2021-12-19 19:45:41 -05:00
title : Shelter
type : Recommendation
logo : /assets/img/android/shelter.svg
description : |
2022-02-12 02:43:21 -05:00
**Shelter** is an app that helps you leverage the Android work profile to isolate other apps.
2021-12-19 19:45:41 -05:00
2022-02-12 02:43:21 -05:00
Shelter supports blocking contact search cross profiles and sharing files across profiles via the default file manager ([DocumentsUI](https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/modular-system/documentsui)).
2021-12-19 19:45:41 -05:00
2022-02-12 02:43:21 -05:00
#### Notes
2021-12-19 19:45:41 -05:00
CalyxOS includes a device controller so we recommend using their built in work profile instead.
website : 'https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter'
downloads :
- icon : fab fa-android
url : 'https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.typeblog.shelter'
- icon : fab fa-google-play
url : 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.typeblog.shelter'
- icon : fab fa-github
url : 'https://github.com/PeterCxy/Shelter'
- icon : fab fa-git
url : 'https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter'