description: When sharing files, it's important to remove associated metadata. Image files commonly include Exif data, and sometimes photos even include GPS coordinates within its metadata.
# Removing Metadata From Your Photos, Videos, and Other Files
When sharing files, it's important to remove associated metadata. Image files commonly include [Exif]( data, and sometimes photos even include GPS coordinates within its metadata.<!-- more -->
While there are plenty of metadata removal tools, they typically aren't convenient to use. The guides featured here aim to detail how to integrate metadata removal tools in a simple fashion by utilizing easy-to-access system features.
## macOS
This guide uses the [Shortcuts]( app to add an [ExifTool]( script to the *Quick Actions* context menu within Finder. Shortcuts is developed by Apple and bundled in with macOS by default.
Shortcuts is quite intuitive to work with, so if you don't like the behavior demoed here then experiment with your own solution. For example, you could set the shortcut to take a clipboard input instead. The sky's the limit.
The open-source [ImageOptim]( app integrates into Finder's *Services* context menu by default. While it is primarily an image optimization app, it also removes metadata.
### Enabling & using the Shortcut
1. The shortcut will be accessible through **Quick Actions** context menu within Finder.
2. If you want to reposition the shortcut within the context menu, go to:<br>
**System Preferences** → **Extensions** → **Finder and drag the shortcut's position**.
## iOS and iPadOS
[Shortcuts]( can be made accessible through the system Share Sheet, making accessing those shortcuts very convenient. This guide will show you how to build a metadata removal shortcut and integrate it into the system *Share Sheet*.
!!! warning
This method of metadata removal is not as comprehensive at removing metadata as utilities like [ExifTool]( and [mat2]( are.
The lack of *good* metadata removal apps on the App Store is what makes this solution worthwhile.
1. The shortcut should be available through the system Share Sheet. If it is not, then a device restart may be required.
2. Optionally, you can add the shortcut to your home screen.
## Windows
Windows allows you to place files in a **SendTo** folder which then appear in the *Send to* context menu. This guide will show you how to add an [ExifTool]( batch script to this menu.

### Prerequisites
1. ExifTool is a tool for viewing and manipulating image, audio, video, and PDF metadata. We suggest you read the [Installation instructions]( on the official website.
!!! note
You can check if ExifTool is present in your [PATH]( by running `exiftool -ver` in Command Prompt. You should see a version number.
### Creating the shortcut
1. Navigate to `%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo`
2. Right click in the **SendTo** folder and create a new **Text Document**
3. Name the file `ExifTool.bat` (any name works, however it must end in `.bat`)
!!! note
You may need to check if [file name extensions]( are enabled.