/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2018 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_scanner.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace ui { ScannerThread::ScannerThread( std::vector frequency_list ) : frequency_list_ { std::move(frequency_list) } { thread = chThdCreateFromHeap(NULL, 1024, NORMALPRIO + 10, ScannerThread::static_fn, this); } ScannerThread::~ScannerThread() { stop(); } void ScannerThread::stop() { if( thread ) { chThdTerminate(thread); chThdWait(thread); thread = nullptr; } } void ScannerThread::set_scanning(const bool v) { _scanning = v; } bool ScannerThread::is_scanning() { return _scanning; } void ScannerThread::set_userpause(const bool v) { _userpause = v; } bool ScannerThread::is_userpause() { return _userpause; } msg_t ScannerThread::static_fn(void* arg) { auto obj = static_cast(arg); obj->run(); return 0; } void ScannerThread::run() { if (frequency_list_.size()) { //IF THERE IS A FREQUENCY LIST ... RetuneMessage message { }; uint32_t frequency_index = 0; while( !chThdShouldTerminate() ) { if (_scanning) { // Retune receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(frequency_list_[frequency_index]); message.range = frequency_index; EventDispatcher::send_message(message); frequency_index++; if (frequency_index >= frequency_list_.size()) frequency_index = 0; } chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); //50 is enough for reception stabilization, increase for more precise scanning ? } } } void ScannerView::handle_retune(uint32_t i) { big_display.set(frequency_list[i]); //Show the big Freq text_cycle.set( to_string_dec_uint(i + 1,3) ); if (description_list[i].size() > 0) desc_cycle.set( description_list[i] ); //If this is a new description: show } void ScannerView::focus() { field_mode.focus(); } ScannerView::~ScannerView() { audio::output::stop(); receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void ScannerView::show_max() { //show total number of freqs to scan if (frequency_list.size() == MAX_DB_ENTRY) text_max.set( "/ " + to_string_dec_uint(MAX_DB_ENTRY) + " (DB MAX!)"); else text_max.set( "/ " + to_string_dec_uint(frequency_list.size())); } ScannerView::ScannerView( NavigationView& nav ) : nav_ { nav } { add_children({ &labels, &field_lna, &field_vga, &field_rf_amp, &field_volume, &field_bw, &field_squelch, &field_wait, &rssi, &text_cycle, &text_max, &desc_cycle, &big_display, &button_manual_start, &button_manual_end, &field_mode, &step_mode, &button_manual_scan, &button_pause, &button_audio_app }); def_step = change_mode(AM); //Start on AM field_mode.set_by_value(AM); //Reflect the mode into the manual selector big_display.set_style(&style_green); //Start with green color button_manual_start.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav_.push(frequency_range.min); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { frequency_range.min = f; button_manual_start.set_text(to_string_short_freq(f)); }; }; button_manual_end.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav.push(frequency_range.max); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { frequency_range.max = f; button_manual_end.set_text(to_string_short_freq(f)); }; }; button_pause.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (scan_thread->is_userpause()) { timer = wait * 10; //Unlock timer pause on_statistics_update button_pause.set_text("PAUSE"); //resume scanning (show button for pause) scan_thread->set_userpause(false); //scan_resume(); } else { scan_pause(); scan_thread->set_userpause(true); button_pause.set_text("RESUME"); //PAUSED, show resume } }; button_audio_app.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (scan_thread->is_scanning()) scan_thread->set_scanning(false); scan_thread->stop(); nav_.pop(); nav_.push(); }; button_manual_scan.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (!frequency_range.min || !frequency_range.max) { nav_.display_modal("Error", "Both START and END freqs\nneed a value"); } else if (frequency_range.min > frequency_range.max) { nav_.display_modal("Error", "END freq\nis lower than START"); } else { scan_thread->stop(); //STOP SCANNER THREAD frequency_list.clear(); description_list.clear(); def_step = step_mode.selected_index_value(); //Use def_step from manual selector description_list.push_back( "M:" + to_string_short_freq(frequency_range.min) + ">" + to_string_short_freq(frequency_range.max) + " S:" + to_string_short_freq(def_step) ); rf::Frequency frequency = frequency_range.min; while (frequency_list.size() < MAX_DB_ENTRY && frequency <= frequency_range.max) { //add manual range frequency_list.push_back(frequency); description_list.push_back(""); //If empty, will keep showing the last description frequency+=def_step; } show_max(); start_scan_thread(); //RESTART SCANNER THREAD } }; field_mode.on_change = [this](size_t, OptionsField::value_t v) { if (scan_thread->is_scanning()) scan_thread->set_scanning(false); // WE STOP SCANNING audio::output::stop(); scan_thread->stop(); receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); change_mode(v); start_scan_thread(); }; //PRE-CONFIGURATION: field_wait.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { wait = v; }; field_wait.set_value(5); field_squelch.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { squelch = v; }; field_squelch.set_value(30); field_volume.set_value((receiver_model.headphone_volume() - audio::headphone::volume_range().max).decibel() + 99); field_volume.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { this->on_headphone_volume_changed(v); }; // LEARN FREQUENCIES std::string scanner_txt = "SCANNER"; if ( load_freqman_file(scanner_txt, database) ) { for(auto& entry : database) { // READ LINE PER LINE if (frequency_list.size() < MAX_DB_ENTRY) { //We got space! if (entry.type == RANGE) { //RANGE switch (entry.step) { case AM_US: def_step = 10000; break ; case AM_EUR:def_step = 9000; break ; case NFM_1: def_step = 12500; break ; case NFM_2: def_step = 6250; break ; case FM_1: def_step = 100000; break ; case FM_2: def_step = 50000; break ; case N_1: def_step = 25000; break ; case N_2: def_step = 250000; break ; case AIRBAND:def_step= 8330; break ; } frequency_list.push_back(entry.frequency_a); //Store starting freq and description description_list.push_back("R:" + to_string_short_freq(entry.frequency_a) + ">" + to_string_short_freq(entry.frequency_b) + " S:" + to_string_short_freq(def_step)); while (frequency_list.size() < MAX_DB_ENTRY && entry.frequency_a <= entry.frequency_b) { //add the rest of the range entry.frequency_a+=def_step; frequency_list.push_back(entry.frequency_a); description_list.push_back(""); //Token (keep showing the last description) } } else if ( entry.type == SINGLE) { frequency_list.push_back(entry.frequency_a); description_list.push_back("S: " + entry.description); } show_max(); } else { break; //No more space: Stop reading the txt file ! } } } else { desc_cycle.set(" NO SCANNER.TXT FILE ..." ); } audio::output::stop(); step_mode.set_by_value(def_step); //Impose the default step into the manual step selector start_scan_thread(); } void ScannerView::on_statistics_update(const ChannelStatistics& statistics) { if (!scan_thread->is_userpause()) { if (timer >= (wait * 10) ) { timer=0; scan_resume(); } else if (!timer) { if (statistics.max_db > -squelch) { //There is something on the air... scan_pause(); timer++; } } else { timer++; } } } void ScannerView::scan_pause() { if (scan_thread->is_scanning()) { scan_thread->set_scanning(false); // WE STOP SCANNING audio::output::start(); } } void ScannerView::scan_resume() { if (!scan_thread->is_scanning()) { audio::output::stop(); scan_thread->set_scanning(true); // WE RESCAN } } void ScannerView::on_headphone_volume_changed(int32_t v) { const auto new_volume = volume_t::decibel(v - 99) + audio::headphone::volume_range().max; receiver_model.set_headphone_volume(new_volume); } size_t ScannerView::change_mode(uint8_t new_mod) { //Before this, do a scan_thread->stop(); After this do a start_scan_thread() using option_t = std::pair; using options_t = std::vector; options_t bw; field_bw.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t) { }; switch (new_mod) { case NFM: //bw 16k (2) default bw.emplace_back("8k5", 0); bw.emplace_back("11k", 0); bw.emplace_back("16k", 0); field_bw.set_options(bw); baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_nfm_audio); receiver_model.set_modulation(ReceiverModel::Mode::NarrowbandFMAudio); field_bw.set_selected_index(2); receiver_model.set_nbfm_configuration(field_bw.selected_index()); field_bw.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t) { receiver_model.set_nbfm_configuration(n); }; receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(3072000); receiver_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(1750000); break; case AM: bw.emplace_back("DSB", 0); bw.emplace_back("USB", 0); bw.emplace_back("LSB", 0); field_bw.set_options(bw); baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_am_audio); receiver_model.set_modulation(ReceiverModel::Mode::AMAudio); field_bw.set_selected_index(0); receiver_model.set_am_configuration(field_bw.selected_index()); field_bw.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t) { receiver_model.set_am_configuration(n); }; receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(2000000);receiver_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(2000000); break; case WFM: bw.emplace_back("16k", 0); field_bw.set_options(bw); baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_wfm_audio); receiver_model.set_modulation(ReceiverModel::Mode::WidebandFMAudio); field_bw.set_selected_index(0); receiver_model.set_wfm_configuration(field_bw.selected_index()); field_bw.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t) { receiver_model.set_wfm_configuration(n); }; receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(3072000); receiver_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(2000000); break; } return mod_step[new_mod]; } void ScannerView::start_scan_thread() { receiver_model.enable(); receiver_model.set_squelch_level(0); scan_thread = std::make_unique(frequency_list); } } /* namespace ui */