New ui_scanner, inspired on AlainD's (alain00091) PR:
It includes the following:
1) A big frequency numbers display.
2) A Manual scan section (you can input a frequency range (START / END), choose a STEP value from an available of standard frequency intervals, and press SCAN button.
3) An AM / WFM / NFM scan mode selector, changing "on the fly".
4) A PAUSE / RESUME button, which will make the scanner to stop upon you listening something of interest
5) AUDIO APP button, a quick shortcut into the analog audio visualizing / recording app, with the mode, frequency, amp, LNA, VGA settings already in tune with the scanner.
6) Two enums are added to freqman.hpp, reserved for compatibility with AlainD's proposed freqman's app and / or further enhancement. More on this topic:
ORIGINAL scanner just used one frequency step, when creating scanning frequency ranges, which was unacceptable. AlainD enhanced freqman in order to pass different steppings along with ranges. This seems an excellent idea, and I preserved that aspect on my current implementation of thisscanner, while adding those enums into the freqman just to keep the door open for AlainD's freqman in the future.
7) I did eliminate the extra blank spaces added by function to_string_short_freq() which created unnecessary spacing in every app where there is need for a SHORT string, from a frequency number. (SHORT!, no extra spaces!!)
8) I also maintained AlainD idea of capping the number of frequencies which are dynamically created for each range and stored inside a memory based db. While AlainD capped the number into 400 frequencies, I was able to up that value a bit more, into 500.