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title: "Vanliga frågor om PrivacyTools"
# Varför vi gick vidare från PrivacyTools
I september 2021 kom alla aktiva medarbetare enhälligt överens om att flytta från PrivacyTools till den här webbplatsen: Sekretessguider. This decision was made because PrivacyTools founder and controller of the domain name had disappeared for an extended period of time and could not be contacted.
Having built a reputable site and set of services on, this caused grave concerns for the future of PrivacyTools, as any future disruption could wipe out the entire organization with no recovery method. This transition was communicated to the PrivacyTools community many months in advance via a variety of channels including its blog, Twitter, Reddit, and Mastodon to ensure the entire process went as smoothly as possible. We did this to ensure nobody was kept in the dark, which has been our modus operandi since our team was created, and to make sure Privacy Guides was recognized as the same reliable organization that PrivacyTools was before the transition.
After the organizational move was completed, the founder of PrivacyTools returned and began to spread misinformation about the Privacy Guides project. They continue to spread misinformation in addition to operating a paid link farm on the PrivacyTools domain. We are creating this page to clear up any misconceptions.
## What is PrivacyTools?
PrivacyTools was created in 2015 by "BurungHantu," who wanted to make a privacy information resource - helpful tools following the Snowden revelations. The site grew into a flourishing open-source project with [many contributors](, some eventually given various organizational responsibilities, such as operating online services like Matrix and Mastodon, managing and reviewing changes to the site on GitHub, finding sponsors for the project, writing blog posts and operating social media outreach platforms like Twitter, etc.
Beginning in 2019, BurungHantu grew more and more distant from the active development of the website and communities, and began delaying payments he was responsible for related to the servers we operated. To avoid having our system administrator pay server costs out of their own pocket, we changed the donation methods listed on the site from BurungHantu's personal PayPal and crypto accounts to a new OpenCollective page on [October 31, 2019]( This had the added benefits of making our finances completely transparent, a value we strongly believe in, and tax-deductible in the United States, because they were being held by the Open Collective Foundation 501(c)3. This change was unanimously agreed upon by the team and went uncontested.
## Why We Moved On
In 2020, BurungHantu's absence grew much more noticeable. At one point, we required the domain's nameservers to be changed to nameservers controlled by our system administrator to avoid future disruption, and this change was not completed for over a month after the initial request. He would disappear from the public chat and private team chat rooms on Matrix for months at a time, occasionally popping in to give some small feedback or promise to be more active before disappearing once again.
In October 2020, the PrivacyTools system administrator (Jonah) [left]( the project because of these difficulties, handing control to another long-time contributor. Jonah had been operating nearly every PrivacyTools service and acting as the *de facto* project lead for website development in BurungHantu's absence, thus his departure was a significant change to the organization. At the time, because of these significant organizational changes, BurungHantu promised the remaining team he would return to take control of the project going forward. ==The PrivacyTools team reached out via several communication methods over the following months, but did not receive any response.==
## Domain Name Reliance
At the beginning of 2021, the PrivacyTools team grew worried about the future of the project, because the domain name was set to expire on 1st March 2021. The domain was ultimately renewed by BurungHantu with no comment.
The teams concerns were not addressed, and we realized this would be a problem every year: If the domain expired it would have allowed it to be stolen by squatters or spammers, thus ruining the organization's reputation. We also would have had trouble reaching the community to inform them of what took place.
Without being in any contact with BurungHantu, we decided the best course of action would be to move to a new domain name while we still had guaranteed control over the old domain name, sometime before March 2022. This way, we would be able to cleanly redirect all PrivacyTools resources to the new site without any interruption in service. This decision was made many months in advance and communicated to the entire team in the hopes that BurungHantu would reach out and assure his continued support for the project, because with a recognizable brand name and large communities online, moving away from "PrivacyTools" was the least desirable possible outcome.
In mid-2021 the PrivacyTools team reached out to Jonah, who agreed to rejoin the team to help with the transition.
## Community Call to Action
At the end of July 2021, we [informed]( the PrivacyTools community of our intention to choose a new name and continue the project on a new domain, to be [chosen]( on 2nd August 2022. In the end, "Privacy Guides" was selected, with the `` domain already owned by Jonah for a side-project from 2020 that went undeveloped.
## Control of r/privacytoolsIO
Simultaneously with the ongoing website issues at, the r/privacytoolsIO moderation team was facing challenges with managing the subreddit. The subreddit had always been operated mostly independently of the website's development, but BurungHantu was the primary moderator of the subreddit as well, and he was the only moderator granted "Full Control" privileges. u/trai_dep was the only active moderator at the time, and [posted]( a request to Reddit's administrators on June 28, 2021, asking to be granted the primary moderator position and full control privileges, in order to make necessary changes to the Subreddit.
Reddit requires that subreddits have active moderators. If the primary moderator is inactive for a lengthy period of time (such as a year) the primary moderation position can be re-appointed to the next moderator in line. For this request to have been granted, BurungHantu had to have been completely absent from all Reddit activity for a long period of time, which was consistent with his behaviors on other platforms.
> If you were removed as moderator from a subreddit through Reddit request it is because your lack of response and lack of activity qualified the subreddit for an r/redditrequest transfer.
> r/redditrequest is Reddit's way of making sure communities have active moderators and is part of the [Moderator Code of Conduct](
## Beginning the Transition
On September 14th, 2021, we [announced]( the beginning of our migration to this new domain:
> [...] we found it necessary to make this switch sooner rather than later to ensure people would find out about this transition as soon as possible. This gives us adequate time to transition the domain name, which is currently redirecting to, and it hopefully gives everyone enough time to notice the change, update bookmarks and websites, etc.
This change [entailed:](
- Redirecting to [](
- Archiving the source code on GitHub to preserve our past work and issue tracker, which we continued to use for months of future development of this site.
- Publicera meddelanden på vår subreddit och i andra forum för att informera om den officiella ändringen.
- Formellt stänga tjänsterna på, som Matrix och Mastodon, och uppmana befintliga användare att flytta över så snart som möjligt.
Allt verkade gå smidigt och de flesta av våra aktiva medlemmar gick över till vårt nya projekt precis som vi hoppades.
## Följande händelser
Ungefär en vecka efter övergången återkom BurungHantu online för första gången på nästan ett år, men ingen i vårt team var villig att återvända till PrivacyTools på grund av hans historiska opålitlighet. Istället för att be om ursäkt för sin långa frånvaro gick han omedelbart till offensiv och såg övergången till Privacy Guides som ett angrepp mot honom och hans projekt. Därefter raderade han []( många av dessa inlägg när gemenskapen påpekade att han hade varit frånvarande och övergivit projektet.
BurungHantu hävdade att han ville fortsätta att arbeta med på egen hand och bad oss ta bort omdirigeringen från till []( Vi gick med på det och bad honom att hålla subdomänerna för Matrix, Mastodon och PeerTube aktiva så att vi kan köra dem som en offentlig tjänst för vår gemenskap under åtminstone några månader, så att användare på dessa plattformar enkelt kan flytta över till andra konton. På grund av den federerade karaktären hos de tjänster vi tillhandahöll var de bundna till specifika domännamn, vilket gjorde det mycket svårt att migrera (och i vissa fall omöjligt).
Eftersom BurungHantu inte fick tillbaka kontrollen över underreddit r/privacytoolsIO när han begärde det (mer information nedan), stängdes dessa underdomäner tyvärr av från []( i början av oktober, vilket innebar att alla användare som fortfarande använde dessa tjänster inte längre hade möjlighet att flytta.
BurungHantu gjorde därefter falska anklagelser om att Jonah skulle ha stulit donationer från projektet. BurungHantu hade över ett år på nacken sedan den påstådda händelsen inträffade, men han informerade aldrig någon om den förrän efter att Privacy Guides migration hade genomförts. BurungHantu har upprepade gånger ombetts av teamet [och gemenskapen]( lämna bevis och att kommentera orsaken till sin tystnad, men han har inte gjort det.
BurungHantu gjorde också ett twitterinlägg på []( där han påstod att en "advokat" hade kontaktat honom på Twitter och gav honom råd, i ett annat försök att tvinga oss att ge honom kontroll över vår subreddit, och som en del av hans smutskastningskampanj för att fördunkla vattnet kring lanseringen av Privacy Guides samtidigt som han låtsas vara ett offer.
## nu
Sedan den 25 september 2022 ser vi hur BurungHantus övergripande planer förverkligas på, och det är just därför som vi beslutade att skapa den här förklarande sidan idag. Den webbplats som han driver verkar vara en starkt SEO-optimerad version av den webbplats som rekommenderar verktyg i utbyte mot ekonomisk ersättning. Nyligen togs IVPN och Mullvad, två VPN-leverantörer som nästan alla rekommenderar [](../ av integritetsgruppen och som är kända för sin inställning till affiliateprogram, bort från PrivacyTools. I deras ställe? NordVPN, Surfshark, ExpressVPN och Stora VPN-företag med opålitliga plattformar och affärsmetoder som är ökända för sin aggressiva marknadsföring och sina affiliateprogram.
==**PrivacyTools har blivit exakt den typ av webbplats som vi [varnade för]( på bloggen PrivacyTools 2019.**== Vi har försökt att hålla oss på avstånd från PrivacyTools sedan övergången, men deras fortsatta trakasserier mot vårt projekt och nu deras absurda missbruk av den trovärdighet som deras varumärke har fått under 6 år av bidrag till öppen källkod är extremt oroande för oss. De av oss som faktiskt kämpar för integritet kämpar inte mot varandra och får inte råd från den högstbjudande.
## privacyTools. io nu
Efter lanseringen av [r/PrivacyGuides]( det opraktiskt för u/trai_dep att fortsätta moderera båda underredaktionerna, och eftersom gemenskapen var med på övergången gjordes r/privacytoolsIO [till]( en begränsad underredaktion i ett inlägg den 1 november 2021:
> [...] The growth of this Sub was the result of great effort, across several years, by the team. And by every one of you.
> A Subreddit is a great deal of work to administer and moderate. Like a garden, it requires patient tending and daily care. Its not a task for dilettantes or commitment-challenged people. It cant thrive under a gardener who abandons it for several years, then shows up demanding this years harvest as their tribute. Its unfair to the team formed years ago. Its unfair to you. [...]
Subreddits do not belong to anybody, and they especially do not belong to brand-holders. They belong to their communities, and the community and its moderators made the decision to support the move to r/PrivacyGuides.
In the months since, BurungHantu has threatened and begged for returning subreddit control to his account in [violation]( of Reddit rules:
> Retaliation from any moderator with regards to removal requests is disallowed.
For a community with many thousands of remaining subscribers, we feel that it would be incredibly disrespectful to return control of that massive platform to the person who abandoned it for over a year, and who now operates a website that we feel provides very low-quality information. Preserving the years of past discussions in that community is more important to us, and thus u/trai_dep and the rest of the subreddit moderation team has made the decision to keep r/privacytoolsIO as-is.
## OpenCollective Now
Our fundraising platform, OpenCollective, is another source of contention. Our position is that OpenCollective was put in place by our team and managed by our team to fund services we currently operate and which PrivacyTools no longer does. We [reached out]( to all of our donors regarding our move to Privacy Guides, and we were unanimously supported by our sponsors and community.
Thus, the funds in OpenCollective belong to Privacy Guides, they were given to our project, and not the owner of a well known domain name. In the announcement made to donors on September 17th, 2021, we offered refunds to any donor who disagrees with the stance we took, but nobody has taken us up on this offer:
> If any sponsors or backers disagree with or feel misled by these recent events and would like to request a refund given these highly unusual circumstances, please get in touch with our project admin by emailing
## Further Reading
This topic has been discussed extensively within our communities in various locations, and it seems likely that most people reading this page will already be familiar with the events leading up to the move to Privacy Guides. Some of our previous posts on the matter may have extra detail we omitted here for brevity. They have been linked below for the sake of completion.
- [June 28, 2021 request for control of r/privacytoolsIO](
- [July 27, 2021 announcement of our intentions to move on the PrivacyTools blog, written by the team](
- [Sept 13, 2021 announcement of the beginning of our transition to Privacy Guides on r/privacytoolsIO](
- [Sept 17, 2021 announcement on OpenCollective from Jonah](
- [Sept 30, 2021 Twitter thread detailing most of the events now described on this page](
- [Oct 1, 2021 post by u/dng99 noting subdomain failure](
- [Apr 2, 2022 response by u/dng99 to PrivacyTools' accusatory blog post](
- [May 16, 2022 response by @TommyTran732 on Twitter](
- [Sep 3, 2022 post on Techlore's forum by @dngray](