/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __SI5351_H__ #define __SI5351_H__ #include <cstdint> #include <array> #include <algorithm> #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "i2c_pp.hpp" namespace si5351 { namespace Register { enum { DeviceStatus = 0, InterruptStatusSticky = 1, InterruptStatusMask = 2, OutputEnableControl = 3, OEBPinEnableControlMask = 9, PLLInputSource = 15, CLKControl_Base = 16, CLKControl0 = 16, CLKControl1 = 17, CLKControl2 = 18, CLKControl3 = 19, CLKControl4 = 20, CLKControl5 = 21, CLKControl6 = 22, CLKControl7 = 23, CLK3_0DisableState = 24, CLK7_4DisableState = 25, MultisynthNAParameters_Base = 26, MultisynthNBParameters_Base = 34, Multisynth0Parameters_Base = 42, Multisynth1Parameters_Base = 50, Multisynth2Parameters_Base = 58, Multisynth3Parameters_Base = 66, Multisynth4Parameters_Base = 74, Multisynth5Parameters_Base = 82, Multisynth6Parameters = 90, Multisynth7Parameters = 91, Clock6And7OutputDivider = 92, SpreadSpectrumParameters_Base = 149, VCXOParameters_Base = 162, CLKInitialPhaseOffset_Base = 165, PLLReset = 177, CrystalInternalLoadCapacitance = 183, FanoutEnable = 187, }; } namespace DeviceStatus { using Type = uint8_t; enum { REVID_Mask = (0b11 << 0), LOS_Mask = (1 << 4), LOS_ValidClockAtCLKIN = (0 << 4), LOS_LossOfSignalAtCLKIN = (1 << 4), LOL_A_Mask = (1 << 5), LOL_A_PLLALocked = (0 << 5), LOL_A_PLLAUnlocked = (1 << 5), LOL_B_Mask = (1 << 6), LOL_B_PLLBLocked = (0 << 6), LOL_B_PLLBUnlocked = (1 << 6), SYS_INIT_Mask = (1 << 7), SYS_INIT_Complete = (0 << 7), SYS_INIT_Initializing = (1 << 7), }; } namespace ClockControl { using Type = uint8_t; enum { CLK_IDRV_Mask = (0b11 << 0), CLK_IDRV_2mA = (0b00 << 0), CLK_IDRV_4mA = (0b01 << 0), CLK_IDRV_6mA = (0b10 << 0), CLK_IDRV_8mA = (0b11 << 0), CLK_SRC_Mask = (0b11 << 2), CLK_SRC_XTAL = (0b00 << 2), CLK_SRC_CLKIN = (0b01 << 2), CLK_SRC_MS_Group = (0b10 << 2), CLK_SRC_MS_Self = (0b11 << 2), CLK_INV_Mask = (1 << 4), CLK_INV_Normal = (0 << 4), CLK_INV_Invert = (1 << 4), MS_SRC_Mask = (1 << 5), MS_SRC_PLLA = (0 << 5), MS_SRC_PLLB = (1 << 5), MS_INT_Mask = (1 << 6), MS_INT_Fractional = (0 << 6), MS_INT_Integer = (1 << 6), CLK_PDN_Mask = (1 << 7), CLK_PDN_Power_On = (0 << 7), CLK_PDN_Power_Off = (1 << 7), }; } using ClockControls = std::array<ClockControl::Type, 8>; namespace CrystalInternalLoadCapacitance { using Type = uint8_t; enum { XTAL_CL_Mask = (0b11 << 6), XTAL_CL_6pF = (0b01 << 6), XTAL_CL_8pF = (0b10 << 6), XTAL_CL_10pF = (0b11 << 6), }; } namespace PLLInputSource { using Type = uint8_t; enum { PLLA_Source_Mask = (1 << 2), PLLA_Source_XTAL = (0 << 2), PLLA_Source_CLKIN = (1 << 2), PLLB_Source_Mask = (1 << 3), PLLB_Source_XTAL = (0 << 3), PLLB_Source_CLKIN = (1 << 3), CLKIN_Div_Mask = (0b11 << 6), CLKIN_Div1 = (0b00 << 6), CLKIN_Div2 = (0b01 << 6), CLKIN_Div4 = (0b10 << 6), CLKIN_Div8 = (0b11 << 6), }; } struct Inputs { const uint32_t f_xtal; const uint32_t f_clkin; const uint32_t clkin_div; constexpr uint32_t f_clkin_out() { return f_clkin / clkin_div; } }; using PLLReg = std::array<uint8_t, 9>; struct PLL { const uint32_t f_in; const uint32_t a; const uint32_t b; const uint32_t c; constexpr uint32_t f_vco() { return f_in * (a + (float)b / (float)c); } constexpr uint32_t p1() { return 128 * a + (uint32_t)(128 * (float)b / (float)c) - 512; } constexpr uint32_t p2() { return 128 * b - c * (uint32_t)(128 * (float)b / (float)c); } constexpr uint32_t p3() { return c; } constexpr PLLReg reg(const uint8_t pll_n) { return { uint8_t(26 + (pll_n * 8)), uint8_t((p3() >> 8) & 0xff), uint8_t((p3() >> 0) & 0xff), uint8_t((p1() >> 16) & 0x03), uint8_t((p1() >> 8) & 0xff), uint8_t((p1() >> 0) & 0xff), uint8_t( (((p3() >> 16) & 0x0f) << 4) | ((p2() >> 16) & 0x0f) ), uint8_t((p2() >> 8) & 0xff), uint8_t((p2() >> 0) & 0xff), }; } }; using MultisynthFractionalReg = std::array<uint8_t, 9>; struct MultisynthFractional { const uint32_t f_src; const uint32_t a; const uint32_t b; const uint32_t c; const uint32_t r_div; constexpr uint32_t p1() { return 128 * a + (uint32_t)(128 * (float)b / (float)c) - 512; } constexpr uint32_t p2() { return 128 * b - c * (uint32_t)(128 * (float)b / (float)c); } constexpr uint32_t p3() { return c; } constexpr uint32_t f_out() { return f_src / (a + (float)b / (float)c) / (1 << r_div); } constexpr MultisynthFractionalReg reg(const uint8_t multisynth_n) { return { uint8_t(42 + (multisynth_n * 8)), uint8_t((p3() >> 8) & 0xFF), uint8_t((p3() >> 0) & 0xFF), uint8_t((r_div << 4) | (0 << 2) | ((p1() >> 16) & 0x3)), uint8_t((p1() >> 8) & 0xFF), uint8_t((p1() >> 0) & 0xFF), uint8_t((((p3() >> 16) & 0xF) << 4) | (((p2() >> 16) & 0xF) << 0)), uint8_t((p2() >> 8) & 0xFF), uint8_t((p2() >> 0) & 0xFF) }; } }; struct MultisynthInteger { const uint32_t f_src; const uint32_t a; const uint32_t r_div; constexpr uint8_t p1() { return a; } constexpr uint32_t f_out() { return f_src / a / (1 << r_div); } }; using Multisynth6And7Reg = std::array<uint8_t, 4>; constexpr Multisynth6And7Reg ms6_7_reg( const MultisynthInteger& ms6, const MultisynthInteger& ms7 ) { return { Register::Multisynth6Parameters, uint8_t(ms6.p1() & 0xff), uint8_t(ms7.p1() & 0xff), uint8_t(((ms7.r_div & 7) << 4) | ((ms6.r_div & 7) << 0)), }; } class Si5351 { public: using regvalue_t = uint8_t; constexpr Si5351(I2C& bus, I2C::address_t address) : _clock_control({ ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off, ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Power_Off }), _bus(bus), _address(address), _output_enable(0x00) { } void reset(); uint8_t device_status() { return read_register(Register::DeviceStatus); } void wait_for_device_ready() { while(device_status() & 0x80); } void enable_fanout() { write_register(Register::FanoutEnable, 0b11010000); } void reset_plls() { write_register(Register::PLLReset, 0xa0); } regvalue_t read_register(const uint8_t reg); template<size_t N> void write(const std::array<uint8_t, N>& values) { _bus.transmit(_address, values.data(), values.size()); } void write_register(const uint8_t reg, const regvalue_t value) { write(std::array<uint8_t, 2>{ reg, value }); } void write(const size_t ms_number, const MultisynthFractional& config) { write(config.reg(ms_number)); } void set_ms_frequency( const size_t ms_number, const uint32_t frequency, const uint32_t vco_frequency, const size_t r_div ); void set_crystal_internal_load_capacitance(const CrystalInternalLoadCapacitance::Type xtal_cl) { write_register(Register::CrystalInternalLoadCapacitance, xtal_cl); } void set_pll_input_sources(const PLLInputSource::Type value) { write_register(Register::PLLInputSource, value); } void enable_output_mask(const uint8_t mask) { _output_enable |= mask; update_output_enable_control(); } void enable_output(const size_t n) { enable_output_mask(1 << n); } void disable_output_mask(const uint8_t mask) { _output_enable &= ~mask; update_output_enable_control(); } void disable_output(const size_t n) { disable_output_mask(1 << n); } void set_clock_control(const ClockControls& clock_control) { _clock_control = clock_control; update_all_clock_control(); } void enable_clock(const size_t n) { _clock_control[n] &= ~ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Mask; write_register(Register::CLKControl_Base + n, _clock_control[n]); } void disable_clock(const size_t n) { _clock_control[n] |= ClockControl::CLK_PDN_Mask; write_register(Register::CLKControl_Base + n, _clock_control[n]); } template<size_t N> void write_registers(const uint8_t reg, const std::array<uint8_t, N>& values) { std::array<uint8_t, N + 1> data; data[0] = reg; std::copy(values.cbegin(), values.cend(), data.begin() + 1); write(data); } private: std::array<uint8_t, 8> _clock_control; I2C& _bus; const I2C::address_t _address; uint8_t _output_enable; void update_output_enable_control() { write_register(Register::OutputEnableControl, ~_output_enable); } void update_all_clock_control() { write_registers(Register::CLKControl_Base, _clock_control); } }; } #endif/*__SI5351_H__*/