/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui.hpp" #include "ui_language.hpp" #include "ui_widget.hpp" #include "ui_textentry.hpp" #include "ui_transmitter.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "modems.hpp" #include "transmitter_model.hpp" #include "app_settings.hpp" #include "radio_state.hpp" namespace ui::external_app::lcr { #define LCR_MAX_AM 5 class LCRView : public View { public: LCRView(NavigationView& nav); ~LCRView(); void focus() override; std::string title() const override { return "TEDI/LCR TX"; }; private: struct scan_list_t { uint8_t count; const std::string* addresses; }; const scan_list_t scan_list[2] = { {36, &RGSB_list_Lille[0]}, {20, &RGSB_list_Reims[0]}}; const std::string RGSB_list_Lille[36] = { "AI10", "AI20", "AI30", "AI40", "AI50", "AI60", "AI70", "AJ10", "AJ20", "AJ30", "AJ40", "AJ50", "AJ60", "AJ70", "AK10", "EAA0", "EAB0", "EAC0", "EAD0", "EbA0", "EbB0", "EbC0", "EbD0", "EbE0", "EbF0", "EbG0", "EbH0", "EbI0", "EbJ0", "EbK0", "EbL0", "EbM0", "EbN0", "EbO0", "EbP0", "EbS0"}; const std::string RGSB_list_Reims[20] = { "AI10", "AI20", "AI30", "AI40", "AI50", "AI60", "AI70", "AJ10", "AJ20", "AJ30", "AJ40", "AJ50", "AJ60", "AJ70", "AK10", "AK20", "AK50", "AK60", "AK70", "AP10"}; enum tx_modes { IDLE = 0, SINGLE, SCAN }; TxRadioState radio_state_{ 0 /* frequency */, 1750000 /* bandwidth */, AFSK_TX_SAMPLERATE /* sampling rate */ }; app_settings::SettingsManager settings_{ "tx_lcr", app_settings::Mode::TX}; tx_modes tx_mode = IDLE; uint8_t scan_count{0}, scan_index{0}; uint32_t scan_progress{0}; std::array litteral{{" "}}; std::string rgsb{"AI10"}; uint16_t lcr_message_data[256]; uint8_t repeat_index{0}; void update_progress(); void start_tx(const bool scan); void on_tx_progress(const uint32_t progress, const bool done); void on_button_set_am(NavigationView& nav, int16_t button_id); std::string generate_message(std::string rgsb, std::vector litterals, size_t option_ec); Labels labels{ {{0, 8}, "EC: RGSB:", Theme::getInstance()->fg_light->foreground}, {{17 * 8, 4 * 8}, "List:", Theme::getInstance()->fg_light->foreground}}; std::array buttons{}; std::array checkboxes{}; std::array rectangles{}; std::array texts{}; OptionsField options_ec{ {3 * 8, 8}, 4, {{"Auto", 0}, {"Jour", 1}, {"Nuit", 2}, {"S ? ", 3}}}; Button button_set_rgsb{ {13 * 8, 4, 8 * 8, 24}, "RGSB"}; Checkbox check_scan{ {22 * 8, 4}, 4, LanguageHelper::currentMessages[LANG_SCAN]}; Button button_modem_setup{ {1 * 8, 4 * 8 + 2, 14 * 8, 24}, LanguageHelper::currentMessages[LANG_MODEM_SETUP]}; OptionsField options_scanlist{ {22 * 8, 4 * 8}, 6, {{"Reims ", 1}}}; Button button_clear{ {22 * 8, 8 * 8, 7 * 8, 19 * 8}, LanguageHelper::currentMessages[LANG_CLEAR]}; Text text_status{ {2 * 8, 27 * 8 + 4, 26 * 8, 16}, LanguageHelper::currentMessages[LANG_READY]}; ProgressBar progress{ {2 * 8, 29 * 8 + 4, 26 * 8, 16}}; TransmitterView tx_view{ 16 * 16, 10000, 12}; MessageHandlerRegistration message_handler_tx_progress{ Message::ID::TXProgress, [this](const Message* const p) { const auto message = *reinterpret_cast(p); this->on_tx_progress(message.progress, message.done); }}; }; } /* namespace ui::external_app::lcr */