mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 05:56:01 -05:00

# The first commit's message is: Updated RDS transmitter: flags, PI and date/time Merging baseband audio tone generators Merging DTMF baseband with "tones" baseband Added stealth transmit mode App flash section bumped to 512k RX and TX LEDs are now used Play dead should work again, added login option Morse frame gen. for letters and fox hunt codes Merged EPAR with Xylos Made EPAR use encoders for frame gen. Moved OOK encoders data in encoders.hpp Simplified about screen, ui_about_demo.* files are still there BHT city DB, keywords removed BHT cities DB, keywords removed Update README.md RDS radiotext and time group generators # This is the 2nd commit message: Update README.md
419 lines
9.9 KiB
419 lines
9.9 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <ch.h>
#include "demofont.hpp"
#include "ymdata.hpp"
#include "cpld_update.hpp"
#include "portapack.hpp"
#include "audio.hpp"
#include "event_m0.hpp"
#include "ui_about.hpp"
#include "touch.hpp"
#include "sine_table.hpp"
#include "portapack_shared_memory.hpp"
#include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp"
#include "lpc43xx_cpp.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include <cstring>
using namespace lpc43xx;
using namespace portapack;
namespace ui {
void AboutView::on_show() {
transmitter_model.set_tuning_frequency(1337000000); // TODO: Change
.mode = 0,
.sampling_rate = 1536000,
.decimation_factor = 1,
baseband::set_audiotx_data(32, 50, false, 0);
//audio::headphone::set_volume(volume_t::decibel(0 - 99) + audio::headphone::volume_range().max);
void AboutView::render_video() {
uint8_t p, r, luma, chroma, cy;
ui::Color cc;
char ch;
float s;
// Send framebuffer to LCD. Gotta go fast !
display.render_box({30, 112}, {180, 72}, framebuffer);
// Clear framebuffer to black
memset(framebuffer, 0, 180 * 72 * sizeof(ui::Color));
// Drum hit palette animation
if (drum > 1) drum--;
// Render copper bars from Y buffer
for (p = 0; p < 72; p++) {
luma = copperbuffer[p] & 0x0F; // 0 is transparent
if (luma) {
chroma = copperbuffer[p]>>4;
cc = ui::Color(std::min((coppercolor[chroma][0]/luma)*drum,255), std::min((coppercolor[chroma][1]/luma)*drum,255), std::min((coppercolor[chroma][2]/luma)*drum,255));
for (r = 0; r < 180; r++)
framebuffer[(p*180)+r] = cc;
// Scroll in/out state machine
if (anim_state == 0) {
// Scroll in
if (ofy < 8) {
anim_state = 0;
} else {
anim_state = 1;
if (ofx < (int16_t)(180 - (strlen(credits[credits_index].name) * 16) - 8)) {
ofx += 8;
anim_state = 0;
} else if (anim_state == 1) {
// Just wait
if (credits_timer == (30*3)) {
credits_timer = 0;
anim_state = 2;
} else {
} else {
// Scroll out
if (credits[credits_index].change == true) {
if (ofy > -24) {
anim_state = 2;
} else {
anim_state = 0;
} else {
anim_state = 0;
if (ofx < 180) {
ofx += 8;
anim_state = 2;
// Switch to next text
if (anim_state == 0) {
if (credits_index == 9)
credits_index = 0;
ofx = -(strlen(credits[credits_index].name) * 16) - 16;
// Sine text ("role")
p = 0;
while ((ch = credits[credits_index].role[p])) {
draw_demoglyph({(ui::Coord)(8+(p*16)), (ui::Coord)(ofy+(sine_table_f32[((p*16)+(phase>>5))&0xFF] * 8))}, ch, paletteA);
// Scroll text (name)
p = 0;
while ((ch = credits[credits_index].name[p])) {
draw_demoglyph({(ui::Coord)(ofx+(p*16)), 56}, ch, paletteB);
// Clear bars Y buffer
memset(copperbuffer, 0, 72);
// Render bars to Y buffer
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++) {
cy = copperbars[p];
for (r = 0; r < 16; r++)
copperbuffer[cy+r] = copperluma[r] + (p<<4);
// Animate bars positions
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++) {
s = sine_table_f32[((p*32)+(phase/24))&0xFF];
s += sine_table_f32[((p*16)+(phase/35))&0xFF];
copperbars[p] = 28+(uint8_t)(s * 14);
phase += 128;
void AboutView::draw_demoglyph(ui::Point p, char ch, ui::Color * pal) {
uint8_t x, y, c, cl, cr;
uint16_t che;
int16_t lbx, il;
// Map ASCII to font bitmap
if ((ch >= 32) || (ch < 96))
che = char_map[ch-32];
che = 0xFF;
if (che < 0xFF) {
che = (che * 128) + 48; // Start in bitmap
il = (180 * p.y) + p.x; // Start il framebuffer
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
if (p.y + y >= 72) break; // Over bottom of framebuffer, abort
if (p.y + y >= 0) {
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
c = demofont_bin[x+(y*8)+che]; // Split byte in 2 4BPP pixels
cl = c >> 4;
cr = c & 0x0F;
lbx = p.x + (x*2);
if (cl && (lbx < 180) && (lbx >= 0)) framebuffer[il] = pal[cl];
if (cr && (lbx < 180) && (lbx >= 0)) framebuffer[il] = pal[cr];
il += 180-16;
} else {
il += 180;
void AboutView::render_audio() {
uint8_t i, ymdata;
uint16_t ym_render_cnt;
// This is heavily inspired by MAME's ay8910.cpp and the YM2149's datasheet
// Render 1024 music samples
for (ym_render_cnt = 0; ym_render_cnt < 1024; ym_render_cnt++) {
// Update registers at 48000/960 = 50Hz
if (ym_sample_cnt == 0) {
// "Decompress" on the fly and update YM registers
for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
if (!ym_regs[i].cnt) {
// New run
ymdata = ymdata_bin[ym_regs[i].ptr++];
ym_regs[i].cnt = ymdata & 0x7F;
if (ymdata & 0x80) {
ym_regs[i].same = true;
ym_regs[i].value = ymdata_bin[ym_regs[i].ptr++];
} else {
ym_regs[i].same = false;
// Detect drum on channel B
if (i == 3)
if (ym_regs[3].value > 2) drum = 4;
if (ym_regs[i].same == false) {
ym_regs[i].value = ymdata_bin[ym_regs[i].ptr++];
if (i == 13) {
// Update envelope attributes
ym_env_att = (ym_regs[13].value & 4) ? 0x1F : 0x00;
if (!(ym_regs[13].value & 8)) {
ym_env_hold = 1;
ym_env_alt = ym_env_att;
} else {
ym_env_hold = ym_regs[13].value & 1;
ym_env_alt = ym_regs[13].value & 2;
// Reset envelope counter
ym_env_step = 0x1F;
ym_env_holding = 0;
ym_env_vol = (ym_env_step ^ ym_env_att);
// Square wave oscillators
// 2457600/16/48000 = 3.2, but 4 sounds better than 3...
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ym_osc_cnt[i] += 4;
if (ym_osc_cnt[i] >= (ym_regs[i*2].value | ((ym_regs[(i*2)+1].value & 0x0f) << 8))) {
ym_osc_cnt[i] = 0;
ym_osc_out[i] ^= 1;
// Noise generator
ym_noise_cnt += 4;
if (ym_noise_cnt >= ((ym_regs[6].value & 0x1F) * 2)) {
ym_noise_cnt = 0;
ym_rng ^= (((ym_rng & 1) ^ ((ym_rng >> 3) & 1)) << 17);
ym_rng >>= 1;
// Mix tones and noise
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ym_ch[i] = (ym_osc_out[i] | ((ym_regs[7].value >> i) & 1)) & ((ym_rng & 1) | ((ym_regs[7].value >> (i + 3)) & 1));
// Envelope generator
if (!ym_env_holding) {
ym_env_cnt += 8;
if (ym_env_cnt >= (ym_regs[11].value | (ym_regs[12].value<<8))) {
ym_env_cnt = 0;
if (ym_env_step < 0) {
if (ym_env_hold) {
if (ym_env_alt)
ym_env_att ^= 0x1F;
ym_env_holding = 1;
ym_env_step = 0;
} else {
if (ym_env_alt && (ym_env_step & 0x20))
ym_env_att ^= 0x1F;
ym_env_step &= 0x1F;
ym_env_vol = (ym_env_step ^ ym_env_att);
ym_out = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (ym_regs[i + 8].value & 0x10) {
// Envelope mode
ym_out += (ym_ch[i] ? ym_env_vol : 0);
} else {
// Fixed mode
ym_out += (ym_ch[i] ? (ym_regs[i + 8].value & 0x0F) : 0);
ym_buffer[ym_render_cnt] = (ym_out * 2) - 45;
if (ym_sample_cnt < 960) {
} else {
ym_sample_cnt = 0;
// Loop
if (ym_frame == ym_frames) ym_init();
void AboutView::update() {
if (framebuffer) {
// Update 1 out of 2 frames, 60Hz is very laggy
if (refresh_cnt & 1) render_video();
// Slowly increase volume to avoid jumpscare
if (headphone_vol < (70 << 2)) {
audio::headphone::set_volume(volume_t::decibel((headphone_vol/4) - 99) + audio::headphone::volume_range().max);
void AboutView::ym_init() {
uint8_t reg;
for (reg = 0; reg < 14; reg++) {
ym_regs[reg].cnt = 0;
// Pick up start pointers for each YM registers RLE blocks
ym_regs[reg].ptr = ((uint16_t)(ymdata_bin[(reg*2)+3])<<8) + ymdata_bin[(reg*2)+2];
ym_regs[reg].same = false; // Useless ?
ym_regs[reg].value = 0; // Useless ?
ym_frame = 0;
NavigationView& nav
uint8_t p, c;
add_children({ {
} });
if( cpld_hackrf_verify_eeprom() ) {
text_cpld_hackrf_status.set(" OK");
} else {
// Politely ask for about 26kB
framebuffer = (ui::Color *)chHeapAlloc(0x0, 180 * 72 * sizeof(ui::Color));
if (framebuffer) {
memset(framebuffer, 0, 180 * 72 * sizeof(ui::Color));
// Copy original font palette
c = 0;
for (p = 0; p < 48; p+=3)
paletteA[c++] = ui::Color(demofont_bin[p], demofont_bin[p+1], demofont_bin[p+2]);
// Increase red in another one
c = 0;
for (p = 0; p < 48; p+=3)
paletteB[c++] = ui::Color(std::min(demofont_bin[p]+64, 255), demofont_bin[p+1], demofont_bin[p+2]);
// Init YM synth
ym_frames = ((uint16_t)(ymdata_bin[1])<<8) + ymdata_bin[0];
button_ok.on_select = [this,&nav](Button&){
if (framebuffer) chHeapFree(framebuffer); // Do NOT forget this
AboutView::~AboutView() {
void AboutView::focus() {
} /* namespace ui */