/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2024 Mark Thompson * Copyright (C) 2024 u-foka * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_debug.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "ch.h" #include "radio.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "crc.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" #include "ui_sd_card_debug.hpp" #include "ui_font_fixed_8x16.hpp" #include "ui_painter.hpp" #include "ui_external_items_menu_loader.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" using namespace portapack; #include "irq_controls.hpp" namespace ui { /* DebugMemoryView *******************************************************/ DebugMemoryView::DebugMemoryView(NavigationView& nav) { add_children({&text_title, &text_label_m0_core_free, &text_label_m0_core_free_value, &text_label_m0_heap_fragmented_free, &text_label_m0_heap_fragmented_free_value, &text_label_m0_heap_fragments, &text_label_m0_heap_fragments_value, &button_done}); const auto m0_core_free = chCoreStatus(); text_label_m0_core_free_value.set(to_string_dec_uint(m0_core_free, 5)); size_t m0_fragmented_free_space = 0; const auto m0_fragments = chHeapStatus(NULL, &m0_fragmented_free_space); text_label_m0_heap_fragmented_free_value.set(to_string_dec_uint(m0_fragmented_free_space, 5)); text_label_m0_heap_fragments_value.set(to_string_dec_uint(m0_fragments, 5)); button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; } void DebugMemoryView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } /* TemperatureWidget *****************************************************/ void TemperatureWidget::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto logger = portapack::temperature_logger; const auto rect = screen_rect(); const Color color_background{0, 0, 64}; const Color color_foreground = Theme::getInstance()->fg_green->foreground; const Color color_reticle{128, 128, 128}; const auto graph_width = static_cast(logger.capacity()) * bar_width; const Rect graph_rect{ rect.left() + (rect.width() - graph_width) / 2, rect.top() + 8, graph_width, rect.height()}; const Rect frame_rect{ graph_rect.left() - 1, graph_rect.top() - 1, graph_rect.width() + 2, graph_rect.height() + 2}; painter.draw_rectangle(frame_rect, color_reticle); painter.fill_rectangle(graph_rect, color_background); const auto history = logger.history(); for (size_t i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) { const Coord x = graph_rect.right() - (history.size() - i) * bar_width; const auto sample = history[i]; const auto temp = temperature(sample); const auto y = screen_y(temp, graph_rect); const Dim bar_height = graph_rect.bottom() - y; painter.fill_rectangle({x, y, bar_width, bar_height}, color_foreground); } if (!history.empty()) { const auto sample = history.back(); const auto temp = temperature(sample); const auto last_y = screen_y(temp, graph_rect); const Coord x = graph_rect.right() + 8; const Coord y = last_y - 8; painter.draw_string({x, y}, style(), temperature_str(temp)); } const auto display_temp_max = display_temp_min + (graph_rect.height() / display_temp_scale); for (auto temp = display_temp_min; temp <= display_temp_max; temp += 10) { const int32_t tick_length = 6; const auto tick_x = graph_rect.left() - tick_length; const auto tick_y = screen_y(temp, graph_rect); painter.fill_rectangle({tick_x, tick_y, tick_length, 1}, color_reticle); const auto text_x = graph_rect.left() - temp_len * 8 - 8; const auto text_y = tick_y - 8; painter.draw_string({text_x, text_y}, style(), temperature_str(temp)); } } TemperatureWidget::temperature_t TemperatureWidget::temperature(const sample_t sensor_value) const { // Scaling is different for MAX2837 vs MAX2839 so it's now done in the respective chip-specific module return sensor_value; } std::string TemperatureWidget::temperature_str(const temperature_t temperature) const { return to_string_dec_int(temperature, temp_len - 2) + STR_DEGREES_C; } Coord TemperatureWidget::screen_y( const temperature_t temperature, const Rect& rect) const { int y_raw = rect.bottom() - ((temperature - display_temp_min) * display_temp_scale); const auto y_limit = std::min(rect.bottom(), std::max(rect.top(), y_raw)); return y_limit; } /* TemperatureView *******************************************************/ TemperatureView::TemperatureView(NavigationView& nav) { add_children({ &text_title, &temperature_widget, &button_done, }); button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; } void TemperatureView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } /* RegistersWidget *******************************************************/ RegistersWidget::RegistersWidget( RegistersWidgetConfig&& config) : Widget{}, config(std::move(config)), page_number(0) { } void RegistersWidget::update() { set_dirty(); } void RegistersWidget::paint(Painter& painter) { const Coord left = (size().width() - config.row_width()) / 2; draw_legend(left, painter); draw_values(left, painter); } void RegistersWidget::draw_legend(const Coord left, Painter& painter) { const auto pos = screen_pos(); const std::string spaces(config.legend_length(), ' '); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < config.registers_per_page; i += config.registers_per_row()) { uint32_t r = page_number * config.registers_per_page + i; const Point offset{ left, static_cast((i / config.registers_per_row()) * row_height)}; const auto text = (r >= config.registers_count) ? spaces : to_string_hex(r, config.legend_length()); painter.draw_string( pos + offset, style().invert(), text); } } void RegistersWidget::draw_values( const Coord left, Painter& painter) { const auto pos = screen_pos(); const std::string spaces(config.value_length(), ' '); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < config.registers_per_page; i++) { uint32_t r = page_number * config.registers_per_page + i; const Point offset = { static_cast(left + config.legend_width() + 8 + (i % config.registers_per_row()) * (config.value_width() + 8)), static_cast((i / config.registers_per_row()) * row_height)}; const auto text = (r >= config.registers_count) ? spaces : to_string_hex(reg_read(r), config.value_length()); painter.draw_string( pos + offset, style(), text); } } uint32_t RegistersWidget::reg_read(const uint32_t register_number) { if (register_number < config.registers_count) { switch (config.chip_type) { case CT_PMEM: return portapack::persistent_memory::pmem_data_word(register_number / 4) >> (register_number % 4 * 8); case CT_RFFC5072: return radio::debug::first_if::register_read(register_number); case CT_MAX283X: return radio::debug::second_if::register_read(register_number); case CT_SI5351: return portapack::clock_generator.read_register(register_number); case CT_AUDIO: return audio::debug::reg_read(register_number); } } return 0xFFFF; } void RegistersWidget::reg_write(const uint32_t register_number, const uint32_t value) { if (register_number < config.registers_count) { switch (config.chip_type) { case CT_PMEM: break; case CT_RFFC5072: radio::debug::first_if::register_write(register_number, value); break; case CT_MAX283X: radio::debug::second_if::register_write(register_number, value); break; case CT_SI5351: portapack::clock_generator.write_register(register_number, value); break; case CT_AUDIO: audio::debug::reg_write(register_number, value); break; } } } /* RegistersView *********************************************************/ RegistersView::RegistersView( NavigationView& nav, const std::string& title, RegistersWidgetConfig&& config) : registers_widget{std::move(config)} { add_children({ &text_title, ®isters_widget, &button_update, &button_done, &labels, &field_write_reg_num, &field_write_data_val, &button_write, }); button_update.on_select = [this](Button&) { this->registers_widget.update(); }; button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; registers_widget.set_parent_rect({0, 48, 240, 192}); registers_widget.set_page(0); text_title.set_parent_rect({(240 - static_cast(title.size()) * 8) / 2, 16, static_cast(title.size()) * 8, 16}); text_title.set(title); field_write_reg_num.on_change = [this](SymField&) { field_write_data_val.set_value(this->registers_widget.reg_read(field_write_reg_num.to_integer())); field_write_data_val.set_dirty(); }; const auto value = registers_widget.reg_read(0); field_write_data_val.set_value(value); button_write.set_style(Theme::getInstance()->fg_red); button_write.on_select = [this](Button&) { this->registers_widget.reg_write(field_write_reg_num.to_integer(), field_write_data_val.to_integer()); this->registers_widget.update(); }; } void RegistersView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } bool RegistersView::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { registers_widget.set_page(std::max(0ul, std::min(registers_widget.page_count() - 1, registers_widget.page() + delta))); registers_widget.update(); return true; } /* ControlsSwitchesWidget ************************************************/ void ControlsSwitchesWidget::on_show() { display.fill_rectangle( screen_rect(), Theme::getInstance()->bg_darkest->background); } bool ControlsSwitchesWidget::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { key_event_mask = 1 << toUType(key); long_press_key_event_mask = key_is_long_pressed(key) ? key_event_mask : 0; return true; } bool ControlsSwitchesWidget::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { last_delta = delta; return true; } void ControlsSwitchesWidget::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto pos = screen_pos(); const std::array button_rects{{ {64, 32, 16, 16}, // Right {0, 32, 16, 16}, // Left {32, 64, 16, 16}, // Down {32, 0, 16, 16}, // Up {32, 32, 16, 16}, // Select {96, 0, 16, 16}, // Dfu {16, 96, 16, 16}, // Encoder phase 0 {48, 96, 16, 16}, // Encoder phase 1 {96, 64, 16, 16}, // Touch }}; for (const auto r : button_rects) { painter.fill_rectangle(r + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_blue->foreground); } if (get_touch_frame().touch) painter.fill_rectangle(button_rects[8] + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_yellow->foreground); const std::array raw_rects{{ {64 + 1, 32 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Right {0 + 1, 32 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Left {32 + 1, 64 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Down {32 + 1, 0 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Up {32 + 1, 32 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Select {96 + 1, 0 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Dfu {16 + 1, 96 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Encoder phase 0 {48 + 1, 96 + 1, 16 - 2, 16 - 2}, // Encoder phase 1 }}; auto switches_raw = control::debug::switches(); for (const auto r : raw_rects) { if (switches_raw & 1) painter.fill_rectangle(r + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_yellow->foreground); switches_raw >>= 1; } const std::array debounced_rects{{ {64 + 2, 32 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Right {0 + 2, 32 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Left {32 + 2, 64 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Down {32 + 2, 0 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Up {32 + 2, 32 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Select {96 + 2, 0 + 2, 16 - 4, 16 - 4}, // Dfu }}; auto switches_debounced = get_switches_state().to_ulong(); for (const auto r : debounced_rects) { if (switches_debounced & 1) painter.fill_rectangle(r + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_green->foreground); switches_debounced >>= 1; } const std::array events_rects{{ {64 + 3, 32 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Right {0 + 3, 32 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Left {32 + 3, 64 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Down {32 + 3, 0 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Up {32 + 3, 32 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Select {96 + 3, 0 + 3, 16 - 6, 16 - 6}, // Dfu }}; auto switches_event = key_event_mask; for (const auto r : events_rects) { if (switches_event & 1) painter.fill_rectangle(r + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_red->foreground); switches_event >>= 1; } switches_event = long_press_key_event_mask; for (const auto r : events_rects) { if (switches_event & 1) painter.fill_rectangle(r + pos, Theme::getInstance()->fg_cyan->foreground); switches_event >>= 1; } painter.draw_string({5 * 8, 12 * 16}, *Theme::getInstance()->fg_light, to_string_dec_int(last_delta, 3)); } void ControlsSwitchesWidget::on_frame_sync() { set_dirty(); } /* DebugControlsView *****************************************************/ DebugControlsView::DebugControlsView(NavigationView& nav) { add_children({ &labels, &switches_widget, &options_switches_mode, &button_done, }); button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { set_switches_long_press_config(0); nav.pop(); }; options_switches_mode.on_change = [this](size_t, OptionsField::value_t v) { (void)v; set_switches_long_press_config(options_switches_mode.selected_index_value()); }; } void DebugControlsView::focus() { switches_widget.focus(); } /* DebugPeripheralsMenuView **********************************************/ DebugPeripheralsMenuView::DebugPeripheralsMenuView(NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { set_max_rows(2); // allow wider buttons } void DebugPeripheralsMenuView::on_populate() { const char* max283x = hackrf_r9 ? "MAX2839" : "MAX2837"; const char* si5351x = hackrf_r9 ? "Si5351A" : "Si5351C"; add_items({ {"RFFC5072", Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_peripherals_details, [this]() { nav_.push("RFFC5072", RegistersWidgetConfig{CT_RFFC5072, 31, 31, 16}); }}, {max283x, Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_peripherals_details, [this, max283x]() { nav_.push(max283x, RegistersWidgetConfig{CT_MAX283X, 32, 32, 10}); }}, {si5351x, Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_peripherals_details, [this, si5351x]() { nav_.push(si5351x, RegistersWidgetConfig{CT_SI5351, 188, 96, 8}); }}, {audio::debug::codec_name(), Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_peripherals_details, [this]() { nav_.push(audio::debug::codec_name(), RegistersWidgetConfig{CT_AUDIO, audio::debug::reg_count(), audio::debug::reg_count(), audio::debug::reg_bits()}); }}, }); set_max_rows(2); // allow wider buttons } /* DebugReboot **********************************************/ DebugReboot::DebugReboot(NavigationView& nav) { (void)nav; LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[0] = (1 << 0); while (1) __WFE(); } void DebugReboot::on_populate() { } /* DebugMenuView *********************************************************/ DebugMenuView::DebugMenuView(NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { set_max_rows(2); // allow wider buttons } void DebugMenuView::on_populate() { if (portapack::persistent_memory::show_gui_return_icon()) { add_items({{"..", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_light->foreground, &bitmap_icon_previous, [this]() { nav_.pop(); }}}); } add_items({ {"Buttons Test", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_controls, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"Debug Dump", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_memory, [this]() { portapack::persistent_memory::debug_dump(); }}, {"M0 Stack Dump", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_memory, [this]() { stack_dump(); }}, {"Memory Dump", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_memory, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, //{"Memory Usage", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_memory, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"Peripherals", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_peripherals, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"Pers. Memory", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_memory, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, //{ "Radio State", ui::Theme::getInstance()->bg_darkest->foreground, nullptr, [this](){ nav_.push(); } }, {"Reboot", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_setup, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"SD Card", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_sdcard, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"Temperature", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_temperature, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, {"Touch Test", ui::Theme::getInstance()->fg_darkcyan->foreground, &bitmap_icon_notepad, [this]() { nav_.push(); }}, }); for (auto const& gridItem : ExternalItemsMenuLoader::load_external_items(app_location_t::DEBUG, nav_)) { add_item(gridItem); }; } /* DebugMemoryDumpView *********************************************************/ DebugMemoryDumpView::DebugMemoryDumpView(NavigationView& nav) { add_children({ &button_dump, &button_read, &button_write, &button_done, &labels, &field_starting_address, &field_byte_count, &field_rw_address, &field_data_value, }); button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; button_dump.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (field_byte_count.to_integer() != 0) memory_dump((uint32_t*)field_starting_address.to_integer(), ((uint32_t)field_byte_count.to_integer() + 3) / 4, false); }; button_read.on_select = [this](Button&) { field_data_value.set_value(*(uint32_t*)field_rw_address.to_integer()); field_data_value.set_dirty(); }; button_write.set_style(Theme::getInstance()->fg_red); button_write.on_select = [this](Button&) { *(uint32_t*)field_rw_address.to_integer() = (uint32_t)field_data_value.to_integer(); }; } void DebugMemoryDumpView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } /* DebugPmemView *********************************************************/ DebugPmemView::DebugPmemView(NavigationView& nav) : registers_widget(RegistersWidgetConfig{CT_PMEM, PMEM_SIZE_BYTES, page_size, 8}) { add_children({®isters_widget, &text_checksum, &text_checksum2, &button_ok}); registers_widget.set_parent_rect({0, 32, 240, 192}); text_checksum.set("Size: " + to_string_dec_uint(portapack::persistent_memory::data_size(), 3) + " CRC: " + to_string_hex(portapack::persistent_memory::pmem_stored_checksum(), 8)); text_checksum2.set("Calculated CRC: " + to_string_hex(portapack::persistent_memory::pmem_calculated_checksum(), 8)); button_ok.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; update(); } bool DebugPmemView::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { registers_widget.set_page(std::max(0ul, std::min((uint32_t)page_count - 1, registers_widget.page() + delta))); update(); return true; } void DebugPmemView::focus() { button_ok.focus(); } void DebugPmemView::update() { registers_widget.update(); } /* DebugScreenTest ****************************************************/ DebugScreenTest::DebugScreenTest(NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { set_focusable(true); std::srand(LPC_RTC->CTIME0); } bool DebugScreenTest::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { Painter painter; switch (key) { case KeyEvent::Select: nav_.pop(); break; case KeyEvent::Down: painter.fill_rectangle({0, 0, screen_width, screen_height}, std::rand()); break; case KeyEvent::Left: pen_color = std::rand(); break; default: break; } return true; } bool DebugScreenTest::on_encoder(EncoderEvent delta) { pen_size = clip(pen_size + delta, 1, screen_width); return true; } bool DebugScreenTest::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { Painter painter; pen_pos = event.point; painter.fill_rectangle({pen_pos.x() - pen_size / 2, pen_pos.y() - pen_size / 2, pen_size, pen_size}, pen_color); return true; } void DebugScreenTest::paint(Painter& painter) { painter.fill_rectangle({0, 16, screen_width, screen_height - 16}, Theme::getInstance()->bg_darkest->foreground); painter.draw_string({10 * 8, screen_height / 2}, *Theme::getInstance()->bg_darkest, "Use Stylus"); pen_color = std::rand(); } /* DebugLCRView *******************************************************/ /*DebugLCRView::DebugLCRView(NavigationView& nav, std::string lcr_string) { std::string debug_text; add_children({ &console, &button_exit }); for(const auto c : lcr_string) { if ((c < 32) || (c > 126)) debug_text += "[" + to_string_dec_uint(c) + "]"; else debug_text += c; } debug_text += "\n\n"; debug_text += "Length: " + to_string_dec_uint(lcr_string.length()) + '\n'; debug_text += "Checksum: " + to_string_dec_uint(lcr_string.back()) + '\n'; console.write(debug_text); button_exit.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&){ nav.pop(); }; } void DebugLCRView::focus() { button_exit.focus(); }*/ } /* namespace ui */