criteria for every section of our site, and this may be subject to change. If you have any questions about our criteria, please [ask on our forum](https://discuss.privacyguides.net/latest) and don't assume we didn't consider something when making our recommendations if it is not listed here. There are many factors considered and discussed when we recommend a project, and documenting every single one is a work-in-progress. - Cryptocurrency must provide private/untraceable transactions by default.