**Wir bemühen uns,**, ein positives Umfeld zu schaffen, indem wir eine einladende und integrative Sprache verwenden und die Standpunkte anderer respektieren.
**Wir verbieten** unangemessenes oder anderweitig inakzeptables Verhalten, wie z. B. sexualisierte Sprache, Trolling und beleidigende Kommentare oder anderweitige Förderung von Intoleranz oder Belästigung.
Wir schaffen eine evidenzbasierte Bildungsgemeinschaft rund um Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit, keine Heimat für Verschwörungserzählungen. For example, when making a claim that a certain piece of software is malicious or that certain telemetry data is privacy invasive, explain in detail what is collected and how it collected. Claims of this nature must be backed by technical evidence.
Unsere Community-Mitglieder sind kein kostenloser technischer Support. We are happy to help you with specific steps on your privacy journey if you are willing to put in effort on your end. We are not willing to answer endlessly repeated questions about generic computer problems you could have answered yourself with a 30-second internet search. Don't be a [help vampire](https://slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires/).
We are responsible for clarifying the standards of our community, and have the right to remove or alter the comments of those participating within our community, as necessary and at our discretion.
If you observe a problem on a platform like Matrix or Reddit, please contact our moderators on that platform in chat, via DM, or through any designated "Modmail" system.
If you have a problem elsewhere, or a problem our community moderators are unable to resolve, reach out to `jonah@privacyguides.org` and/or `dngray@privacyguides.org`.