/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "ui_adsb_rx.hpp" #include "ui_alphanum.hpp" #include "rtc_time.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace ui { template<> void RecentEntriesTable::draw( const Entry& entry, const Rect& target_rect, Painter& painter, const Style& style ) { char aged_color; Color target_color; auto entry_age = entry.age; // Color decay for flights not being updated anymore if (entry_age < ADSB_CURRENT) { aged_color = 0x10; target_color = Color::green(); } else if (entry_age < ADSB_RECENT) { aged_color = 0x07; target_color = Color::light_grey(); } else { aged_color = 0x08; target_color = Color::dark_grey(); } std::string entry_string = "\x1B"; entry_string += aged_color; entry_string += (entry.callsign[0]!=' ' ? entry.callsign + " " : entry.icaoStr + " ") + to_string_dec_uint((unsigned int)(entry.pos.altitude/100),4) + to_string_dec_uint((unsigned int)entry.velo.speed,4) + to_string_dec_uint((unsigned int)(entry.amp>>9),4) + " " + (entry.hits <= 999 ? to_string_dec_uint(entry.hits, 3) + " " : "1k+ ") + to_string_dec_uint(entry.age, 4); painter.draw_string( target_rect.location(), style, entry_string ); if (entry.pos.valid) painter.draw_bitmap(target_rect.location() + Point(8 * 8, 0), bitmap_target, target_color, style.background); } void ADSBLogger::log_str(std::string& logline) { rtc::RTC datetime; rtcGetTime(&RTCD1, &datetime); log_file.write_entry(datetime,logline); } // Aircraft Details void ADSBRxAircraftDetailsView::focus() { button_close.focus(); } ADSBRxAircraftDetailsView::~ADSBRxAircraftDetailsView() { on_close_(); } ADSBRxAircraftDetailsView::ADSBRxAircraftDetailsView( NavigationView& nav, const AircraftRecentEntry& entry, const std::function on_close ) : entry_copy(entry), on_close_(on_close) { add_children({ &labels, &text_icao_address, &text_registration, &text_manufacturer, &text_model, &text_type, &text_number_of_engines, &text_engine_type, &text_owner, &text_operator, &button_close }); std::unique_ptr logger { }; icao_code = to_string_hex(entry_copy.ICAO_address, 6); text_icao_address.set(to_string_hex(entry_copy.ICAO_address, 6)); // Try getting the aircraft information from icao24.db return_code = db.retrieve_aircraft_record(&aircraft_record, icao_code); switch(return_code) { case DATABASE_RECORD_FOUND: text_registration.set(aircraft_record.aircraft_registration); text_manufacturer.set(aircraft_record.aircraft_manufacturer); text_model.set(aircraft_record.aircraft_model); text_owner.set(aircraft_record.aircraft_owner); text_operator.set(aircraft_record.aircraft_operator); // Check for ICAO type, e.g. L2J if(strlen(aircraft_record.icao_type) == 3) { switch(aircraft_record.icao_type[0]) { case 'L': text_type.set("Landplane"); break; case 'S': text_type.set("Seaplane"); break; case 'A': text_type.set("Amphibian"); break; case 'H': text_type.set("Helicopter"); break; case 'G': text_type.set("Gyrocopter"); break; case 'T': text_type.set("Tilt-wing aircraft"); break; } text_number_of_engines.set(std::string(1, aircraft_record.icao_type[1])); switch(aircraft_record.icao_type[2]) { case 'P': text_engine_type.set("Piston engine"); break; case 'T': text_engine_type.set("Turboprop/Turboshaft engine"); break; case 'J': text_engine_type.set("Jet engine"); break; case 'E': text_engine_type.set("Electric engine"); break; } } // Check for ICAO type designator else if(strlen(aircraft_record.icao_type) == 4) { if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"SHIP") == 0) text_type.set("Airship"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"BALL") == 0) text_type.set("Balloon"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"GLID") == 0) text_type.set("Glider / sailplane"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"ULAC") == 0) text_type.set("Micro/ultralight aircraft"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"GYRO") == 0) text_type.set("Micro/ultralight autogyro"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"UHEL") == 0) text_type.set("Micro/ultralight helicopter"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"SHIP") == 0) text_type.set("Airship"); else if(strcmp(aircraft_record.icao_type,"PARA") == 0) text_type.set("Powered parachute/paraplane"); } break; case DATABASE_NOT_FOUND: text_manufacturer.set("No icao24.db file"); break; } button_close.on_select = [&nav](Button&){ nav.pop(); }; }; // End of Aicraft details void ADSBRxDetailsView::focus() { button_see_map.focus(); } void ADSBRxDetailsView::update(const AircraftRecentEntry& entry) { entry_copy = entry; uint32_t age = entry_copy.age; if (age < 60) text_last_seen.set(to_string_dec_uint(age) + " seconds ago"); else text_last_seen.set(to_string_dec_uint(age / 60) + " minutes ago"); text_infos.set(entry_copy.info_string); if(entry_copy.velo.heading < 360 && entry_copy.velo.speed >=0){ //I don't like this but... text_info2.set("Hdg:" + to_string_dec_uint(entry_copy.velo.heading) + " Spd:" + to_string_dec_int(entry_copy.velo.speed)); }else{ text_info2.set(""); } text_frame_pos_even.set(to_string_hex_array(entry_copy.frame_pos_even.get_raw_data(), 14)); text_frame_pos_odd.set(to_string_hex_array(entry_copy.frame_pos_odd.get_raw_data(), 14)); if (send_updates) { geomap_view->update_tag(trimr(entry.callsign[0]!=' ' ? entry.callsign : to_string_hex(entry.ICAO_address, 6))); geomap_view->update_position(entry_copy.pos.latitude, entry_copy.pos.longitude, entry_copy.velo.heading, entry_copy.pos.altitude); } } ADSBRxDetailsView::~ADSBRxDetailsView() { on_close_(); } ADSBRxDetailsView::ADSBRxDetailsView( NavigationView& nav, const AircraftRecentEntry& entry, const std::function on_close ) : entry_copy(entry), on_close_(on_close) { add_children({ &labels, &text_icao_address, &text_callsign, &text_last_seen, &text_airline, &text_country, &text_infos, &text_info2, &text_frame_pos_even, &text_frame_pos_odd, &button_aircraft_details, &button_see_map }); std::unique_ptr logger { }; update(entry_copy); // The following won't (shouldn't !) change for a given airborne aircraft // Try getting the airline's name from airlines.db airline_code = entry_copy.callsign.substr(0, 3); return_code = db.retrieve_airline_record(&airline_record, airline_code); switch(return_code) { case DATABASE_RECORD_FOUND: text_airline.set(airline_record.airline); text_country.set(airline_record.country); break; case DATABASE_NOT_FOUND: text_airline.set("No airlines.db file"); break; } text_callsign.set(entry_copy.callsign); text_icao_address.set(to_string_hex(entry_copy.ICAO_address, 6)); button_aircraft_details.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { aircraft_details_view = nav.push(entry_copy, [this]() { send_updates = false;}); send_updates = false; }; button_see_map.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { if (!send_updates) { // Prevent recursively launching the map geomap_view = nav.push( trimr(entry_copy.callsign[0]!=' ' ? entry_copy.callsign : entry_copy.icaoStr), entry_copy.pos.altitude, GeoPos::alt_unit::FEET, entry_copy.pos.latitude, entry_copy.pos.longitude, entry_copy.velo.heading, [this]() { send_updates = false; }); send_updates = true; } }; }; void ADSBRxView::focus() { field_vga.focus(); } ADSBRxView::~ADSBRxView() { receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(prevFreq); // Restore previous frequency on exit // save app settings settings.save("rx_adsb", &app_settings); //TODO: once all apps keep there own settin previous frequency logic can be removed receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(prevFreq); rtc_time::signal_tick_second -= signal_token_tick_second; receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } AircraftRecentEntry ADSBRxView::find_or_create_entry(uint32_t ICAO_address) { auto it = find(recent, ICAO_address); // If not found if (it == std::end(recent)){ recent.emplace_front(ICAO_address); // Add it it = find(recent, ICAO_address); // Find it again } return *it; } void ADSBRxView::replace_entry(AircraftRecentEntry & entry) { uint32_t ICAO_address = entry.ICAO_address; std::replace_if( recent.begin(), recent.end(), [ICAO_address](const AircraftRecentEntry & compEntry) {return ICAO_address == compEntry.ICAO_address;}, entry); } void ADSBRxView::remove_old_entries() { auto it = recent.rbegin(); auto end = recent.rend(); while (it != end) { if (it->age_state>=4) { std::advance(it, 1); recent.erase( it.base() ); } else { break; // stop looking because the list is sorted } } } void ADSBRxView::sort_entries_by_state() { // Sorting List pn age_state using lambda function as comparator recent.sort([](const AircraftRecentEntry & left, const AircraftRecentEntry & right){return (left.age_state < right.age_state); }); } void ADSBRxView::on_frame(const ADSBFrameMessage * message) { logger = std::make_unique(); rtc::RTC datetime; std::string callsign; std::string str_info; std::string logentry; auto frame = message->frame; uint32_t ICAO_address = frame.get_ICAO_address(); if (frame.check_CRC() && ICAO_address) { rtcGetTime(&RTCD1, &datetime); auto entry = find_or_create_entry(ICAO_address); frame.set_rx_timestamp(datetime.minute() * 60 + datetime.second()); entry.reset_age(); if (entry.hits==0) { entry.amp = message->amp; // Store amplitude on first hit } else { entry.amp = ((entry.amp*15)+message->amp)>>4; // Update smoothed amplitude on updates } entry.inc_hit(); if (logger) { logentry += to_string_hex_array(frame.get_raw_data(), 14) + " "; logentry += "ICAO:" + entry.icaoStr + " "; } if (frame.get_DF() == DF_ADSB) { uint8_t msg_type = frame.get_msg_type(); uint8_t msg_sub = frame.get_msg_sub(); uint8_t * raw_data = frame.get_raw_data(); // 4: // surveillance, altitude reply if ((msg_type >= AIRCRAFT_ID_L) && (msg_type <= AIRCRAFT_ID_H)) { callsign = decode_frame_id(frame); entry.set_callsign(callsign); if (logger) { logentry+=callsign+" "; } } // 9: // 18: { // Extended squitter/non-transponder // 21: // Comm-B, identity reply // 20: // Comm-B, altitude reply else if (((msg_type >= AIRBORNE_POS_BARO_L) && (msg_type <= AIRBORNE_POS_BARO_H)) || ((msg_type >= AIRBORNE_POS_GPS_L) && (msg_type <= AIRBORNE_POS_GPS_H))) { entry.set_frame_pos(frame, raw_data[6] & 4); if (entry.pos.valid) { str_info = "Alt:" + to_string_dec_int(entry.pos.altitude) + " Lat:" + to_string_decimal(entry.pos.latitude, 2) + " Lon:" + to_string_decimal(entry.pos.longitude, 2); entry.set_info_string(str_info); if (logger) { // printing the coordinates in the log file with more // resolution, as we are not constrained by screen // real estate there: std::string log_info = "Alt:" + to_string_dec_int(entry.pos.altitude) + " Lat:" + to_string_decimal(entry.pos.latitude, 7) + " Lon:" + to_string_decimal(entry.pos.longitude, 7); logentry+=log_info + " "; } } } else if(msg_type == AIRBORNE_VEL && msg_sub >= VEL_GND_SUBSONIC && msg_sub <= VEL_AIR_SUPERSONIC){ entry.set_frame_velo(frame); if (logger) { logger->append( LOG_ROOT_DIR "/ADSB.TXT" ); logentry += "Type:" + to_string_dec_uint(msg_sub) + " Hdg:" + to_string_dec_uint(entry.velo.heading) + " Spd: "+ to_string_dec_int(entry.velo.speed); } } replace_entry(entry); } // frame.get_DF() == DF_ADSB if (logger) { logger->append( LOG_ROOT_DIR "/ADSB.TXT" ); // will log each frame in format: // 20171103100227 8DADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF ICAO:nnnnnn callsign Alt:nnnnnn Latnnn.nn Lonnnn.nn logger->log_str(logentry); } } } void ADSBRxView::on_tick_second() { if (recent.size() <= 16){ // Not many entries update everything (16 is one screen full) updateDetailsAndMap(1); updateRecentEntries(); } else if (updateState==0) { // Even second updateState = 1; updateDetailsAndMap(2); } else { // Odd second only performed when there are many entries updateState = 0; updateRecentEntries(); } } void ADSBRxView::updateDetailsAndMap(int ageStep) { ui::GeoMarker marker; bool storeNewMarkers = false; // Sort and truncate the entries, grouped, newest group first sort_entries_by_state(); truncate_entries(recent); remove_old_entries(); // Calculate if it is time to update markers if (send_updates && details_view && details_view->geomap_view) { ticksSinceMarkerRefresh += ageStep; if (ticksSinceMarkerRefresh >= MARKER_UPDATE_SECONDS) { // Update other aircraft every few seconds storeNewMarkers = true; ticksSinceMarkerRefresh=0; } } else { ticksSinceMarkerRefresh = MARKER_UPDATE_SECONDS; // Send the markers as soon as the geoview exists } // Increment age, and pass updates to the details and map const bool otherMarkersCanBeSent = send_updates && storeNewMarkers && details_view && details_view->geomap_view; // Save retesting all of this MapMarkerStored markerStored = MARKER_NOT_STORED; if (otherMarkersCanBeSent) {details_view->geomap_view->clear_markers();} // Loop through all entries for (auto& entry : recent) { entry.inc_age(ageStep); // Only if there is a details view if (send_updates && details_view) { if (entry.key() == detailed_entry_key) // Check if the ICAO address match { details_view->update(entry); } // Store if the view is present and the list isn't full else if (otherMarkersCanBeSent && (markerStored != MARKER_LIST_FULL) && entry.pos.valid && (entry.age_state<=2)) { marker.lon = entry.pos.longitude; marker.lat = entry.pos.latitude; marker.angle = entry.velo.heading; marker.tag = trimr(entry.callsign[0]!=' ' ? entry.callsign : entry.icaoStr); markerStored = details_view->geomap_view->store_marker(marker); } } } // Loop through all entries, if only to update the age } void ADSBRxView::updateRecentEntries() { // Redraw the list of aircraft if (!send_updates){ recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); } } ADSBRxView::ADSBRxView(NavigationView& nav) { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_adsb_rx); add_children({ &labels, &field_lna, &field_vga, &field_rf_amp, &rssi, &recent_entries_view }); // load app settings auto rc = settings.load("rx_adsb", &app_settings); if(rc == SETTINGS_OK) { field_lna.set_value(app_settings.lna); field_vga.set_value(app_settings.vga); field_rf_amp.set_value(app_settings.rx_amp); } else { field_lna.set_value(40); field_vga.set_value(40); } recent_entries_view.set_parent_rect({ 0, 16, 240, 272 }); recent_entries_view.on_select = [this, &nav](const AircraftRecentEntry& entry) { detailed_entry_key = entry.key(); details_view = nav.push( entry, [this]() { send_updates = false; }); send_updates = true; }; signal_token_tick_second = rtc_time::signal_tick_second += [this]() { on_tick_second(); }; prevFreq = receiver_model.tuning_frequency(); // Store previous frequency on creation baseband::set_adsb(); receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(1090000000); receiver_model.set_modulation(ReceiverModel::Mode::SpectrumAnalysis); receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(2000000); receiver_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(2500000); receiver_model.enable(); } } /* namespace ui */