# The strings in these files need to be copied MANUALLY to /config/mkdocs.LANG.yml # This file exists just so these strings can be originally translated on Crowdin. config: description: Privacy Guides is your central privacy and security resource to protect yourself online. copyright: - 1: | Privacy Guides is a non-profit, socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. - 2: | We do not make money from recommending certain products, and we do not use affiliate links. - 3: | Privacy Guides and contributors. - 4: | Content licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. feedback: question: Was this page helpful? yes: This page was helpful yes-note: Thanks for your feedback! no: This page could be improved no-note: | Thanks for your feedback! Help us improve this page by opening a discussion on our forum. theme: dark: Switch to dark mode light: Switch to light mode system: Switch to system theme nav: Home: Home Knowledge Base: Knowledge Base Technology Essentials: Technology Essentials Operating Systems: Operating Systems Advanced Topics: Advanced Topics Recommendations: Recommendations Internet Browsing: Internet Browsing Providers: Providers Software: Software About: About Community: Community Online Services: Online Services Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct Contributing: Contributing Writing Guide: Writing Guide Technical Guides: Technical Guides Changelog: Changelog Forum: Forum Blog: Blog