/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "pocsag_app.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" using namespace portapack; using namespace pocsag; namespace pmem = portapack::persistent_memory; void POCSAGLogger::log_raw_data(const pocsag::POCSAGPacket& packet, const uint32_t frequency) { std::string entry = "Raw: F:" + to_string_dec_uint(frequency) + "Hz " + to_string_dec_uint(packet.bitrate()) + " Codewords:"; // Raw hex dump of all the codewords for (size_t c = 0; c < 16; c++) entry += to_string_hex(packet[c], 8) + " "; log_file.write_entry(packet.timestamp(), entry); } void POCSAGLogger::log_decoded(Timestamp timestamp, const std::string& text) { log_file.write_entry(timestamp, text); } namespace ui { POCSAGSettingsView::POCSAGSettingsView( NavigationView& nav, POCSAGSettings& settings) : settings_{settings} { add_children( {&check_log, &check_log_raw, &check_small_font, &check_hide_bad, &check_hide_addr_only, &check_ignore, &field_ignore, &button_save}); check_log.set_value(settings_.enable_logging); check_log_raw.set_value(settings_.enable_raw_log); check_small_font.set_value(settings_.enable_small_font); check_hide_bad.set_value(settings_.hide_bad_data); check_hide_addr_only.set_value(settings_.hide_addr_only); check_ignore.set_value(settings_.enable_ignore); field_ignore.set_value(settings_.address_to_ignore); button_save.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { settings_.enable_logging = check_log.value(); settings_.enable_raw_log = check_log_raw.value(); settings_.enable_small_font = check_small_font.value(); settings_.hide_bad_data = check_hide_bad.value(); settings_.hide_addr_only = check_hide_addr_only.value(); settings_.enable_ignore = check_ignore.value(); settings_.address_to_ignore = field_ignore.value(); nav.pop(); }; } POCSAGAppView::POCSAGAppView(NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_pocsag); add_children( {&rssi, &audio, &field_rf_amp, &field_lna, &field_vga, &field_frequency, &field_volume, &image_status, &text_packet_count, &button_ignore_last, &button_config, &console}); // No app settings, use fallbacks. if (!app_settings_.loaded()) { field_frequency.set_value(initial_target_frequency); settings_.address_to_ignore = pmem::pocsag_ignore_address(); settings_.enable_ignore = settings_.address_to_ignore > 0; } logger.append(LOG_ROOT_DIR "/POCSAG.TXT"); button_ignore_last.on_select = [this](Button&) { settings_.enable_ignore = true; settings_.address_to_ignore = last_address; }; button_config.on_select = [this](Button&) { nav_.push(settings_); nav_.set_on_pop([this]() { refresh_ui(); }); }; refresh_ui(); receiver_model.enable(); audio::output::start(); baseband::set_pocsag(); } void POCSAGAppView::focus() { field_frequency.focus(); } POCSAGAppView::~POCSAGAppView() { audio::output::stop(); receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); // Save pmem settings. TODO: Even needed anymore? pmem::set_pocsag_ignore_address(settings_.address_to_ignore); pmem::set_pocsag_last_address(pocsag_state.address); // For POCSAG TX. } void POCSAGAppView::refresh_ui() { console.set_style( settings_.enable_small_font ? &Styles::white_small : &Styles::white); } void POCSAGAppView::handle_decoded(Timestamp timestamp, const std::string& prefix) { bool bad_data = pocsag_state.errors >= 3; // Too many errors for reliable decode. if (bad_data && hide_bad_data()) { console.write("\n" STR_COLOR_MAGENTA + prefix + " Too many decode errors."); last_address = 0; return; } // Ignored address. if (ignore() && pocsag_state.address == settings_.address_to_ignore) { console.write("\n" STR_COLOR_CYAN + prefix + " Ignored: " + to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.address)); last_address = pocsag_state.address; return; } // Color indicates the message has a lot of decoding errors. std::string color = bad_data ? STR_COLOR_MAGENTA : STR_COLOR_WHITE; std::string console_info = "\n" + color + prefix; console_info += " #" + to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.address); console_info += " F" + to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.function); if (pocsag_state.out_type == ADDRESS) { last_address = pocsag_state.address; if (!hide_addr_only()) { console.write(console_info); if (logging()) { logger.log_decoded( timestamp, to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.address) + " F" + to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.function)); } } } else if (pocsag_state.out_type == MESSAGE) { if (pocsag_state.address != last_address) { // New message last_address = pocsag_state.address; console.writeln(console_info); console.write(color + pocsag_state.output); } else { // Message continues... console.write(color + pocsag_state.output); } if (logging()) { logger.log_decoded( timestamp, to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.address) + " F" + to_string_dec_uint(pocsag_state.function) + " " + pocsag_state.output); } } } static Color get_status_color(const POCSAGState& state) { if (state.out_type == IDLE) return Color::white(); switch (state.mode) { case STATE_CLEAR: return Color::cyan(); case STATE_HAVE_ADDRESS: return Color::yellow(); case STATE_GETTING_MSG: return Color::green(); } // Shouldn't get here... return Color::red(); } void POCSAGAppView::on_packet(const POCSAGPacketMessage* message) { const uint32_t roundVal = 50; const uint32_t bitrate_rounded = roundVal * ((message->packet.bitrate() + (roundVal / 2)) / roundVal); auto bitrate = to_string_dec_uint(bitrate_rounded); auto timestamp = to_string_datetime(message->packet.timestamp(), HM); auto prefix = timestamp + " " + bitrate; // Display packet count to be able to tell whether baseband sent a packet for a tone. ++packet_count; text_packet_count.set(to_string_dec_uint(packet_count)); if (logging_raw()) logger.log_raw_data(message->packet, receiver_model.target_frequency()); if (message->packet.flag() != NORMAL) { console.writeln("\n" STR_COLOR_RED + prefix + " CRC ERROR: " + pocsag::flag_str(message->packet.flag())); last_address = 0; } else { // Set color before to be able to see if decode gets stuck. image_status.set_foreground(Color::magenta()); pocsag_state.codeword_index = 0; pocsag_state.errors = 0; // Handle multiple messages (if any). while (pocsag_decode_batch(message->packet, pocsag_state)) handle_decoded(message->packet.timestamp(), prefix); // Handle the remainder. handle_decoded(message->packet.timestamp(), prefix); } // Set status icon color to indicate state machine state. image_status.set_foreground(get_status_color(pocsag_state)); } void POCSAGAppView::on_stats(const POCSAGStatsMessage*) { } } /* namespace ui */