mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 01:19:18 -04:00

Added the Vaisala RS41 data packet decoding. Changed the default freq from 402.0 to 402.7 Mhz, since it is more popular freq. Lowered the frequency stepping, so it is easier to fine-tune the exact freq center, if needed. Sonde's Serial ID is passed into the VIEW MAP, so now the sonde is labelled on the map.
245 lines
8.0 KiB
245 lines
8.0 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sonde_packet.hpp"
#include "string_format.hpp"
#include <cstring>
//#include <complex>
namespace sonde {
//Defines for Vaisala RS41, from https://github.com/rs1729/RS/blob/master/rs41/rs41sg.c
#define MASK_LEN 64
#define pos_FrameNb 0x37 //0x03B // 2 byte
#define pos_SondeID 0x39 //0x03D // 8 byte
#define pos_Voltage 0x041 //0x045 // 3 bytes (but first one is the important one) voltage x 10 ie: 26 = 2.6v
#define pos_CalData 0x04E //0x052 // 1 byte, counter 0x00..0x32
#define pos_GPSweek 0x091 //0x095 // 2 byte
#define pos_GPSTOW 0x093 //0x097 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefX 0x110 //0x114 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefY 0x114 //0x118 // 4 byte (not actually used since Y and Z are following X, and grabbed in that same loop)
#define pos_GPSecefZ 0x118 //0x11C // 4 byte (same as Y)
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 //3.1416 //(3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
const baseband::Packet& packet,
const Type type
) : packet_ { packet },
decoder_ { packet_ },
reader_bi_m { decoder_ },
type_ { type }
if (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_unknown) {
// Right now we're just sure that the sync is from a Meteomodem sonde, differentiate between models now
const uint32_t id_byte = reader_bi_m.read(0 * 8, 16);
if (id_byte == 0x649F)
type_ = Type::Meteomodem_M10;
else if (id_byte == 0x648F)
type_ = Type::Meteomodem_M2K2;
size_t Packet::length() const {
return decoder_.symbols_count();
bool Packet::is_valid() const {
return true; // TODO
Timestamp Packet::received_at() const {
return packet_.timestamp();
Packet::Type Packet::type() const {
return type_;
//euquiq here:
//RS41SG 320 bits header, 320bytes frame (or more if it is an "extended frame")
//The raw data is xor-scrambled with the values in the 64 bytes vaisala_mask (see.hpp)
uint8_t Packet::vaisala_descramble(const uint32_t pos) const {
//return reader_raw.read(pos * 8, 8) ^ vaisala_mask[pos & 63];
// packet_[i]; its a bit; packet_.size the total (should be 2560 bits)
uint8_t value = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
value = (value << 1) | packet_[(pos * 8) + (7 -i)]; //get the byte from the bits collection
//packetReader reader { packet_ }; //This works just as above.
//value = reader.read(pos * 8,8);
//shift pos because first 4 bytes are consumed by proc_sonde in finding the vaisala signature
uint32_t mask_pos = pos + 4;
value = value ^ vaisala_mask[mask_pos % MASK_LEN]; //descramble with the xor pseudorandom table
return value;
GPS_data Packet::get_GPS_data() const {
GPS_data result;
if ((type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10) || (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2)) {
result.alt = (reader_bi_m.read(22 * 8, 32) / 1000) - 48;
result.lat = reader_bi_m.read(14 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
result.lon = reader_bi_m.read(18 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
} else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
uint8_t XYZ_bytes[4];
int32_t XYZ; // 32bit
double_t X[3];
for (int32_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) { //Get X,Y,Z ECEF position from GPS
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) //each one is 4 bytes (32 bits)
XYZ_bytes[i] = vaisala_descramble(pos_GPSecefX + (4*k) + i);
memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4);
X[k] = XYZ / 100.0;
double_t a = 6378137.0;
double_t b = 6356752.31424518;
double_t e = sqrt( (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) );
double_t ee = sqrt( (a*a - b*b) / (b*b) );
double_t lam = atan2( X[1] , X[0] );
double_t p = sqrt( X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] );
double_t t = atan2( X[2]*a , p*b );
double_t phi = atan2( X[2] + ee*ee * b * sin(t)*sin(t)*sin(t) ,
p - e*e * a * cos(t)*cos(t)*cos(t) );
double_t R = a / sqrt( 1 - e*e*sin(phi)*sin(phi) );
result.alt = p / cos(phi) - R;
result.lat = phi*180/PI;
result.lon = lam*180/PI;
return result;
uint32_t Packet::battery_voltage() const {
if (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10)
return (reader_bi_m.read(69 * 8, 8) + (reader_bi_m.read(70 * 8, 8) << 8)) * 1000 / 150;
else if (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2)
return reader_bi_m.read(69 * 8, 8) * 66; // Actually 65.8
else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
uint32_t voltage = vaisala_descramble(pos_Voltage) * 100; //byte 69 = voltage * 10 (check if this value needs to be multiplied)
return voltage;
else {
return 0; // Unknown
std::string Packet::type_string() const {
switch (type_) {
case Type::Unknown: return "Unknown";
case Type::Meteomodem_unknown: return "Meteomodem ???";
case Type::Meteomodem_M10: return "Meteomodem M10";
case Type::Meteomodem_M2K2: return "Meteomodem M2K2";
case Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG: return "Vaisala RS41-SG";
default: return "? 0x" + symbols_formatted().data.substr(0, 6);
std::string Packet::serial_number() const {
if (type() == Type::Meteomodem_M10) {
// See https://github.com/rs1729/RS/blob/master/m10/m10x.c line 606
// Starting at byte #93: 00000000 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444
// 44444444 33333333
return to_string_hex(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 16, 4), 1) +
to_string_dec_uint(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 20, 4), 2, '0') + " " +
to_string_hex(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 4, 4), 1) + " " +
to_string_dec_uint(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 24, 3), 1) +
to_string_dec_uint(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 27, 13), 4, '0');
} else if(type() == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
std::string serial_id = "";
uint8_t achar;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { //euquiq: Serial ID is 8 bytes long, each byte a char
achar = vaisala_descramble(pos_SondeID + i);
if (achar < 32 || achar > 126) return "?"; //Maybe there are ids with less than 8 bytes and this is not OK.
serial_id += (char)achar;
return serial_id;
} else
return "?";
FormattedSymbols Packet::symbols_formatted() const {
if (type() == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) { //Euquiq: now we distinguish different types
uint32_t bytes = packet_.size() / 8; //Need the byte amount, which if full, it SHOULD be 320 size() should return 2560
std::string hex_data;
std::string hex_error;
hex_data.reserve(bytes * 2); //2 hexa chars per byte
for (uint32_t i=0; i < bytes; i++) //log will show the packet starting on the last 4 bytes from signature 93DF1A60
hex_data += to_string_hex(vaisala_descramble(i),2);
return { hex_data, hex_error };
} else {
return format_symbols(decoder_);
bool Packet::crc_ok() const {
switch(type()) {
case Type::Meteomodem_M10: return crc_ok_M10();
default: return false;
bool Packet::crc_ok_M10() const {
uint16_t cs { 0 };
uint32_t c0, c1, t, t6, t7, s,b ;
for (size_t i = 0; i < packet_.size(); i++) {
b = packet_[i];
c1 = cs & 0xFF;
// B
b = (b >> 1) | ((b & 1) << 7);
b ^= (b >> 2) & 0xFF;
// A1
t6 = (cs & 1) ^ ((cs >> 2) & 1) ^ ((cs >> 4) & 1);
t7 = ((cs >> 1) & 1) ^ ((cs >> 3) & 1) ^ ((cs >> 5) & 1);
t = (cs & 0x3F) | (t6 << 6) | (t7 << 7);
// A2
s = (cs >> 7) & 0xFF;
s ^= (s >> 2) & 0xFF;
c0 = b ^ t ^ s;
cs = ((c1<<8) | c0) & 0xFFFF;
return ((cs & 0xFFFF) == ((packet_[0x63] << 8) | (packet_[0x63 + 1])));
} /* namespace sonde */