/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_siggen.hpp" #include "tonesets.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <stdio.h> using namespace portapack; namespace ui { void SigGenView::focus() { options_shape.focus(); } SigGenView::~SigGenView() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void SigGenView::update_config() { baseband::set_siggen_config(transmitter_model.channel_bandwidth(), options_shape.selected_index_value(), field_stop.value()); } void SigGenView::update_tone() { baseband::set_siggen_tone(symfield_tone.value_dec_u32()); } void SigGenView::start_tx() { transmitter_model.set_sampling_rate(1536000); transmitter_model.set_rf_amp(true); transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(1750000); transmitter_model.enable(); update_tone(); /*auto duration = field_stop.value(); if (!checkbox_auto.value()) duration = 0;*/ update_config(); } void SigGenView::on_tx_progress(const uint32_t progress, const bool done) { (void) progress; if (done) tx_view.set_transmitting(false); } SigGenView::SigGenView( NavigationView& nav ) { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_siggen); add_children({ &labels, &options_shape, &text_shape, &symfield_tone, &button_update, &checkbox_auto, &checkbox_stop, &field_stop, &tx_view }); options_shape.on_change = [this](size_t, OptionsField::value_t v) { text_shape.set(shape_strings[v]); if (auto_update) update_config(); }; options_shape.set_selected_index(0); text_shape.set(shape_strings[0]); symfield_tone.set_sym(1, 1); // Default: 1000 Hz symfield_tone.on_change = [this]() { if (auto_update) update_tone(); }; button_update.on_select = [this](Button&) { update_tone(); update_config(); }; checkbox_auto.on_select = [this](Checkbox&, bool v) { auto_update = v; }; tx_view.on_edit_frequency = [this, &nav]() { auto new_view = nav.push<FrequencyKeypadView>(receiver_model.tuning_frequency()); new_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(f); }; }; tx_view.on_start = [this]() { start_tx(); tx_view.set_transmitting(true); }; tx_view.on_stop = [this]() { transmitter_model.disable(); tx_view.set_transmitting(false); }; } } /* namespace ui */