/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_recon_settings.hpp" #include "ui_navigation.hpp" #include "ui_fileman.hpp" #include "ui_textentry.hpp" #include "file.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace portapack; namespace ui { bool ReconSetupLoadStrings( std::string source, std::string &input_file , std::string &output_file , uint32_t &recon_lock_duration , uint32_t &recon_lock_nb_match , int32_t &recon_squelch_level , uint32_t &recon_match_mode , int32_t &wait , uint32_t &lock_wait , int32_t &volume ) { File settings_file; size_t length, file_position = 0; char * pos; char * line_start; char * line_end; char file_data[257]; uint32_t it = 0 ; uint32_t nb_params = 9 ; std::string params[ 9 ]; bool check_sd_card = (sd_card::status() == sd_card::Status::Mounted) ? true : false ; if( check_sd_card ) { auto result = settings_file.open( source ); if( !result.is_valid() ) { while( it < nb_params ) { // Read a 256 bytes block from file settings_file.seek(file_position); memset(file_data, 0, 257); auto read_size = settings_file.read(file_data, 256); if (read_size.is_error()) break ; file_position += 256; // Reset line_start to beginning of buffer line_start = file_data; pos=line_start; while ((line_end = strstr(line_start, "\x0A"))) { length = line_end - line_start - 1 ; params[ it ] = string( pos , length ); it ++ ; line_start = line_end + 1; pos=line_start ; if (line_start - file_data >= 256) break; if( it >= nb_params ) break ; } if (read_size.value() != 256) break; // End of file // Restart at beginning of last incomplete line file_position -= (file_data + 256 - line_start); } } } if( it > 0 ) input_file = params[ 0 ]; else input_file = "RECON" ; if( it > 1 ) output_file= params[ 1 ]; else output_file = "RECON_RESULTS" ; if( it > 2 ) recon_lock_duration = strtoll( params[ 2 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else recon_lock_duration = 50 ; if( it > 3 ) recon_lock_nb_match = strtoll( params[ 3 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else recon_lock_nb_match = 10 ; if( it > 4 ) recon_squelch_level = strtoll( params[ 4 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else recon_squelch_level = -14 ; if( it > 5 ) recon_match_mode = strtoll( params[ 5 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else recon_match_mode = 0 ; if( it > 6 ) wait = strtoll( params[ 6 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else wait = 5000 ; if( it > 7 ) lock_wait = strtoll( params[ 7 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else lock_wait = 1000 ; if( it > 8 ) volume = strtoll( params[ 8 ].c_str() , nullptr , 10 ); else volume = 40 ; if( it < nb_params ) { /* bad number of params, signal defaults */ return false ; } return true ; } bool ReconSetupSaveStrings( std::string dest, std::string input_file , std::string output_file , uint32_t recon_lock_duration , uint32_t recon_lock_nb_match , int32_t recon_squelch_level , uint32_t recon_match_mode , int32_t wait , uint32_t lock_wait , int32_t volume ) { File settings_file; auto result = settings_file.create( dest ); if( result.is_valid() ) return false ; settings_file.write_line( input_file ); settings_file.write_line( output_file ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_uint( recon_lock_duration ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_uint( recon_lock_nb_match ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_int( recon_squelch_level ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_uint( recon_match_mode ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_int( wait ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_uint( lock_wait ) ); settings_file.write_line( to_string_dec_int( volume ) ); return true ; } ReconSetupViewMain::ReconSetupViewMain( NavigationView &nav , Rect parent_rect , std::string input_file , std::string output_file ) : View( parent_rect ) , _input_file { input_file } , _output_file { output_file } { hidden(true); add_children({ &button_load_freqs, &text_input_file, &button_save_freqs, &button_output_file, &checkbox_autosave_freqs, &checkbox_autostart_recon, &checkbox_continuous, &checkbox_clear_output }); checkbox_autosave_freqs.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_autosave_freqs() ); checkbox_autostart_recon.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_autostart_recon() ); checkbox_continuous.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_continuous() ); checkbox_clear_output.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_clear_output() ); text_input_file.set( _input_file ); button_output_file.set_text( _output_file ); button_load_freqs.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { auto open_view = nav.push(".TXT"); open_view->on_changed = [this,&nav](std::filesystem::path new_file_path) { std::string dir_filter = "FREQMAN/"; std::string str_file_path = new_file_path.string(); if (str_file_path.find(dir_filter) != string::npos) { // assert file from the FREQMAN folder // get the filename without txt extension so we can use load_freqman_file fcn _input_file = new_file_path.stem().string(); text_input_file.set( _input_file ); } else { nav.display_modal("LOAD ERROR", "A valid file from\nFREQMAN directory is\nrequired."); } }; }; button_save_freqs.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { auto open_view = nav.push(".TXT"); open_view->on_changed = [this,&nav](std::filesystem::path new_file_path) { std::string dir_filter = "FREQMAN/"; std::string str_file_path = new_file_path.string(); if (str_file_path.find(dir_filter) != string::npos) { // assert file from the FREQMAN folder _output_file = new_file_path.stem().string(); button_output_file.set_text( _output_file ); } else { nav.display_modal("LOAD ERROR", "A valid file from\nFREQMAN directory is\nrequired."); } }; }; button_output_file.on_select =[this, &nav](Button&) { text_prompt( nav, _output_file , 28 , [this](std::string& buffer) { _output_file = buffer ; button_output_file.set_text( _output_file ); } ); }; }; void ReconSetupViewMain::Save( std::string &input_file , std::string &output_file ) { persistent_memory::set_recon_autosave_freqs(checkbox_autosave_freqs.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_autostart_recon(checkbox_autostart_recon.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_continuous(checkbox_continuous.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_clear_output(checkbox_clear_output.value()); input_file=_input_file ; output_file=_output_file ; }; void ReconSetupViewMore::Save( uint32_t &recon_lock_duration , uint32_t &recon_lock_nb_match , uint32_t &recon_match_mode ) { persistent_memory::set_recon_load_freqs(checkbox_load_freqs.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_load_ranges(checkbox_load_ranges.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_load_hamradios(checkbox_load_hamradios.value()); persistent_memory::set_recon_update_ranges_when_recon(checkbox_update_ranges_when_recon.value()); recon_lock_duration = field_recon_lock_duration.value(); recon_lock_nb_match = field_recon_lock_nb_match.value(); recon_match_mode = field_recon_match_mode . selected_index_value() ; }; void ReconSetupViewMain::focus() { button_load_freqs.focus(); } ReconSetupViewMore::ReconSetupViewMore( NavigationView &nav , Rect parent_rect , uint32_t recon_lock_duration , uint32_t recon_lock_nb_match , uint32_t recon_match_mode ) : View( parent_rect ), _recon_lock_duration { recon_lock_duration } , _recon_lock_nb_match { recon_lock_nb_match } , _recon_match_mode { recon_match_mode } { (void)nav; hidden(true); add_children({ &checkbox_load_freqs, &checkbox_load_ranges, &checkbox_load_hamradios, &checkbox_update_ranges_when_recon, &text_recon_lock_duration, &field_recon_lock_duration, &text_recon_lock_nb, &field_recon_lock_nb_match, &field_recon_match_mode, }); checkbox_load_freqs.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_load_freqs() ); checkbox_load_ranges.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_load_ranges() ); checkbox_load_hamradios.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_load_hamradios() ); checkbox_update_ranges_when_recon.set_value( persistent_memory::recon_update_ranges_when_recon() ); field_recon_lock_duration.set_value( _recon_lock_duration ); field_recon_lock_nb_match.set_value( _recon_lock_nb_match ); field_recon_match_mode.set_by_value( _recon_match_mode ); }; void ReconSetupViewMore::focus() { checkbox_load_freqs.focus(); } void ReconSetupView::focus() { viewMain.focus(); } ReconSetupView::ReconSetupView( NavigationView& nav , std::string _input_file , std::string _output_file , uint32_t _recon_lock_duration , uint32_t _recon_lock_nb_match , uint32_t _recon_match_mode ) : nav_ { nav } , input_file { _input_file } , output_file { _output_file } , recon_lock_duration { _recon_lock_duration } , recon_lock_nb_match { _recon_lock_nb_match } , recon_match_mode { _recon_match_mode } { add_children({ &tab_view, &viewMain, &viewMore, &button_save }); button_save.on_select = [this,&nav](Button&) { viewMain.Save( input_file , output_file ); viewMore.Save( recon_lock_duration , recon_lock_nb_match , recon_match_mode ); std::vector messages ; messages.push_back( input_file ); messages.push_back( output_file ); messages.push_back( to_string_dec_uint( recon_lock_duration ) ); messages.push_back( to_string_dec_uint( recon_lock_nb_match ) ); messages.push_back( to_string_dec_uint( recon_match_mode ) ); on_changed( messages ); nav.pop(); }; } } /* namespace ui */