/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_pocsag_tx.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "ui_textentry.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" using namespace portapack; using namespace pocsag; namespace ui { #define MAX_POCSAG_LENGTH 80 void POCSAGTXView::focus() { field_address.focus(); } POCSAGTXView::~POCSAGTXView() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void POCSAGTXView::on_remote(const PocsagTosendMessage data) { // check if still sending or not size_t tmp = 0; if (data.baud == 1200) tmp = 1; if (data.baud == 2400) tmp = 2; options_bitrate.set_selected_index(tmp); tmp = 0; options_type.set_selected_index(data.type); if (data.function == 'B') tmp = 1; if (data.function == 'C') tmp = 2; if (data.function == 'D') tmp = 3; options_function.set_selected_index(tmp); options_phase.set_selected_index(data.phase == 'P' ? 0 : 1); field_address.set_value(data.addr); message = (char*)data.msg; buffer = message; text_message.set(message); options_bitrate.dirty(); options_type.dirty(); options_function.dirty(); options_phase.dirty(); field_address.dirty(); text_message.dirty(); tx_view.focus(); start_tx(); } void POCSAGTXView::on_tx_progress(const uint32_t progress, const bool done) { if (done) { transmitter_model.disable(); progressbar.set_value(0); tx_view.set_transmitting(false); } else progressbar.set_value(progress); } bool POCSAGTXView::start_tx() { uint32_t total_frames, i, codeword, bi, address; pocsag::BitRate bitrate; std::vector codewords; address = field_address.to_integer(); if (address > 0x1FFFFFU) { nav_.display_modal("Bad address", "Address must be less\nthan 2097152."); return false; } MessageType type = (MessageType)options_type.selected_index_value(); if (type == MessageType::NUMERIC_ONLY) { // Check for invalid characters if (message.find_first_not_of("0123456789SU -][") != std::string::npos) { nav_.display_modal("Bad message", "A numeric only message must\nonly contain:\n0123456789SU][- or space."); return false; } } MessageType phase = (MessageType)options_phase.selected_index_value(); pocsag_encode(type, BCH_code, options_function.selected_index_value(), message, address, codewords); total_frames = codewords.size() / 2; progressbar.set_max(total_frames); // transmitter_model.set_rf_amp(true); // transmitter_model.set_tx_gain(40); // We left exactly same TX LPF settings as previous fw 1.7.4, TX LPF= 1M75 (min). It is fine even in max FM dev. 150khz and 2400 bauds. transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(1'750'000); // Min TX LPF . Pocsag is NBFM , using BW channel 25khz or 12khz transmitter_model.enable(); uint8_t* data_ptr = shared_memory.bb_data.data; bi = 0; for (i = 0; i < codewords.size(); i++) { if (phase == 0) codeword = ~(codewords[i]); else codeword = codewords[i]; data_ptr[bi++] = (codeword >> 24) & 0xFF; data_ptr[bi++] = (codeword >> 16) & 0xFF; data_ptr[bi++] = (codeword >> 8) & 0xFF; data_ptr[bi++] = codeword & 0xFF; } bitrate = pocsag_bitrates[options_bitrate.selected_index()]; baseband::set_fsk_data( codewords.size() * 32, 2280000 / bitrate, 4500, 64); return true; } void POCSAGTXView::paint(Painter&) { message = buffer; text_message.set(message); // the whole message, but it may not fit. if (message.length() > 30 && message.length() <= 60) { text_message_l2.set(message.substr(29)); // remaining to 2nd line } else if (message.length() > 60) { text_message_l2.set(message.substr(29, 27) + "..."); } else { text_message_l2.set(""); } } void POCSAGTXView::on_set_text(NavigationView& nav) { text_prompt(nav, buffer, MAX_POCSAG_LENGTH); } POCSAGTXView::POCSAGTXView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_fsktx); add_children({&labels, &options_bitrate, &field_address, &options_type, &options_function, &options_phase, &text_message, &text_message_l2, &button_message, &progressbar, &tx_view}); options_bitrate.set_selected_index(1); // 1200bps options_type.set_selected_index(0); // Address only field_address.set_value(persistent_memory::pocsag_last_address()); options_type.on_change = [this](size_t, int32_t i) { if (i == 2) options_function.set_selected_index(3); }; button_message.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { this->on_set_text(nav); }; tx_view.on_edit_frequency = [this, &nav]() { auto new_view = nav.push(transmitter_model.target_frequency()); new_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { transmitter_model.set_target_frequency(f); }; }; tx_view.on_start = [this]() { if (start_tx()) tx_view.set_transmitting(true); }; tx_view.on_stop = [this]() { tx_view.set_transmitting(false); transmitter_model.disable(); }; } } /* namespace ui */