/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "audio_dma.hpp" #include <cstdint> #include <cstddef> #include <array> #include "hal.h" #include "gpdma.hpp" using namespace lpc43xx; #include "portapack_dma.hpp" namespace audio { namespace dma { constexpr uint32_t gpdma_ahb_master_peripheral = 1; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_ahb_master_memory = 0; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_ahb_master_lli_fetch = 0; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_rx_peripheral = 0x9; /* I2S0 DMA request 1 */ constexpr uint32_t gpdma_rx_src_peripheral = gpdma_rx_peripheral; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_rx_dest_peripheral = gpdma_rx_peripheral; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_tx_peripheral = 0xa; /* I2S0 DMA request 2 */ constexpr uint32_t gpdma_tx_src_peripheral = gpdma_tx_peripheral; constexpr uint32_t gpdma_tx_dest_peripheral = gpdma_tx_peripheral; constexpr gpdma::channel::LLIPointer lli_pointer(const void* lli) { return { .lm = gpdma_ahb_master_lli_fetch, .r = 0, .lli = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(lli), }; } constexpr gpdma::channel::Control control_tx(const size_t transfer_bytes) { return { .transfersize = gpdma::buffer_words(transfer_bytes, 4), .sbsize = 4, /* Burst size: 32 */ .dbsize = 4, /* Burst size: 32 */ .swidth = 2, /* Source transfer width: word (32 bits) */ .dwidth = 2, /* Destination transfer width: word (32 bits) */ .s = gpdma_ahb_master_memory, .d = gpdma_ahb_master_peripheral, .si = 1, .di = 0, .prot1 = 0, .prot2 = 0, .prot3 = 0, .i = 1, }; } constexpr gpdma::channel::Config config_tx() { return { .e = 0, .srcperipheral = gpdma_tx_src_peripheral, .destperipheral = gpdma_tx_dest_peripheral, .flowcntrl = gpdma::FlowControl::MemoryToPeripheral_DMAControl, .ie = 1, .itc = 1, .l = 0, .a = 0, .h = 0, }; } constexpr gpdma::channel::Control control_rx(const size_t transfer_bytes) { return { .transfersize = gpdma::buffer_words(transfer_bytes, 4), .sbsize = 4, /* Burst size: 32 */ .dbsize = 4, /* Burst size: 32 */ .swidth = 2, /* Source transfer width: word (32 bits) */ .dwidth = 2, /* Destination transfer width: word (32 bits) */ .s = gpdma_ahb_master_peripheral, .d = gpdma_ahb_master_memory, .si = 0, .di = 1, .prot1 = 0, .prot2 = 0, .prot3 = 0, .i = 1, }; } constexpr gpdma::channel::Config config_rx() { return { .e = 0, .srcperipheral = gpdma_rx_src_peripheral, .destperipheral = gpdma_rx_dest_peripheral, .flowcntrl = gpdma::FlowControl::PeripheralToMemory_DMAControl, .ie = 1, .itc = 1, .l = 0, .a = 0, .h = 0, }; } /* TODO: Clean up terminology around "buffer", "transfer", "samples" */ constexpr size_t buffer_samples_log2n = 7; constexpr size_t buffer_samples = (1 << buffer_samples_log2n); constexpr size_t transfers_per_buffer_log2n = 2; constexpr size_t transfers_per_buffer = (1 << transfers_per_buffer_log2n); constexpr size_t transfer_samples = buffer_samples / transfers_per_buffer; constexpr size_t transfers_mask = transfers_per_buffer - 1; constexpr size_t buffer_bytes = buffer_samples * sizeof(sample_t); constexpr size_t transfer_bytes = transfer_samples * sizeof(sample_t); static std::array<sample_t, buffer_samples> buffer_tx; static std::array<sample_t, buffer_samples> buffer_rx; static std::array<gpdma::channel::LLI, transfers_per_buffer> lli_tx_loop; static std::array<gpdma::channel::LLI, transfers_per_buffer> lli_rx_loop; static constexpr auto& gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx = gpdma::channels[portapack::i2s0_tx_gpdma_channel_number]; static constexpr auto& gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx = gpdma::channels[portapack::i2s0_rx_gpdma_channel_number]; static volatile const gpdma::channel::LLI* tx_next_lli = nullptr; static volatile const gpdma::channel::LLI* rx_next_lli = nullptr; static void tx_transfer_complete() { tx_next_lli = gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx.next_lli(); } static void tx_error() { disable(); } static void rx_transfer_complete() { rx_next_lli = gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx.next_lli(); } static void rx_error() { disable(); } void init() { gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx.set_handlers(tx_transfer_complete, tx_error); gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx.set_handlers(rx_transfer_complete, rx_error); // LPC_GPDMA->SYNC |= (1 << gpdma_rx_peripheral); // LPC_GPDMA->SYNC |= (1 << gpdma_tx_peripheral); } static void configure_tx() { const auto peripheral = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&LPC_I2S0->TXFIFO); const auto control_value = control_tx(transfer_bytes); for(size_t i=0; i<lli_tx_loop.size(); i++) { const auto memory = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&buffer_tx[i * transfer_samples]); lli_tx_loop[i].srcaddr = memory; lli_tx_loop[i].destaddr = peripheral; lli_tx_loop[i].lli = lli_pointer(&lli_tx_loop[(i + 1) % lli_tx_loop.size()]); lli_tx_loop[i].control = control_value; } } static void configure_rx() { const auto peripheral = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&LPC_I2S0->RXFIFO); const auto control_value = control_rx(transfer_bytes); for(size_t i=0; i<lli_rx_loop.size(); i++) { const auto memory = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&buffer_rx[i * transfer_samples]); lli_rx_loop[i].srcaddr = peripheral; lli_rx_loop[i].destaddr = memory; lli_rx_loop[i].lli = lli_pointer(&lli_rx_loop[(i + 1) % lli_rx_loop.size()]); lli_rx_loop[i].control = control_value; } } void configure() { configure_tx(); configure_rx(); } void enable() { const auto gpdma_config_tx = config_tx(); const auto gpdma_config_rx = config_rx(); gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx.configure(lli_tx_loop[0], gpdma_config_tx); gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx.configure(lli_rx_loop[0], gpdma_config_rx); gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx.enable(); gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx.enable(); } void disable() { gpdma_channel_i2s0_tx.disable(); gpdma_channel_i2s0_rx.disable(); } buffer_t tx_empty_buffer() { const auto next_lli = tx_next_lli; if( next_lli ) { const size_t next_index = next_lli - &lli_tx_loop[0]; const size_t free_index = (next_index + transfers_per_buffer - 2) & transfers_mask; return { reinterpret_cast<sample_t*>(lli_tx_loop[free_index].srcaddr), transfer_samples }; } else { return { nullptr, 0 }; } } buffer_t rx_empty_buffer() { const auto next_lli = rx_next_lli; if( next_lli ) { const size_t next_index = next_lli - &lli_rx_loop[0]; const size_t free_index = (next_index + transfers_per_buffer - 2) & transfers_mask; return { reinterpret_cast<sample_t*>(lli_rx_loop[free_index].srcaddr), transfer_samples }; } else { return { nullptr, 0 }; } } } /* namespace dma */ } /* namespace audio */