2024-07-24 11:15:25 -04:00
title: "Office Suites"
icon: material/file-edit-outline
description: These office suites offer their full functionality without an account and can be used offline.
cover: office-suites.webp
2024-10-24 01:19:08 -04:00
< small > Protects against the following threat(s):< / small >
- [:material-server-network: Service Providers ](basics/common-threats.md#privacy-from-service-providers ){ .pg-teal }
2024-07-24 11:15:25 -04:00
Choose an **office suite** that does not require logging in to an account to access its full functionality. The tools listed here can be used offline and could reasonably act as a replacement for Microsoft Office for most needs.
## LibreOffice
< div class = "admonition recommendation" markdown >
{ align=right }
**LibreOffice** is a free and open-source office suite with extensive functionality.
[:octicons-home-16: Homepage ](https://libreoffice.org ){ .md-button .md-button--primary }
[:octicons-eye-16: ](https://libreoffice.org/about-us/privacy/privacy-policy-en ){ .card-link title="Privacy Policy" }
[:octicons-info-16: ](https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation ){ .card-link title=Documentation}
[:octicons-code-16: ](https://libreoffice.org/about-us/source-code ){ .card-link title="Source Code" }
[:octicons-heart-16: ](https://libreoffice.org/donate ){ .card-link title=Contribute }
< details class = "downloads" markdown >
< summary > Downloads< / summary >
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play ](https://libreoffice.org/download/android-and-ios )
- [:simple-appstore: App Store ](https://libreoffice.org/download/android-and-ios )
- [:fontawesome-brands-windows: Windows ](https://libreoffice.org/download/download )
- [:simple-apple: macOS ](https://libreoffice.org/download/download )
- [:simple-linux: Linux ](https://libreoffice.org/download/download )
- [:simple-flathub: Flathub ](https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice )
< / details >
< / div >
## OnlyOffice
< div class = "admonition recommendation" markdown >
{ align=right }
**OnlyOffice** is a cloud-based free and open-source office suite with extensive functionality, including integration with Nextcloud.
[:octicons-home-16: Homepage ](https://onlyoffice.com ){ .md-button .md-button--primary }
[:octicons-eye-16: ](https://help.onlyoffice.com/products/files/doceditor.aspx?fileid=5048502&doc=SXhWMEVzSEYxNlVVaXJJeUVtS0kyYk14YWdXTEFUQmRWL250NllHNUFGbz0_IjUwNDg1MDIi0 ){ .card-link title="Privacy Policy" }
[:octicons-info-16: ](https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/userguides.aspx ){ .card-link title=Documentation}
[:octicons-code-16: ](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE ){ .card-link title="Source Code" }
< details class = "downloads" markdown >
< summary > Downloads< / summary >
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents )
- [:simple-appstore: App Store ](https://apps.apple.com/app/id944896972 )
- [:fontawesome-brands-windows: Windows ](https://onlyoffice.com/download-desktop.aspx )
- [:simple-apple: macOS ](https://onlyoffice.com/download-desktop.aspx )
- [:simple-linux: Linux ](https://onlyoffice.com/download-desktop.aspx )
- [:simple-flathub: Flathub ](https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors )
< / details >
< / div >
## Criteria
**Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend.** In addition to [our standard criteria ](about/criteria.md ), we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. We suggest you familiarize yourself with this list before choosing to use a project, and conduct your own research to ensure it's the right choice for you.
- Must be cross-platform.
- Must be open-source software.
- Must function offline.
- Must support editing documents, spreadsheets, and slideshows.
- Must export files to standard document formats.