/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Kyle Reed * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_remote.hpp" #include "binder.hpp" #include "convert.hpp" #include "file_reader.hpp" #include "io_convert.hpp" #include "irq_controls.hpp" #include "oversample.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "ui_fileman.hpp" #include "ui_receiver.hpp" #include "ui_textentry.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include "file_path.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace ui { static constexpr uint8_t text_edit_max = 30; /* RemoteEntryModel **************************************/ std::string RemoteEntryModel::to_string() const { return join(',', {path.string(), name, to_string_dec_uint(icon), to_string_dec_uint(bg_color), to_string_dec_uint(fg_color), to_string_dec_uint(metadata.center_frequency), to_string_dec_uint(metadata.sample_rate)}); } Optional RemoteEntryModel::parse(std::string_view line) { auto cols = split_string(line, ','); if (cols.size() < 7) return {}; RemoteEntryModel entry{}; entry.path = cols[0]; entry.name = std::string{cols[1]}; parse_int(cols[2], entry.icon); parse_int(cols[3], entry.bg_color); parse_int(cols[4], entry.fg_color); parse_int(cols[5], entry.metadata.center_frequency); parse_int(cols[6], entry.metadata.sample_rate); return entry; } /* RemoteModel *******************************************/ bool RemoteModel::delete_entry(const RemoteEntryModel* entry) { // NB: expecting 'entry' to be a pointer to an entry in vector. auto it = std::find_if( entries.begin(), entries.end(), [entry](auto& item) { return entry == &item; }); if (it == entries.end()) return false; entries.erase(it); return true; } bool RemoteModel::load(const std::filesystem::path& path) { File f; auto error = f.open(path); if (error) return false; entries.clear(); bool first = true; auto reader = FileLineReader(f); for (const auto& line : reader) { if (line.length() == 0 || line[0] == '#') continue; // Empty or comment line. // First line is the "name" field. if (first) { name = trim(line); first = false; continue; } // All the other lines are button entries. auto entry = RemoteEntryModel::parse(line); if (entry) entries.push_back(*std::move(entry)); } return true; } bool RemoteModel::save(const std::filesystem::path& path) { File f; auto error = f.create(path); if (error) return false; f.write_line(name); for (auto& entry : entries) f.write_line(entry.to_string()); return true; } /* RemoteButton ******************************************/ RemoteButton::RemoteButton(Rect parent_rect, RemoteEntryModel* entry) : NewButton{parent_rect, {}, nullptr}, entry_{nullptr} { set_entry(entry); // Forward to on_select2 -- this isn't ideal, but works for now. on_select = [this]() { if (on_select2) on_select2(*this); }; } void RemoteButton::on_focus() { // Enable long press on "Select". SwitchesState config; config[toUType(Switch::Sel)] = true; set_switches_long_press_config(config); } void RemoteButton::on_blur() { // Reset long press. SwitchesState config{}; set_switches_long_press_config(config); } bool RemoteButton::on_key(KeyEvent key) { if (key == KeyEvent::Select) { if (key_is_long_pressed(key) && on_long_select) { on_long_select(*this); return true; } if (on_select2) { on_select2(*this); return true; } } return false; } void RemoteButton::paint(Painter& painter) { NewButton::paint(painter); // Add a border on the highlighted button. if (has_focus() || highlighted()) { auto r = screen_rect(); painter.draw_rectangle(r, Color::white()); auto p = r.location() + Point{1, 1}; auto s = Size{r.size().width() - 2, r.size().height() - 2}; painter.draw_rectangle({p, s}, Color::light_grey()); } }; RemoteEntryModel* RemoteButton::entry() { return entry_; } void RemoteButton::set_entry(RemoteEntryModel* entry) { entry_ = entry; set_focusable(entry_ != nullptr); hidden(entry_ == nullptr); if (entry_) { set_text(entry_->name); set_bitmap(RemoteIcons::get(entry_->icon)); } set_dirty(); } Style RemoteButton::paint_style() { if (!entry_) return style(); MutableStyle s{style()}; s.foreground = RemoteColors::get(entry_->fg_color); s.background = RemoteColors::get(entry_->bg_color); if (has_focus() || highlighted()) s.invert(); // It's kind of a hack to set 'color_' here, but the base // class' paint logic is kind of convoluted but isn't worth // the extra bytes to copy and paste a paint override. color_ = s.foreground; return s; } /* RemoteEntryEditView ***********************************/ RemoteEntryEditView::RemoteEntryEditView( NavigationView& nav, RemoteEntryModel& entry) : entry_{entry} { add_children({ &labels, &field_name, &field_path, &field_freq, &text_rate, &field_icon_index, &field_fg_color_index, &field_bg_color_index, &button_preview, &button_delete, &button_done, }); bind(field_name, entry_.name, nav, [this](auto& v) { button_preview.set_text(v); }); field_path.on_select = [this, &nav](TextField&) { auto open_view = nav.push(".C*"); open_view->push_dir(captures_dir); open_view->on_changed = [this](fs::path path) { load_path(std::move(path)); refresh_ui(); }; }; bind(field_freq, entry_.metadata.center_frequency, nav); bind(field_icon_index, entry_.icon, [this](auto v) { button_preview.set_bitmap(RemoteIcons::get(v)); }); bind(field_fg_color_index, entry_.fg_color, [this](auto v) { button_preview.set_color(RemoteColors::get(v)); }); bind(field_bg_color_index, entry_.bg_color, [this](auto) { button_preview.set_dirty(); }); button_delete.on_select = [this, &nav]() { nav.display_modal( "Delete?", " Delete this button?", YESNO, [this, &nav](bool choice) { if (choice) { if (on_delete) on_delete(entry_); // Exit the edit view upon delete. nav.set_on_pop([&nav]() { nav.pop(); }); } }); }; button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; refresh_ui(); } void RemoteEntryEditView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } void RemoteEntryEditView::refresh_ui() { field_path.set_text(entry_.path.filename().string()); field_freq.set_value(entry_.metadata.center_frequency); text_rate.set(unit_auto_scale(entry_.metadata.sample_rate, 3, 0) + "Hz"); } void RemoteEntryEditView::load_path(std::filesystem::path&& path) { // Read metafile if it exists. auto metadata_path = get_metadata_path(path); auto metadata = read_metadata_file(metadata_path); entry_.path = std::move(path); // Use metadata if found, otherwise fallback to the TX frequency. if (metadata) entry_.metadata = *metadata; else entry_.metadata = {transmitter_model.target_frequency(), 500'000}; } /* RemoteView ********************************************/ RemoteView::RemoteView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_replay); add_children({ &field_title, &tx_view, &check_loop, &field_filename, &button_add, &button_new, &button_open, &waterfall, }); create_buttons(); field_title.on_select = [this, &nav](TextField&) { temp_buffer_ = model_.name; text_prompt(nav_, temp_buffer_, text_edit_max, [this](std::string& new_name) { model_.name = new_name; refresh_ui(); set_needs_save(); }); }; field_filename.on_select = [this, &nav](TextField&) { temp_buffer_ = remote_path_.stem().string(); text_prompt(nav_, temp_buffer_, text_edit_max, [this](std::string& new_name) { rename_remote(new_name); refresh_ui(); }); }; button_add.on_select = [this]() { add_button(); }; button_new.on_select = [this]() { new_remote(); }; button_open.on_select = [this]() { open_remote(); }; // Fill in the area between the remote buttons and bottom UI with waterfall. Dim waterfall_top = buttons_top_.y() + button_area_height; Dim waterfall_bottom = button_add.parent_rect().top(); Dim waterfall_height = waterfall_bottom - waterfall_top; waterfall.set_parent_rect({0, waterfall_top, screen_width, waterfall_height}); ensure_directory(remotes_dir); // Load the previously loaded remote if exists. if (!load_remote(settings_.remote_path)) init_remote(); refresh_ui(); } RemoteView::RemoteView(NavigationView& nav, fs::path path) : RemoteView(nav) { load_remote(std::move(path)); refresh_ui(); } RemoteView::~RemoteView() { stop(); baseband::shutdown(); save_remote(/*show_error*/ false); } void RemoteView::focus() { if (model_.entries.empty()) button_add.focus(); else buttons_[0]->focus(); } void RemoteView::create_buttons() { // Handler callbacks. auto handle_send = [this](RemoteButton& btn) { if (btn.entry()->path.empty()) // No path set? Go to edit mode instead. edit_button(btn); else if (is_sending() && &btn == current_btn_) // Pressed the same button again? Stop. stop(); else // Start sending. send_button(btn); }; auto handle_edit = [this](RemoteButton& btn) { edit_button(btn); }; // Create and add RemoteButtons for the whole grid. for (size_t i = 0; i < max_buttons; ++i) { Coord x = i % button_cols; Coord y = i / button_cols; Point pos = Point{x * button_width, y * button_height} + buttons_top_; auto btn = std::make_unique( Rect{pos, {button_width, button_height}}, nullptr); btn->on_select2 = handle_send; btn->on_long_select = handle_edit; add_child(btn.get()); buttons_.push_back(std::move(btn)); } } void RemoteView::reset_buttons() { // Whever the model's entries instance is invalidated, // all the pointers in the buttons will end up dangling. // TODO: This is pretty lame. Could maybe static alloc? for (auto& btn : buttons_) btn->set_entry(nullptr); } void RemoteView::refresh_ui() { field_title.set_text(model_.name); field_filename.set_text(remote_path_.stem().string()); // Update buttons from the model. for (size_t i = 0; i < buttons_.size(); ++i) { if (i < model_.entries.size()) buttons_[i]->set_entry(&model_.entries[i]); else buttons_[i]->set_entry(nullptr); } } void RemoteView::add_button() { if (model_.entries.size() >= max_buttons) return; // Don't let replay thread read the model while editing. stop(); model_.entries.push_back({{}, "", 0, 3, 1}); reset_buttons(); refresh_ui(); set_needs_save(); } void RemoteView::edit_button(RemoteButton& btn) { // Don't let replay thread read the model while editing. stop(); auto edit_view = nav_.push(*btn.entry()); nav_.set_on_pop([this]() { refresh_ui(); set_needs_save(); focus(); // Need to refocus after refreshing the buttons. }); edit_view->on_delete = [this](RemoteEntryModel& to_delete) { model_.delete_entry(&to_delete); reset_buttons(); }; } void RemoteView::send_button(RemoteButton& btn) { // TODO: If this is called while is_sending() == true, // it just stops and doesn't start the new button? // Reset everything to prepare to send a file. stop(); current_btn_ = &btn; // Stash for looping. // Open the sample file to send. auto reader = std::make_unique(); auto error = reader->open(btn.entry()->path); if (error) { show_error("Can't open file:\n" + btn.entry()->path.stem().string()); return; } // Update the sample rate in proc_replay baseband. baseband::set_sample_rate( btn.entry()->metadata.sample_rate, get_oversample_rate(btn.entry()->metadata.sample_rate)); // ReplayThread starts immediately on construction; must be set before creating. transmitter_model.set_target_frequency(btn.entry()->metadata.center_frequency); transmitter_model.set_sampling_rate(get_actual_sample_rate(btn.entry()->metadata.sample_rate)); transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(baseband_bandwidth); transmitter_model.enable(); // ReplayThread reads the file and sends to the baseband. replay_thread_ = std::make_unique( std::move(reader), /* read_size */ 0x4000, /* buffer_count */ 3, &ready_signal_, [](uint32_t return_code) { ReplayThreadDoneMessage message{return_code}; EventDispatcher::send_message(message); }); } void RemoteView::stop() { // This terminates the underlying chThread. replay_thread_.reset(); transmitter_model.disable(); ready_signal_ = false; } void RemoteView::new_remote() { save_remote(); init_remote(); refresh_ui(); // View needs to redraw to hide old buttons. set_dirty(); } void RemoteView::open_remote() { auto open_view = nav_.push(".REM"); open_view->push_dir(remotes_dir); open_view->on_changed = [this](fs::path path) { save_remote(); load_remote(std::move(path)); refresh_ui(); }; } void RemoteView::init_remote() { model_ = {"", {}}; reset_buttons(); set_remote_path(next_filename_matching_pattern(remotes_dir / u"REMOTE_????.REM")); set_needs_save(false); if (remote_path_.empty()) show_error("Couldn't make new remote file."); } bool RemoteView::load_remote(fs::path&& path) { set_remote_path(std::move(path)); set_needs_save(false); reset_buttons(); return model_.load(remote_path_); } void RemoteView::save_remote(bool show_errors) { if (!needs_save_) return; bool ok = model_.save(remote_path_); if (!ok && show_errors) show_error("Save failed for:\n" + remote_path_.stem().string()); set_needs_save(false); } void RemoteView::rename_remote(const std::string& new_name) { auto folder = remote_path_.parent_path(); auto ext = remote_path_.extension(); auto new_path = folder / new_name + ext; if (file_exists(new_path)) { show_error("Remote " + new_name + " already exists"); return; } // Rename file if there is one. if (fs::file_exists(remote_path_)) rename_file(remote_path_, new_path); set_remote_path(std::move(new_path)); } void RemoteView::handle_replay_thread_done(uint32_t return_code) { if (return_code == ReplayThread::END_OF_FILE) { if (check_loop.value() && current_btn_) { send_button(*current_btn_); return; } } /* // TODO: This can happen when stopping an in-progress Tx. if (return_code == ReplayThread::READ_ERROR) show_error("Bad capture file."); */ stop(); } void RemoteView::set_remote_path(fs::path&& path) { // Unfortunately, have to keep these two in sync because // settings doesn't know about fs::path. remote_path_ = std::move(path); settings_.remote_path = remote_path_.string(); } void RemoteView::show_error(const std::string& msg) const { nav_.display_modal("Error", msg); } } /* namespace ui */