/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_jammer.hpp" #include "ui_receiver.hpp" #include "ui_freqman.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace ui { void RangeView::focus() { check_enabled.focus(); } void RangeView::update_start(rf::Frequency f) { // Change everything except max frequency_range.min = f; button_start.set_text(to_string_short_freq(f)); center = (frequency_range.min + frequency_range.max) / 2; width = abs(frequency_range.max - frequency_range.min); button_center.set_text(to_string_short_freq(center)); button_width.set_text(to_string_short_freq(width)); } void RangeView::update_stop(rf::Frequency f) { // Change everything except min frequency_range.max = f; button_stop.set_text(to_string_short_freq(f)); center = (frequency_range.min + frequency_range.max) / 2; width = abs(frequency_range.max - frequency_range.min); button_center.set_text(to_string_short_freq(center)); button_width.set_text(to_string_short_freq(width)); } void RangeView::update_center(rf::Frequency f) { // Change min/max/center, keep width center = f; button_center.set_text(to_string_short_freq(center)); rf::Frequency min = center - (width / 2); rf::Frequency max = min + width; frequency_range.min = min; button_start.set_text(to_string_short_freq(min)); frequency_range.max = max; button_stop.set_text(to_string_short_freq(max)); } void RangeView::update_width(uint32_t w) { // Change min/max/width, keep center width = w; button_width.set_text(to_string_short_freq(width)); rf::Frequency min = center - (width / 2); rf::Frequency max = min + width; frequency_range.min = min; button_start.set_text(to_string_short_freq(min)); frequency_range.max = max; button_stop.set_text(to_string_short_freq(max)); } void RangeView::paint(Painter&) { // Draw lines and arrows Rect r; Point p; Coord c; r = button_center.screen_rect(); p = r.center() + Point(0, r.height() / 2); display.draw_line(p, p + Point(0, 10), Color::grey()); r = button_width.screen_rect(); c = r.top() + (r.height() / 2); p = {r.left() - 64, c}; display.draw_line({r.left(), c}, p, Color::grey()); display.draw_line(p, p + Point(10, -10), Color::grey()); display.draw_line(p, p + Point(10, 10), Color::grey()); p = {r.right() + 64, c}; display.draw_line({r.right(), c}, p, Color::grey()); display.draw_line(p, p + Point(-10, -10), Color::grey()); display.draw_line(p, p + Point(-10, 10), Color::grey()); } RangeView::RangeView(NavigationView& nav) { hidden(true); add_children({&labels, &check_enabled, &button_load_range, &button_start, &button_stop, &button_center, &button_width}); check_enabled.on_select = [this](Checkbox&, bool v) { frequency_range.enabled = v; }; button_start.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav.push(frequency_range.min); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { update_start(f); }; }; button_stop.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav.push(frequency_range.max); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { update_stop(f); }; }; button_center.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav.push(center); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { update_center(f); }; }; button_width.on_select = [this, &nav](Button& button) { auto new_view = nav.push(width); new_view->on_changed = [this, &button](rf::Frequency f) { update_width(f); }; }; button_load_range.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { auto load_view = nav.push(); load_view->on_frequency_loaded = [this](rf::Frequency value) { update_center(value); update_width(100000); // 100kHz default jamming bandwidth when loading unique frequency }; load_view->on_range_loaded = [this](rf::Frequency start, rf::Frequency stop) { update_start(start); update_stop(stop); }; }; check_enabled.set_value(false); } void JammerView::focus() { tab_view.focus(); } JammerView::~JammerView() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void JammerView::on_retune(const rf::Frequency freq, const uint32_t range) { if (freq) { transmitter_model.set_target_frequency(freq); text_range_number.set(to_string_dec_uint(range, 2)); } } void JammerView::set_jammer_channel(uint32_t i, uint32_t width, uint64_t center, uint32_t duration) { jammer_channels[i].enabled = true; jammer_channels[i].width = (width * 0xFFFFFFULL) / 1536000; jammer_channels[i].center = center; jammer_channels[i].duration = 30720 * duration; } void JammerView::start_tx() { uint32_t c, i = 0; size_t num_channels; rf::Frequency start_freq, range_bw, range_bw_sub, ch_width; bool out_of_ranges = false; size_t hop_value = options_hop.selected_index_value(); // Disable all channels by default for (c = 0; c < JAMMER_MAX_CH; c++) jammer_channels[c].enabled = false; // Generate jamming channels with JAMMER_MAX_CH maximum width // Convert ranges min/max to center/bw for (size_t r = 0; r < 3; r++) { if (range_views[r]->frequency_range.enabled) { range_bw = abs(range_views[r]->frequency_range.max - range_views[r]->frequency_range.min); // Get lower bound if (range_views[r]->frequency_range.min < range_views[r]->frequency_range.max) start_freq = range_views[r]->frequency_range.min; else start_freq = range_views[r]->frequency_range.max; if (range_bw >= JAMMER_CH_WIDTH) { // Split range in multiple channels num_channels = 0; range_bw_sub = range_bw; do { range_bw_sub -= JAMMER_CH_WIDTH; num_channels++; } while (range_bw_sub >= JAMMER_CH_WIDTH); ch_width = range_bw / num_channels; for (c = 0; c < num_channels; c++) { if (i >= JAMMER_MAX_CH) { out_of_ranges = true; break; } set_jammer_channel(i, ch_width, start_freq + (ch_width / 2) + (ch_width * c), hop_value); i++; } } else { // Range fits in a single channel if (i >= JAMMER_MAX_CH) { out_of_ranges = true; } else { set_jammer_channel(i, range_bw, start_freq + (range_bw / 2), hop_value); i++; } } } } if (!out_of_ranges && i) { text_range_total.set("/" + to_string_dec_uint(i, 2)); jamming = true; button_transmit.set_style(&style_cancel); button_transmit.set_text("STOP"); transmitter_model.set_rf_amp(field_amp.value()); transmitter_model.set_tx_gain(field_gain.value()); transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(28'000'000); // Although tx is narrowband , let's use Max TX LPF . transmitter_model.enable(); baseband::set_jammer(true, (JammerType)options_type.selected_index(), options_speed.selected_index_value()); mscounter = 0; // euquiq: Reset internal ms counter for do_timer() } else { if (out_of_ranges) nav_.display_modal("Error", "Jamming bandwidth too large.\nMust be less than 24MHz."); else nav_.display_modal("Error", "No range enabled."); } } void JammerView::stop_tx() { button_transmit.set_style(&style_val); button_transmit.set_text("START"); transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::set_jammer(false, JammerType::TYPE_FSK, 0); jamming = false; cooling = false; } // called each 1/60th of second void JammerView::on_timer() { if (++mscounter == 60) { mscounter = 0; if (jamming) { if (cooling) { if (++seconds >= field_timepause.value()) { // Re-start TX transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(28'000'000); // Although tx is narrowband , let's use Max TX LPF . transmitter_model.enable(); button_transmit.set_text("STOP"); baseband::set_jammer(true, (JammerType)options_type.selected_index(), options_speed.selected_index_value()); int32_t jitter_amount = field_jitter.value(); if (jitter_amount) { lfsr_v = lfsr_iterate(lfsr_v); jitter_amount = (jitter_amount / 2) - (lfsr_v & jitter_amount); mscounter += jitter_amount; } cooling = false; seconds = 0; } } else { if (++seconds >= field_timetx.value()) // Start cooling period: { transmitter_model.disable(); button_transmit.set_text("PAUSED"); baseband::set_jammer(false, JammerType::TYPE_FSK, 0); int32_t jitter_amount = field_jitter.value(); if (jitter_amount) { lfsr_v = lfsr_iterate(lfsr_v); jitter_amount = (jitter_amount / 2) - (lfsr_v & jitter_amount); mscounter += jitter_amount; } cooling = true; seconds = 0; } } } } } JammerView::JammerView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { Rect view_rect = {0, 3 * 8, 240, 80}; baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_jammer); add_children({&tab_view, &view_range_a, &view_range_b, &view_range_c, &labels, &options_type, &text_range_number, &text_range_total, &options_speed, &options_hop, &field_timetx, &field_timepause, &field_jitter, &field_gain, &field_amp, &button_transmit}); view_range_a.set_parent_rect(view_rect); view_range_b.set_parent_rect(view_rect); view_range_c.set_parent_rect(view_rect); options_type.set_selected_index(3); // Rand CW options_speed.set_selected_index(3); // 10kHz options_hop.set_selected_index(1); // 50ms button_transmit.set_style(&style_val); field_timetx.set_value(30); field_timepause.set_value(1); field_gain.set_value(transmitter_model.tx_gain()); field_amp.set_value(transmitter_model.rf_amp()); button_transmit.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (jamming || cooling) stop_tx(); else start_tx(); }; } } /* namespace ui */