隨著時間的推移,它可以很容易地積累一些在線帳戶,其中許多你可能不再使用。 刪除這些未使用的帳戶是收回隱私的重要一步,因為休眠帳戶容易受到數據洩露的影響。 資料外洩是指服務的安全性受到破壞,受保護的資訊被未經授權的行為者檢視、傳輸或竊取。 Data breaches are unfortunately all [too common](https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites) these days, and so practicing good digital hygiene is the best way to minimize the impact they have on your life. 本指南的目標是幫助您通過令人討厭的帳戶刪除過程,通常由 [欺騙性設計](https://www.deceptive.design/)使您變得困難,以改善您的在線存在。
- Linux, Gnome Keyring, which can be accessed through [Seahorse](https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/passwords-view.html.en) or [KDE Wallet Manager](https://userbase.kde.org/KDE_Wallet_Manager)
Residents of the EEA have additional rights regarding data erasure specified in [Article 17](https://www.gdpr.org/regulation/article-17.html) of the GDPR. 如果適用於您,請閱讀任何特定服務的隱私權政策,以查找有關如何行使刪除權利的資訊。 閱讀隱私政策可能很重要,因為某些服務的「刪除帳戶」選項,實際上只是停用您的帳戶,若要真正刪除,您必須採取額外行動。 Sometimes actual deletion may involve filling out surveys, emailing the data protection officer of the service or even proving your residence in the EEA. If you plan to go this way, do **not** overwrite account information—your identity as an EEA resident may be required. Note that the location of the service does not matter; GDPR applies to anyone serving European users. If the service does not respect your right to erasure, you can contact your national [Data Protection Authority](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rights-citizens/redress/what-should-i-do-if-i-think-my-personal-data-protection-rights-havent-been-respected_en) and you may be entitled to monetary compensation.