/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_aprs_rx.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" #include "rtc_time.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" #include "file_path.hpp" using namespace portapack; void APRSLogger::log_raw_data(const std::string& data) { log_file.write_entry(data); } namespace ui { template <> void RecentEntriesTable::draw( const Entry& entry, const Rect& target_rect, Painter& painter, const Style& style) { Color target_color; // auto entry_age = entry.age; target_color = Theme::getInstance()->fg_green->foreground; std::string entry_string = ""; entry_string += entry.source_formatted; entry_string.append(10 - entry.source_formatted.size(), ' '); entry_string += " "; entry_string += (entry.hits <= 999 ? to_string_dec_uint(entry.hits, 4) : "999+"); entry_string += " "; entry_string += entry.time_string; painter.draw_string( target_rect.location(), style, entry_string); if (entry.has_position) { painter.draw_bitmap(target_rect.location() + Point(12 * 8, 0), bitmap_target, target_color, style.background); } } void APRSRxView::focus() { options_region.focus(); } APRSRxView::APRSRxView(NavigationView& nav, Rect parent_rect) : View(parent_rect), nav_{nav} { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_aprs_rx); add_children({&rssi, &channel, &field_rf_amp, &field_lna, &field_vga, &field_volume, &options_region, &field_frequency, &record_view, &console}); // DEBUG record_view.on_error = [&nav](std::string message) { nav.display_modal("Error", message); }; record_view.set_sampling_rate(24000); options_region.on_change = [this](size_t, int32_t i) { field_frequency.on_change = [this](rf::Frequency f) { (void)f; }; if (i == 0) { // MAN Manual setting field_frequency.set_value(aprs_rx_freq); } else if (i == 1) { // NA - North America - is also the default field_frequency.set_value(144390000); } else if (i == 2) { // NZ field_frequency.set_value(144575000); } else if (i == 3) { // JAP field_frequency.set_value(144640000); } else if (i == 4) { // PHI field_frequency.set_value(144740000); } else if (i == 5) { // EUR field_frequency.set_value(144800000); } else if (i == 6) { // THA field_frequency.set_value(144900000); } else if (i == 7) { // AUS field_frequency.set_value(145175000); } else if (i == 8) { // BR field_frequency.set_value(145570000); } else if (i == 9) { // ISS field_frequency.set_value(145825000); } options_region_id = i; receiver_model.set_target_frequency(field_frequency.value()); // Retune field_frequency.on_change = [this](rf::Frequency f) { aprs_rx_freq = f; options_region.set_selected_index(0, true); }; }; field_frequency.set_step(100); field_frequency.on_edit = [this]() { auto freq_view = nav_.push(field_frequency.value()); freq_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { aprs_rx_freq = f; field_frequency.set_value(f); }; }; // Note: setting the region is also going to sef field_frequency.on_change options_region.set_selected_index(options_region_id, true); logger = std::make_unique(); if (logger) logger->append(logs_dir / u"APRS.TXT"); baseband::set_aprs(1200); audio::set_rate(audio::Rate::Hz_24000); audio::output::start(); receiver_model.enable(); } void APRSRxView::on_freqchg(int64_t freq) { field_frequency.set_value(freq); aprs_rx_freq = freq; options_region.set_selected_index(0, true); } void APRSRxView::on_packet(const APRSPacketMessage* message) { std::string str_console = "\x1B"; aprs::APRSPacket packet = message->packet; std::string stream_text = packet.get_stream_text(); str_console += (char)((console_color++ & 3) + 9); str_console += stream_text; if (logger) { logger->log_raw_data(stream_text); } // if(reset_console){ //having more than one console causes issues when switching tabs where one is disabled, and the other enabled breaking the scoll setup. // console.on_hide(); // console.on_show(); // reset_console = false; // } console.writeln(str_console); } void APRSRxView::on_data(uint32_t value, bool is_data) { std::string str_console = "\x1B"; std::string str_byte = ""; if (is_data) { // Colorize differently after message splits str_console += (char)((console_color & 3) + 9); if (value == '\n') { // Message split console.writeln(""); console_color++; if (logger) { logger->log_raw_data(str_log); str_log = ""; } } else { if ((value >= 32) && (value < 127)) { str_console += (char)value; // Printable str_byte += (char)value; } else { str_console += "[" + to_string_hex(value, 2) + "]"; // Not printable str_byte += "[" + to_string_hex(value, 2) + "]"; } console.write(str_console); if (logger) str_log += str_byte; } } else { } } void APRSRxView::on_show() { // some bug where the display scroll area is set to the entire screen when switching from the list tab with details showing back to the stream view. // reset_console = true; } APRSRxView::~APRSRxView() { audio::output::stop(); receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void APRSTableView::on_show_list() { details_view.hidden(true); recent_entries_view.hidden(false); send_updates = false; focus(); } void APRSTableView::on_show_detail(const APRSRecentEntry& entry) { recent_entries_view.hidden(true); details_view.hidden(false); details_view.set_entry(entry); details_view.update(); details_view.focus(); detailed_entry_key = entry.key(); send_updates = true; } APRSTableView::APRSTableView(NavigationView& nav, Rect parent_rec) : View(parent_rec), nav_{nav} { add_children({&recent_entries_view, &details_view}); hidden(true); details_view.hidden(true); recent_entries_view.set_parent_rect({0, 0, 240, 280}); details_view.set_parent_rect({0, 0, 240, 280}); recent_entries_view.on_select = [this](const APRSRecentEntry& entry) { this->on_show_detail(entry); }; details_view.on_close = [this]() { this->on_show_list(); }; /* for(size_t i = 0; i <32 ; i++){ std::string id = "test" + i; auto& entry = ::on_packet(recent, i); entry.set_source_formatted(id); } recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); */ /* std::string str1 = "test1"; std::string str12 = "test2"; std::string str13 = "test2"; auto& entry = ::on_packet(recent, 0x1); entry.set_source_formatted(str1); auto& entry2 = ::on_packet(recent, 0x2); entry2.set_source_formatted(str12); auto& entry3 = ::on_packet(recent, 0x2); entry2.set_source_formatted(str13); recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); */ } void APRSTableView::on_pkt(const APRSPacketMessage* message) { aprs::APRSPacket packet = message->packet; rtc::RTC datetime; std::string str_timestamp; std::string source_formatted = packet.get_source_formatted(); std::string info_string = packet.get_stream_text(); rtc_time::now(datetime); auto& entry = ::on_packet(recent, packet.get_source()); entry.reset_age(); entry.inc_hit(); str_timestamp = to_string_datetime(datetime, HMS); entry.set_time_string(str_timestamp); entry.set_info_string(info_string); entry.set_source_formatted(source_formatted); if (entry.has_position && !packet.has_position()) { // maintain position info } else { entry.set_has_position(packet.has_position()); entry.set_pos(packet.get_position()); } if (entry.key() == details_view.entry().key()) { details_view.set_entry(entry); details_view.update(); } recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); } void APRSTableView::on_show() { on_show_list(); } void APRSTableView::on_hide() { details_view.hidden(true); } void APRSTableView::focus() { recent_entries_view.focus(); } APRSTableView::~APRSTableView() { } void APRSDetailsView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } void APRSDetailsView::set_entry(const APRSRecentEntry& entry) { entry_copy = entry; } void APRSDetailsView::update() { if (!hidden()) { // uint32_t age = entry_copy.age; console.clear(true); console.write(entry_copy.info_string); button_see_map.hidden(!entry_copy.has_position); } if (send_updates) geomap_view->update_position(entry_copy.pos.latitude, entry_copy.pos.longitude, 0, 0, 0); } APRSDetailsView::~APRSDetailsView() { } APRSDetailsView::APRSDetailsView( NavigationView& nav) { add_children({&console, &button_done, &button_see_map}); button_done.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { console.clear(true); this->on_close(); }; button_see_map.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { geomap_view = nav.push( entry_copy.source_formatted, 0, // entry_copy.pos.altitude, GeoPos::alt_unit::FEET, GeoPos::spd_unit::HIDDEN, entry_copy.pos.latitude, entry_copy.pos.longitude, 0, /*entry_copy.velo.heading,*/ [this]() { send_updates = false; hidden(false); update(); }); send_updates = true; hidden(true); }; }; APRSRXView::APRSRXView(NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { add_children({&tab_view, &view_stream, &view_table}); } void APRSRXView::focus() { tab_view.focus(); } APRSRXView::~APRSRXView() { } } /* namespace ui */