description=" is a decentralized free-software chatting application based on the <ahref\"\">Matrix</a> protocol, a recent open protocol for real-time communication offering E2E encryption. It can bridge other communications via others protocols such as IRC too. <spanclass=\"badgebadge-warning\"data-toggle=\"tooltip\"title=\"Thesoftwareiscurrentlyinbetaandthemobileclientstates'End-to-endencryptionisinbetaandmaynotbereliable.Youshouldnotyettrustittosecuredata.'\">beta <iclass=\"farfa-question-circle\"></i></span>"
description='Ricochet uses the <ahref="/browsers/#browser"><iclass="fas fa-link"></i> Tor network</a> to reach your contacts without relying on messaging servers. It creates a hidden service, which is used to rendezvous with your contacts without revealing your location or IP address. <spanclass="badge badge-warning"data-toggle="tooltip"title="This software is an experiment."><ahref="">Experimental</a></span><spanclass="badge badge-danger">Danger</span><ahref="#ricochetTor">Keep Tor up to date</a>'
<li><ahref="">RetroShare</a> - An E2E encrypted instant messaging and voice/video call client. RetroShare supports both TOR and I2P. </li>
<li>XMPP federated clients with OMEMO support:</li>
<li><ahref="">Monal</a> (iOS, MacOS) - An XMPP client in active development.</li>
<li><ahref="">Conversations</a> (Android) - An open source Jabber/XMPP client for Android 4.4+ smartphones. Supports end-to-end encryption with either OMEMO or OpenPGP.</li>
<li><ahref="">Gajim</a> (Linux) - An open source fully featured XMPP client.</li>
<li><ahref="">List of OMEMO ready clients</a></li>
<li><ahref="">Kontalk</a> - A community-driven instant messaging network. Supports end-to-end encryption. Both client-to-server and server-to-server channels are fully encrypted.</li>
<li><ahref="">Wire</a><spanclass="badge badge-warning"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Wire stores metadata such as list of your connections/conversations in plaintext (= not encrypted).">experimental <iclass="far fa-question-circle"></i> (<ahref="">more info</a>)</span> - A free software End-to-End Encrypted chatting application that supports instant messaging, voice, and video calls.</li>
<li><ahref="">Status</a> - <spanclass="badge badge-warning">Experimental</span> A free and open-source, peer-to-peer, encrypted instant messanger with support for DAPPs. </li>
<li><ahref="">Chatting in Secret While We're All Being Watched -</a></li>
<li><ahref="">Advanced users with special needs can download the Signal APK directly. Most users should not do this under normal circumstances.</a></li>
<!-- Updating the Tor binary included with Ricochet -->
<h3id="ricochetTor"class="anchor"><ahref="#ricochetTor"><iclass="fas fa-link anchor-icon"></i></a> Updating the Tor binary included with Ricochet</h3>
Currently there are no known vulnerabilities with Ricochet. The software is safe to use as long as you update the included Tor binary to the latest version.
<li>Ricochet's included binary: <code>%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Ricochet\tor.exe</code></li>
<li><strong>MacOSX: </strong>Assuming you copied the <code>Tor</code> and <code></code> from their respective .dmg install media to <code>/Applications</code>: <br>
Create a symbolic link to the Tor binary in Terminal. Ricochet will continue to use the up to date version of the Tor binary when you update the Tor Browser Bundle.</li>