/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "file.hpp" #include File::File(const std::string& filename, openmode mode) { BYTE fatfs_mode = 0; if( mode & openmode::in ) { fatfs_mode |= FA_READ; } if( mode & openmode::out ) { fatfs_mode |= FA_WRITE; } if( mode & openmode::trunc ) { fatfs_mode |= FA_CREATE_ALWAYS; } if( mode & openmode::ate ) { fatfs_mode |= FA_OPEN_ALWAYS; } if( f_open(&f, filename.c_str(), fatfs_mode) == FR_OK ) { if( mode & openmode::ate ) { if( f_lseek(&f, f_size(&f)) != FR_OK ) { f_close(&f); } } } } File::~File() { f_close(&f); } bool File::read(void* const data, const size_t bytes_to_read) { UINT bytes_read = 0; const auto result = f_read(&f, data, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read); return (result == FR_OK) && (bytes_read == bytes_to_read); } bool File::write(const void* const data, const size_t bytes_to_write) { UINT bytes_written = 0; const auto result = f_write(&f, data, bytes_to_write, &bytes_written); return (result == FR_OK) && (bytes_written == bytes_to_write); } uint64_t File::seek(const uint64_t new_position) { const auto old_position = f_tell(&f); if( f_lseek(&f, new_position) != FR_OK ) { f_close(&f); } if( f_tell(&f) != new_position ) { f_close(&f); } return old_position; } bool File::puts(const std::string& string) { const auto result = f_puts(string.c_str(), &f); return (result >= 0); } bool File::sync() { const auto result = f_sync(&f); return (result == FR_OK); } static std::string find_last_file_matching_pattern(const std::string& pattern) { std::string last_match; for(const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator("", pattern.c_str())) { if( std::filesystem::is_regular_file(entry.status()) ) { const auto match = entry.path(); if( match > last_match ) { last_match = match; } } } return last_match; } static std::string remove_filename_extension(const std::string& filename) { const auto extension_index = filename.find_last_of('.'); return filename.substr(0, extension_index); } static std::string increment_filename_stem_ordinal(const std::string& filename_stem) { std::string result { filename_stem }; auto it = result.rbegin(); // Increment decimal number before the extension. for(; it != result.rend(); ++it) { const auto c = *it; if( c < '0' ) { return { }; } else if( c < '9' ) { *it += 1; break; } else if( c == '9' ) { *it = '0'; } else { return { }; } } return result; } std::string next_filename_stem_matching_pattern(const std::string& filename_stem_pattern) { const auto filename = find_last_file_matching_pattern(filename_stem_pattern + ".*"); auto filename_stem = remove_filename_extension(filename); if( filename_stem.empty() ) { filename_stem = filename_stem_pattern; std::replace(std::begin(filename_stem), std::end(filename_stem), '?', '0'); } else { filename_stem = increment_filename_stem_ordinal(filename_stem); } return filename_stem; } namespace std { namespace filesystem { directory_iterator::directory_iterator( const char* path, const char* wild ) { impl = std::make_shared(); const auto result = f_findfirst(&impl->dir, &impl->filinfo, path, wild); if( result != FR_OK ) { impl.reset(); // TODO: Throw exception if/when I enable exceptions... } } directory_iterator& directory_iterator::operator++() { const auto result = f_findnext(&impl->dir, &impl->filinfo); if( (result != FR_OK) || (impl->filinfo.fname[0] == 0) ) { impl.reset(); } return *this; } bool is_regular_file(const file_status s) { return !(s & AM_DIR); } space_info space(const path& p) { DWORD free_clusters { 0 }; FATFS* fs; if( f_getfree(p.c_str(), &free_clusters, &fs) == FR_OK ) { #if _MAX_SS != _MIN_SS static_assert(false, "FatFs not configured for fixed sector size"); #else return { (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize * _MIN_SS, free_clusters * fs->csize * _MIN_SS, free_clusters * fs->csize * _MIN_SS, }; #endif } else { return { 0, 0, 0 }; } } } /* namespace filesystem */ } /* namespace std */