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synced 2025-03-05 13:05:57 -05:00
543 lines
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543 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2023 Kyle Reed
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __FILE_WRAPPER_HPP__
#define __FILE_WRAPPER_HPP__
#include "circular_buffer.hpp"
#include "file.hpp"
#include "optional.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
enum class LineEnding : uint8_t {
/* TODO:
* - CRLF handling.
* - Avoid full re-read on edits.
* - Would need to read old/new text when editing to track newlines.
* - How to surface errors? Exceptions?
/* FatFs docs http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html */
/* BufferType requires the following members
* Size size()
* Result<Size> read(void* data, Size bytes_to_read)
* Result<Size> write(const void* data, Size bytes_to_write)
* Result<Offset> seek(uint32_t offset)
* Result<Offset> truncate()
* Optional<Error> sync()
/* Wraps a buffer and provides an API for accessing lines efficiently. */
template <typename BufferType, uint32_t CacheSize>
class BufferWrapper {
using Offset = uint32_t;
using Line = uint32_t;
using Column = uint32_t;
using Size = File::Size;
using Range = struct {
// Offset of the start, inclusive.
Offset start;
// Offset of the end, exclusive.
Offset end;
Offset length() const { return end - start; }
BufferWrapper(BufferType* buffer)
: wrapped_{buffer} {
virtual ~BufferWrapper() {}
std::function<void(Size, Size)> on_read_progress{};
/* Prevent copies */
BufferWrapper(const BufferWrapper&) = delete;
BufferWrapper& operator=(const BufferWrapper&) = delete;
Optional<std::string> get_text(Line line, Column col, Offset length) {
std::string buffer;
auto result = get_text(line, col, &buffer[0], length);
if (!result)
return {};
return buffer;
Optional<Offset> get_text(Line line, Column col, char* output, Offset length) {
auto range = line_range(line);
int32_t to_read = length;
if (!range)
return {};
// Don't read past end of line.
if (range->start + col + to_read >= range->end)
to_read = range->end - col - range->start;
if (to_read <= 0)
return {};
return read(range->start + col, output, to_read);
/* Gets the size of the buffer in bytes. */
Size size() const { return wrapped_->size(); }
/* Get the count of the lines in the buffer. */
uint32_t line_count() const { return line_count_; }
/* Gets the range of the line if valid. */
Optional<Range> line_range(Line line) {
auto index = index_for_line(line);
if (!index)
return {};
auto start = *index == 0 ? start_offset_ : (newlines_[*index - 1] + 1);
auto end = newlines_[*index] + 1;
return Range{start, end};
/* Gets the length of the line, or 0 if invalid. */
Offset line_length(Line line) {
auto range = line_range(line);
return range ? range->length() : 0;
/* Gets the buffer offset of the line & col if valid. */
Optional<Offset> get_offset(Line line, Column col) {
auto range = line_range(line);
if (range)
return range->start + col;
return {};
/* Gets the index of the first line in the cache.
* Only really useful for unit testing or diagnostics. */
Offset start_line() { return start_line_; };
/* Inserts a line before the specified line or at the
* end of the buffer if line >= line_count. */
void insert_line(Line line) {
auto range = line_range(line);
if (range)
replace_range({range->start, range->start}, "\n");
else if (line >= line_count_)
replace_range({(Offset)size(), (Offset)size()}, "\n");
/* Deletes the specified line. */
void delete_line(Line line) {
auto range = line_range(line);
if (range)
replace_range(*range, {});
/* Replace the specified range with the string contents.
* A range with start/end set to the same value will insert.
* A range with an empty string will delete. */
void replace_range(Range range, std::string_view value) {
if (range.start > size() || range.end > size() || range.start > range.end)
/* If delta_length == 0, it's an overwrite. Could still have
* added or removed newlines so caches will need to be rebuilt.
* If delta_length > 0, the file needs to grow and content needs
* to be shifted forward until the end of the range.
* If delta_length < 0, the file needs to be truncated and the
* content after the value needs to be shifted backward. */
int32_t delta_length = value.length() - range.length();
if (delta_length > 0)
expand(range.end, delta_length);
else if (delta_length < 0)
shrink(range.end, delta_length);
write(range.start, value);
BufferWrapper() {}
void set_buffer(BufferType* buffer) {
wrapped_ = buffer;
/* Number of newline offsets to cache. */
static constexpr Offset max_newlines = CacheSize;
/* Size of stack buffer used for reading/writing. */
static constexpr Offset buffer_size = 512;
void initialize() {
start_offset_ = 0;
start_line_ = 0;
line_count_ = 0;
void rebuild_cache() {
// Special case for empty files to keep them consistent.
if (size() == 0) {
line_count_ = 1;
// TODO: think through this for edit cases.
// E.g. don't read to end, maybe could specify
// a range to re-read because it should be possible
// to tell where the dirty regions are. After the
// dirty region, it should be possible to fixup
// the line_count data.
// TODO: seems like shrink/expand could do this while
// they are running.
line_count_ = start_line_;
Offset offset = start_offset_;
// Report progress every N lines.
constexpr auto report_interval = 100u;
auto result = next_newline(offset);
auto next_report = report_interval;
while (result) {
if (newlines_.size() < max_newlines)
offset = *result + 1;
if (on_read_progress && line_count_ > next_report) {
on_read_progress(offset, size());
next_report = line_count_ + report_interval;
result = next_newline(offset);
Optional<Offset> read(Offset offset, char* buffer, Offset length) {
if (offset + length > size())
return {};
auto result = wrapped_->read(buffer, length);
if (result.is_error())
return {};
return *result;
bool write(Offset offset, std::string_view value) {
auto result = wrapped_->write(value.data(), value.length());
return result.is_ok();
/* Returns the index of the line in the newline cache if valid. */
Optional<Offset> index_for_line(Line line) const {
if (line >= line_count_)
return {};
Offset actual = line - start_line_;
if (actual >= newlines_.size()) // NB: underflow wrap.
return {};
return actual;
/* Ensure specified line is in the newline cache. */
void ensure_cached(Line line) {
if (line >= line_count_)
auto index = index_for_line(line);
if (index)
if (line < start_line_) {
while (line < start_line_ && start_offset_ >= 2) {
// start_offset_ - 1 should be a newline. Need to
// find the new value for start_offset_. start_line_
// has to be > 0 to get into this block so there should
// always be one newline before start_offset_.
auto offset = previous_newline(start_offset_ - 2);
newlines_.push_front(start_offset_ - 1);
if (!offset) {
// Must be at beginning.
start_line_ = 0;
start_offset_ = 0;
} else {
// Found an previous newline, the new start_line_
// starts at the newline offset + 1.
start_offset_ = *offset + 1;
} else {
while (line >= start_line_ + newlines_.size()) {
auto offset = next_newline(newlines_.back() + 1);
if (offset) {
start_offset_ = newlines_.front() + 1;
} /* else at the EOF. */
/* Finding the first newline backward from offset. */
Optional<Offset> previous_newline(Offset offset) {
char buffer[buffer_size];
auto to_read = buffer_size;
do {
if (offset < to_read) {
// NB: Char at 'offset' was read in the previous iteration.
to_read = offset;
offset = 0;
} else
offset -= to_read;
auto result = wrapped_->read(buffer, to_read);
if (result.is_error())
// Find newlines in the buffer backwards.
for (int32_t i = *result - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
switch (buffer[i]) {
case '\n':
return offset + i;
if (offset == 0)
} while (true);
return {}; // Didn't find one.
/* Finding the first newline forward from offset. */
Optional<Offset> next_newline(Offset offset) {
// EOF, no more newlines to find.
if (offset >= size())
return {};
char buffer[buffer_size];
while (true) {
auto result = wrapped_->read(buffer, buffer_size);
if (result.is_error())
return {};
// Find newlines in the buffer.
for (Offset i = 0; i < *result; ++i) {
switch (buffer[i]) {
case '\n':
return offset + i;
offset += *result;
if (*result < buffer_size)
// For consistency, treat the end of the file as a "newline".
return size() - 1;
/* Grow the file and move file content so that the
* content at src is shifted forward by 'delta'. */
void expand(Offset src, int32_t delta) {
if (delta <= 0) // Not an expand.
char buffer[buffer_size];
auto to_read = buffer_size;
// Number of bytes left to shift.
Offset remaining = size() - src;
Offset offset = size();
Size report_total = remaining;
Size report_interval = report_total / 8;
Size next_report = remaining - report_interval;
while (remaining > 0) {
offset -= std::min(remaining, buffer_size);
to_read = std::min(remaining, buffer_size);
auto result = wrapped_->read(buffer, to_read);
if (result.is_error())
wrapped_->seek(offset + delta);
result = wrapped_->write(buffer, *result);
if (result.is_error())
remaining -= *result;
if (on_read_progress && remaining <= next_report) {
on_read_progress(report_total - remaining, report_total);
next_report = remaining > report_interval ? remaining - report_interval : 0;
/* Shrink the file and move file content so that the
* content at src is shifted backward by 'delta'. */
void shrink(Offset src, int32_t delta) {
if (delta >= 0) // Not a shrink.
char buffer[buffer_size];
auto offset = src;
Size report_total = size();
Size report_interval = report_total / 8;
Size next_report = offset + report_interval;
while (true) {
auto result = wrapped_->read(buffer, buffer_size);
if (result.is_error())
wrapped_->seek(offset + delta);
result = wrapped_->write(buffer, *result);
if (result.is_error() || *result < buffer_size)
offset += *result;
if (on_read_progress && offset >= next_report) {
on_read_progress(offset, report_total);
next_report = offset + report_interval;
// Delete the extra bytes at the end of the file.
BufferType* wrapped_{};
/* Total number of lines in the buffer. */
Offset line_count_{0};
/* The offset and line of the newlines cache. */
Offset start_offset_{0};
Offset start_line_{0};
LineEnding line_ending_{LineEnding::LF};
CircularBuffer<Offset, max_newlines + 1> newlines_{};
/* A BufferWrapper over a file. */
class FileWrapper : public BufferWrapper<File, 64> {
template <typename T>
using Result = File::Result<T>;
using Error = File::Error;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<FileWrapper>> open(
const std::filesystem::path& path,
bool create = false,
std::function<void(Size, Size)> on_read_progress = nullptr) {
auto fw = std::unique_ptr<FileWrapper>(new FileWrapper());
auto error = fw->file_.open(path, /*read_only*/ false, create);
if (error)
return *error;
if (on_read_progress)
fw->on_read_progress = on_read_progress;
return fw;
/* Underlying file. */
File& file() { return file_; }
/* Swaps out the underlying file for the specified file.
* The swapped file is expected have the same contents.
* For copy-on-write scenario with a temp file. */
bool assume_file(const std::filesystem::path& path) {
File file;
auto error = file.open(path, /*read_only*/ false);
if (error)
return false;
file_ = std::move(file);
return true;
FileWrapper() {}
void initialize() {
File file_{};
template <uint32_t CacheSize = 64, typename T>
BufferWrapper<T, CacheSize> wrap_buffer(T& buffer) {
return {&buffer};
#endif // __FILE_WRAPPER_HPP__