#ifndef __FPROTO_CAMETWEE_H__ #define __FPROTO_CAMETWEE_H__ #include "subghzdbase.hpp" typedef enum : uint8_t { CameTweeDecoderStepReset = 0, CameTweeDecoderStepDecoderData, } CameTweeDecoderStep; class FProtoSubGhzDCameTwee : public FProtoSubGhzDBase { public: FProtoSubGhzDCameTwee() { sensorType = FPS_CAMETWEE; te_short = 500; te_long = 1000; te_delta = 250; min_count_bit_for_found = 54; } void feed(bool level, uint32_t duration) { ManchesterEvent event = ManchesterEventReset; switch (parser_step) { case CameTweeDecoderStepReset: if ((!level) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, te_long * 51) < te_delta * 20)) { // Found header CAME parser_step = CameTweeDecoderStepDecoderData; decode_data = 0; decode_count_bit = 0; FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventLongLow, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventLongHigh, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventShortLow, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); } break; case CameTweeDecoderStepDecoderData: if (!level) { if (DURATION_DIFF(duration, te_short) < te_delta) { event = ManchesterEventShortLow; } else if ( DURATION_DIFF(duration, te_long) < te_delta) { event = ManchesterEventLongLow; } else if ( duration >= ((uint32_t)te_long * 2 + te_delta)) { if (decode_count_bit == min_count_bit_for_found) { data = decode_data; data_count_bit = decode_count_bit; subghz_protocol_came_twee_remote_controller(); if (callback) callback(this); } decode_data = 0; decode_count_bit = 0; FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventLongLow, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventLongHigh, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, ManchesterEventShortLow, &manchester_saved_state, NULL); } else { parser_step = CameTweeDecoderStepReset; } } else { if (DURATION_DIFF(duration, te_short) < te_delta) { event = ManchesterEventShortHigh; } else if ( DURATION_DIFF(duration, te_long) < te_delta) { event = ManchesterEventLongHigh; } else { parser_step = CameTweeDecoderStepReset; } } if (event != ManchesterEventReset) { bool bit; if (FProtoGeneral::manchester_advance(manchester_saved_state, event, &manchester_saved_state, &bit)) { decode_data = (decode_data << 1) | !bit; decode_count_bit++; } } break; } } protected: ManchesterState manchester_saved_state = ManchesterStateMid1; void subghz_protocol_came_twee_remote_controller() { /* Came Twee 54 bit, rolling code 15 parcels with * a decreasing counter from 0xE to 0x0 * with originally coded dip switches on the console 10 bit code * * 0x003FFF72E04A6FEE * 0x003FFF72D17B5EDD * 0x003FFF72C2684DCC * 0x003FFF72B3193CBB * 0x003FFF72A40E2BAA * 0x003FFF72953F1A99 * 0x003FFF72862C0988 * 0x003FFF7277DDF877 * 0x003FFF7268C2E766 * 0x003FFF7259F3D655 * 0x003FFF724AE0C544 * 0x003FFF723B91B433 * 0x003FFF722C86A322 * 0x003FFF721DB79211 * 0x003FFF720EA48100 * * decryption * the last 32 bits, do XOR by the desired number, divide the result by 4, * convert the first 16 bits of the resulting 32-bit number to bin and do * bit-by-bit mirroring, adding up to 10 bits * * Example * Step 1. 0x003FFF721DB79211 => 0x1DB79211 * Step 4. 0x1DB79211 xor 0x1D1D1D11 => 0x00AA8F00 * Step 4. 0x00AA8F00 / 4 => 0x002AA3C0 * Step 5. 0x002AA3C0 => 0x002A * Step 6. 0x002A bin => b101010 * Step 7. b101010 => b0101010000 * Step 8. b0101010000 => (Dip) Off ON Off ON Off ON Off Off Off Off */ uint8_t cnt_parcel = (uint8_t)(data & 0xF); serial = (uint32_t)(data & 0x0FFFFFFFF); data = (data ^ came_twee_magic_numbers_xor[cnt_parcel]); data /= 4; btn = (data >> 4) & 0x0F; data >>= 16; data = (uint16_t)FProtoGeneral::subghz_protocol_blocks_reverse_key(data, 16); cnt = data >> 6; } inline static const uint32_t came_twee_magic_numbers_xor[15] = { 0x0E0E0E00, 0x1D1D1D11, 0x2C2C2C22, 0x3B3B3B33, 0x4A4A4A44, 0x59595955, 0x68686866, 0x77777777, 0x86868688, 0x95959599, 0xA4A4A4AA, 0xB3B3B3BB, 0xC2C2C2CC, 0xD1D1D1DD, 0xE0E0E0EE, }; }; #endif