#include "ui_bmpview.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" bool BMPViewer::load_bmp(const std::filesystem::path& file) { if (!bmp.open(file, true)) return false; // calc default zoom level to fit screen, and min / max zoom too auto rect = screen_rect(); auto d_height = rect.height(); auto d_width = rect.width(); auto b_width = bmp.get_width(); auto b_height = bmp.get_real_height(); // aspects // if image is smaller then our vp auto x_w = d_width / b_width; auto x_h = d_height / b_height; if (x_w < 1 && x_h < 1) { // not zoom in, but zoom out x_w = b_width / d_width; x_h = b_height / d_height; x_w = (127 < x_w) ? 127 : x_w; x_h = (127 < x_h) ? 127 : x_h; zoom_fit = (x_h > x_w) ? -1 * x_h : -1 * x_w; } else { x_w = (127 < x_w) ? 127 : x_w; x_h = (127 < x_h) ? 127 : x_h; zoom_fit = (x_h > x_w) ? x_h : x_w; } if (zoom_fit > max_zoom) zoom_fit = max_zoom; min_zoom = zoom_fit - 3; reset_pos(); return true; } bool BMPViewer::move_pos(int32_t delta_x, int32_t delta_y) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return false; auto rect = screen_rect(); auto d_height = rect.height(); auto d_width = rect.width(); auto ocx = cx; // save old pos auto ocy = cy; // top left protection if (delta_x < 0 && cx <= (uint32_t)(-1 * delta_x)) cx = 0; else cx += delta_x; if (delta_y < 0 && cy <= (uint32_t)(-1 * delta_y)) cy = 0; else cy += delta_y; // right bottom protection float zt = zoom < 0 ? -1.0f / (float)zoom : (float)zoom; if (zt == 0) zt = 1; if (cy + (uint32_t)(d_height / zt) > bmp.get_real_height()) { cy = (bmp.get_real_height() < (uint32_t)(d_height / zt)) ? 0 : bmp.get_real_height() - (uint32_t)(d_height / zt); } if (cx + (uint32_t)(d_width / zt) > bmp.get_width()) { cx = (bmp.get_width() < (uint32_t)(d_width / zt)) ? 0 : bmp.get_width() - (uint32_t)(d_width / zt); } bool ret = !(cx == ocx && ocy == cy); // was any change? if (ret) set_dirty(); return ret; } void BMPViewer::set_zoom(int8_t new_zoom) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return; if (new_zoom > max_zoom) new_zoom = max_zoom; if (new_zoom < min_zoom) new_zoom = min_zoom; if (new_zoom == 0) new_zoom = 1; if (new_zoom == -1) new_zoom = 1; zoom = new_zoom; auto rect = screen_rect(); auto d_height = rect.height(); auto d_width = rect.width(); if (zoom < 0) { mvx = d_width / 3 * (-1.0 * zoom); mvy = d_height / 3 * (-1.0 * zoom); } else { mvx = d_width / zoom / 3; mvy = d_height / zoom / 3; } move_pos(0, 0); // fix based on zoom, without real move (if not edge case) set_dirty(); } // reads a lint from the bmp's bx, by coordinate to the line that's size is cnt. according to zoom void BMPViewer::get_line(ui::Color* line, uint32_t bx, uint32_t by, uint32_t cnt) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return; uint32_t last_targetx = 65534; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < cnt; x++) { uint32_t targetx = (zoom < 0) ? bx + x * -1 * zoom : bx + x / zoom; // on zoom out could probably avg the pixels, or apply some smoothing, but this is way faster. if (last_targetx == targetx) { line[x] = line[x - 1]; continue; } last_targetx = targetx; if (!bmp.seek(targetx, by)) { line[x] = Color::white(); // can't seek there } else { bmp.read_next_px(line[x], false); } } } void BMPViewer::paint(Painter& painter) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) { painter.draw_string({48, 24}, ui::Styles::white, "Can't load BMP"); return; } // get where i can paint auto rect = screen_rect(); auto d_height = rect.height(); auto d_width = rect.width(); uint32_t by = cy; // we start to read from there uint32_t last_by = 65534; ui::Color* line = new ui::Color[d_width]; for (int32_t y = 0; y < d_height; y++) { by = cy + ((zoom < 0) ? y * -1 * zoom : y / (int32_t)zoom); if (by != last_by) get_line(line, cx, by, d_width); last_by = by; portapack::display.draw_pixels({rect.left(), rect.top() + y, d_width, 1}, line, d_width); } delete line; } int8_t BMPViewer::get_zoom() { return zoom; } BMPViewer::BMPViewer(Rect parent_rect) : Widget{parent_rect} { set_focusable(true); } BMPViewer::BMPViewer(Rect parent_rect, const std::filesystem::path& file) : Widget{parent_rect} { set_focusable(true); load_bmp(file); } void BMPViewer::on_focus() { set_highlighted(true); } void BMPViewer::on_blur() { set_dirty(); } void BMPViewer::reset_pos() { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return; cx = 0; cy = 0; set_zoom(zoom_fit); set_dirty(); } bool BMPViewer::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return false; if (key == KeyEvent::Up) { return move_pos(0, -1 * mvy); } if (key == KeyEvent::Down) { return move_pos(0, mvy); } if (key == KeyEvent::Left) { return move_pos(-1 * mvx, 0); } if (key == KeyEvent::Right) { return move_pos(mvx, 0); } if (key == KeyEvent::Select) { if (!enter_pass) { reset_pos(); return true; } } return false; } bool BMPViewer::on_encoder(EncoderEvent delta) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return false; if (delta > 0) { set_zoom(zoom + delta); // 0 handled in set_zoom return true; } if (delta < 0) { if (zoom == 1) // not 0, but -1 set_zoom(-2); else set_zoom(zoom + delta); // decrease return true; } return false; } // sets if the enter key should be passed to parent or handled. true = pass it, false = handle as reset pos+zoom void BMPViewer::set_enter_pass(bool pass) { enter_pass = pass; } bool BMPViewer::get_enter_pass() { return enter_pass; } bool BMPViewer::on_keyboard(const KeyboardEvent event) { if (!bmp.is_loaded()) return false; if (event == '+') { set_zoom(zoom + 1); return true; } if (event == '-') { if (zoom == 1) // not 0, but -1 set_zoom(-2); else set_zoom(zoom - 1); // decrease return true; } return false; }