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title: "Tentang Privacy Guides"
**Privacy Guides** adalah situs web bermotif sosial yang menyediakan informasi untuk melindungi keamanan dan privasi data Anda. Kami adalah kolektif nirlaba yang dioperasikan sepenuhnya oleh [anggota tim]( dan kontributor sukarelawan.
[:material-hand-coin-outline: Dukung proyek ini]( ""){}
## Tim Kami
??? person "@jonah"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@jonaharagon")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: Beranda](
??? person "@niek-de-wilde"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@blacklight447")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
??? person "@dngray"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@dngray")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-envelope: Surel](
??? person "@freddy"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@freddy-m")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-envelope: Surel](
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: Beranda](
??? person "@mfwmyfacewhen"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@mfwmyfacewhen")
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: Beranda](
??? person "@olivia"
- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@hook9")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
Selain itu, [banyak orang]( telah memberikan kontribusi ke proyek ini. Anda juga bisa, kami bersumber terbuka di GitHub!
Anggota tim kami meninjau semua perubahan yang dilakukan pada situs web dan menangani tugas-tugas administratif seperti layanan web dan keuangan, namun mereka tidak mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi dari setiap kontribusi yang dibuat untuk situs ini. Keuangan kami dikelola secara transparan oleh Open Collective Foundation 501(c)(3) di []( Donasi untuk Privacy Guides umumnya dapat dikurangkan dari pajak di Amerika Serikat.
## Lisensi Situs
*Berikut ini adalah ringkasan yang dapat dibaca oleh manusia (dan bukan pengganti) lisensi [](*
:fontawesome-brands-creative-commons: :fontawesome-brands-creative-commons-by: :fontawesome-brands-creative-commons-nd: Unless otherwise noted, the original content on this website is made available under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License]( This means that you are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially; as long as you give appropriate credit to `Privacy Guides (` and provide a link to the license. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests Privacy Guides endorses you or your use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the content of this website, you may not distribute the modified material.
This license is in place to prevent people from sharing our work without giving proper credit, and to prevent people from modifying our work in a way that could be used to mislead people. If you find the terms of this license too restrictive for the project you're working on, please reach out to us at ``. We are happy to provide alternative licensing options for well-intentioned projects in the privacy space!
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