**Send** is a fork of Mozilla’s discontinued Firefox Send service which allows you to send files to others with a link. Files are encrypted on your device so that they cannot be read by the server, and they can be optionally password-protected as well. The maintainer of Send hosts a [public instance](https://send.vis.ee/). You can use other public instances, or you can host Send yourself.
Send can be used via its web interface or via the [ffsend](https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend) CLI. If you are familiar with the command-line and send files frequently, we recommend using the CLI client to avoid JavaScript-based encryption. You can specify the `--host` flag to use a specific server:
**OnionShare** is an open-source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size. It works by starting a web server accessible as a Tor onion service, with an unguessable URL that you can share with the recipients to download or send files.
**FreedomBox** is an operating system designed to be run on a [single-board computer (SBC)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-board_computer). The purpose is to make it easy to set up server applications that you might want to self-host.
**Syncthing** is an open-source peer-to-peer continuous file synchronization utility. It is used to synchronize files between two or more devices over the local network or the internet. Syncthing does not use a centralized server; it uses the [Block Exchange Protocol](https://docs.syncthing.net/specs/bep-v1.html#bep-v1) to transfer data between devices. All data is encrypted using TLS.