    ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Giovanni Di Sirio

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

 * LPC13xx drivers configuration.
 * The following settings override the default settings present in
 * the various device driver implementation headers.
 * Note that the settings for each driver only have effect if the driver
 * is enabled in halconf.h.
 * IRQ priorities:
 * 7...0        Lowest...highest.

 * HAL driver system settings.
#define LPC13xx_SYSPLL_MUL                  6
#define LPC13xx_SYSPLL_DIV                  4
#define LPC13xx_SYSABHCLK_DIV               1

 * ADC driver system settings.

 * CAN driver system settings.

 * GPT driver system settings.
#define LPC13xx_GPT_USE_CT16B0              TRUE
#define LPC13xx_GPT_USE_CT16B1              TRUE
#define LPC13xx_GPT_USE_CT32B0              TRUE
#define LPC13xx_GPT_USE_CT32B1              TRUE
#define LPC13xx_GPT_CT16B0_IRQ_PRIORITY     2
#define LPC13xx_GPT_CT16B1_IRQ_PRIORITY     2
#define LPC13xx_GPT_CT32B0_IRQ_PRIORITY     2
#define LPC13xx_GPT_CT32B1_IRQ_PRIORITY     2

 * PWM driver system settings.

 * SERIAL driver system settings.
#define LPC13xx_SERIAL_USE_UART0            TRUE
#define LPC13xx_SERIAL_FIFO_PRELOAD         16
#define LPC13xx_SERIAL_UART0CLKDIV          1

 * SPI driver system settings.
#define LPC13xx_SPI_USE_SSP0                TRUE
#define LPC13xx_SPI_USE_SSP1                FALSE
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SSP0CLKDIV              1
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SSP1CLKDIV              1
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SSP0_IRQ_PRIORITY       5
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SSP1_IRQ_PRIORITY       5
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SSP_ERROR_HOOK(spip)    chSysHalt()
#define LPC13xx_SPI_SCK0_SELECTOR           SCK0_IS_PIO2_11