/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <cstdint> #include <cstddef> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include "gpdma.hpp" namespace lpc43xx { namespace gpdma { namespace lli { enum class ChainType : uint8_t { Loop = 0, OneShot = 1, }; enum class Interrupt : uint8_t { All = 0, Last = 1, }; struct ChainConfig { ChainType type; size_t length; Interrupt interrupt; }; enum class BurstSize : uint8_t { Transfer1 = 0, Transfer4 = 1, Transfer8 = 2, Transfer16 = 3, Transfer32 = 4, Transfer64 = 5, Transfer128 = 6, Transfer256 = 7, }; enum class TransferWidth : uint8_t { Byte = 0, HalfWord = 1, Word = 2, }; enum class Increment : uint8_t { No = 0, Yes = 1, }; using PeripheralIndex = uint8_t; struct Endpoint { PeripheralIndex peripheral; BurstSize burst_size; TransferWidth transfer_size; Increment increment; }; struct ChannelConfig { ChainConfig chain; FlowControl flow_control; Endpoint source; Endpoint destination; constexpr gpdma::channel::Control control( const size_t transfer_size, const bool last) { return { .transfersize = transfer_size, .sbsize = toUType(source.burst_size), .dbsize = toUType(destination.burst_size), .swidth = toUType(source.transfer_size), .dwidth = toUType(destination.transfer_size), .s = source_endpoint_type(flow_control), .d = destination_endpoint_type(flow_control), .si = toUType(source.increment), .di = toUType(destination.increment), .prot1 = 0, .prot2 = 0, .prot3 = 0, .i = ((chain.interrupt == Interrupt::All) || last) ? 1U : 0U, }; } constexpr gpdma::channel::Config config() { return { .e = 0, .srcperipheral = source.peripheral, .destperipheral = destination.peripheral, .flowcntrl = flow_control, .ie = 1, .itc = 1, .l = 0, .a = 0, .h = 0, }; }; }; constexpr ChannelConfig channel_config_baseband_tx{ {ChainType::Loop, 4, Interrupt::All}, gpdma::FlowControl::MemoryToPeripheral_DMAControl, {0x00, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::Yes}, {0x00, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::No}, }; constexpr ChannelConfig channel_config_baseband_rx{ {ChainType::Loop, 4, Interrupt::All}, gpdma::FlowControl::PeripheralToMemory_DMAControl, {0x00, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::No}, {0x00, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::Yes}, }; constexpr ChannelConfig channel_config_audio_tx{ {ChainType::Loop, 4, Interrupt::All}, gpdma::FlowControl::MemoryToPeripheral_DMAControl, {0x0a, BurstSize::Transfer32, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::Yes}, {0x0a, BurstSize::Transfer32, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::No}, }; constexpr ChannelConfig channel_config_audio_rx{ {ChainType::Loop, 4, Interrupt::All}, gpdma::FlowControl::PeripheralToMemory_DMAControl, {0x09, BurstSize::Transfer32, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::No}, {0x09, BurstSize::Transfer32, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::Yes}, }; constexpr ChannelConfig channel_config_rssi{ {ChainType::Loop, 4, Interrupt::All}, gpdma::FlowControl::PeripheralToMemory_DMAControl, {0x0e, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Byte, Increment::No}, {0x0e, BurstSize::Transfer1, TransferWidth::Word, Increment::Yes}, }; class Chain { public: using chain_t = std::vector<gpdma::channel::LLI>; using chain_p = std::unique_ptr<chain_t>; Chain(const ChannelConfig& cc) : chain(std::make_unique<chain_t>(cc.chain.length)) { set_lli_sequential(cc.chain_type); set_source_address()... } private: chain_p chain; void set_source_peripheral(void* const address) { set_source_address(address, 0); } void set_destination_peripheral(void* const address) { set_destination_address(address, 0); } void set_source_address(void* const address, const size_t increment) { size_t offset = 0; for (auto& item : *chain) { item.srcaddr = (uint32_t)address + offset; offset += increment; } } void set_destination_address(void* const address, const size_t increment) { size_t offset = 0; for (auto& item : *chain) { item.destaddr = (uint32_t)address + offset; offset += increment; } } void set_control(const gpdma::channel::Control control) { for (auto& item : *chain) { item.control = control; } } void set_lli_sequential(ChainType chain_type) { for (auto& item : *chain) { item.lli = lli_pointer(&item + 1); } if (chain_type == ChainType::Loop) { chain[chain->size() - 1].lli = lli_pointer(&chain[0]); } else { chain[chain->size() - 1].lli = lli_pointer(nullptr); } } gpdma::channel::LLIPointer lli_pointer(const void* lli) { return { .lm = 0, .r = 0, .lli = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(lli), }; } }; } /* namespace lli */ } /* namespace gpdma */ } /* namespace lpc43xx */