# # Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. # # This file is part of PortaPack. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # PATH_BOOTSTRAP=bootstrap PATH_APPLICATION=application PATH_BASEBAND=baseband PATH_BASEBAND_TX=baseband-tx TARGET=portapack-h1-firmware TARGET_BOOTSTRAP=$(PATH_BOOTSTRAP)/bootstrap TARGET_HACKRF_FIRMWARE=hackrf_one_usb_ram TARGET_APPLICATION=$(PATH_APPLICATION)/build/application TARGET_BASEBAND=$(PATH_BASEBAND)/build/baseband TARGET_BASEBAND_TX=$(PATH_BASEBAND_TX)/build/baseband-tx MAKE_SPI_IMAGE=tools/make_spi_image.py MAKE_MODULES_FILE=tools/make_baseband_file.py DFU_HACKRF=hackrf_one_usb_ram.dfu LICENSE=../LICENSE GIT_REVISION=$(shell git log -n 1 --format=%h) CP=arm-none-eabi-objcopy MODULES = $(PATH_BASEBAND) \ $(PATH_BASEBAND_TX) all: $(TARGET).bin modules release: $(TARGET).bin $(DFU_HACKRF) $(LICENSE) # TODO: Bad hack to fix location of LICENSE file for tar. cp $(LICENSE) LICENSE tar -c -j -f $(TARGET)-$(GIT_REVISION).tar.bz2 $(TARGET).bin $(DFU_HACKRF) LICENSE zip -9 -q $(TARGET)-$(GIT_REVISION).zip $(TARGET).bin $(DFU_HACKRF) LICENSE rm -f LICENSE program: $(TARGET).bin modules dfu-util --device 1fc9:000c --download hackrf_one_usb_ram.dfu --reset sleep 1s hackrf_spiflash -w $(TARGET).bin modules: $(TARGET_BASEBAND).bin $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).bin $(MAKE_MODULES_FILE) $(MODULES) cp $(PATH_BASEBAND).bin ../sdcard/$(PATH_BASEBAND).bin cp $(PATH_BASEBAND_TX).bin ../sdcard/$(PATH_BASEBAND_TX).bin $(TARGET).bin: modules $(MAKE_SPI_IMAGE) $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).bin $(TARGET_HACKRF_FIRMWARE).dfu $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX)_inc.bin $(TARGET_APPLICATION).bin $(MAKE_SPI_IMAGE) $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).bin $(TARGET_HACKRF_FIRMWARE).dfu $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX)_inc.bin $(TARGET_APPLICATION).bin $(TARGET).bin $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).bin: $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).elf $(CP) -O binary $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).elf $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).bin $(TARGET_BASEBAND).bin: $(TARGET_BASEBAND).elf $(CP) -O binary $(TARGET_BASEBAND).elf $(TARGET_BASEBAND).bin $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).bin: $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).elf $(CP) -O binary $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).elf $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).bin $(TARGET_APPLICATION).bin: $(TARGET_APPLICATION).elf $(CP) -O binary $(TARGET_APPLICATION).elf $(TARGET_APPLICATION).bin $(TARGET_BASEBAND).elf: always_check @$(MAKE) -s -e GIT_REVISION=$(GIT_REVISION) -C $(PATH_BASEBAND) $(TARGET_BASEBAND_TX).elf: always_check @$(MAKE) -s -e GIT_REVISION=$(GIT_REVISION) -C $(PATH_BASEBAND_TX) $(TARGET_APPLICATION).elf: always_check @$(MAKE) -s -e GIT_REVISION=$(GIT_REVISION) -C $(PATH_APPLICATION) $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).elf: always_check @$(MAKE) -s -e GIT_REVISION=$(GIT_REVISION) -C $(PATH_BOOTSTRAP) clean: rm -f $(TARGET).bin rm -f $(TARGET_BOOTSTRAP).bin rm -f $(TARGET_BASEBAND).bin rm -f $(TARGET_APPLICATION).bin $(MAKE) -C $(PATH_BASEBAND) clean $(MAKE) -C $(PATH_APPLICATION) clean $(MAKE) -C $(PATH_BOOTSTRAP) clean always_check: @true