/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ch.h" #include "test.h" #include "lpc43xx_cpp.hpp" #include "portapack_shared_memory.hpp" #include "portapack_dma.hpp" #include "gpdma.hpp" #include "baseband.hpp" #include "baseband_dma.hpp" #include "event_m4.hpp" #include "irq_ipc_m4.hpp" #include "touch_dma.hpp" #include "modules.h" #include "dsp_decimate.hpp" #include "dsp_demodulate.hpp" #include "dsp_fft.hpp" #include "dsp_fir_taps.hpp" #include "dsp_iir.hpp" #include "dsp_iir_config.hpp" #include "dsp_squelch.hpp" #include "channel_decimator.hpp" #include "baseband_processor.hpp" #include "proc_fsk_lcr.hpp" #include "proc_jammer.hpp" #include "proc_xylos.hpp" #include "clock_recovery.hpp" #include "packet_builder.hpp" #include "message_queue.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" #include "audio_dma.hpp" #include "gcc.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include static baseband::Direction direction = baseband::Direction::Receive; class ThreadBase { public: constexpr ThreadBase( const char* const name ) : name { name } { } static msg_t fn(void* arg) { auto obj = static_cast(arg); chRegSetThreadName(obj->name); obj->run(); return 0; } virtual void run() = 0; private: const char* const name; }; class BasebandThread : public ThreadBase { public: BasebandThread( ) : ThreadBase { "baseband" } { } Thread* start(const tprio_t priority) { return chThdCreateStatic(wa, sizeof(wa), priority, ThreadBase::fn, this ); } Thread* thread_main { nullptr }; BasebandProcessor* baseband_processor { nullptr }; BasebandConfiguration baseband_configuration; private: WORKING_AREA(wa, 2048); void run() override { while(true) { if (direction == baseband::Direction::Transmit) { const auto buffer_tmp = baseband::dma::wait_for_tx_buffer(); const buffer_c8_t buffer { buffer_tmp.p, buffer_tmp.count, baseband_configuration.sampling_rate }; if( baseband_processor ) { baseband_processor->execute(buffer); } } else { const auto buffer_tmp = baseband::dma::wait_for_rx_buffer(); const buffer_c8_t buffer { buffer_tmp.p, buffer_tmp.count, baseband_configuration.sampling_rate }; if( baseband_processor ) { baseband_processor->execute(buffer); } } } } }; #define SAMPLES_PER_BIT 192 #define FILTER_SIZE 576 #define SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE SAMPLES_PER_BIT + FILTER_SIZE static int32_t waveform_biphase[] = { 165,167,168,168,167,166,163,160, 157,152,147,141,134,126,118,109, 99,88,77,66,53,41,27,14, 0,-14,-29,-44,-59,-74,-89,-105, -120,-135,-150,-165,-179,-193,-206,-218, -231,-242,-252,-262,-271,-279,-286,-291, -296,-299,-301,-302,-302,-300,-297,-292, -286,-278,-269,-259,-247,-233,-219,-202, -185,-166,-145,-124,-101,-77,-52,-26, 0,27,56,85,114,144,175,205, 236,266,296,326,356,384,412,439, 465,490,513,535,555,574,590,604, 616,626,633,637,639,638,633,626, 616,602,586,565,542,515,485,451, 414,373,329,282,232,178,121,62, 0,-65,-132,-202,-274,-347,-423,-500, -578,-656,-736,-815,-894,-973,-1051,-1128, -1203,-1276,-1347,-1415,-1479,-1540,-1596,-1648, -1695,-1736,-1771,-1799,-1820,-1833,-1838,-1835, -1822,-1800,-1767,-1724,-1670,-1605,-1527,-1437, -1334,-1217,-1087,-943,-785,-611,-423,-219, 0,235,487,755,1040,1341,1659,1994, 2346,2715,3101,3504,3923,4359,4811,5280, 5764,6264,6780,7310,7856,8415,8987,9573, 10172,10782,11404,12036,12678,13329,13989,14656, 15330,16009,16694,17382,18074,18767,19461,20155, 20848,21539,22226,22909,23586,24256,24918,25571, 26214,26845,27464,28068,28658,29231,29787,30325, 30842,31339,31814,32266,32694,33097,33473,33823, 34144,34437,34699,34931,35131,35299,35434,35535, 35602,35634,35630,35591,35515,35402,35252,35065, 34841,34579,34279,33941,33566,33153,32702,32214, 31689,31128,30530,29897,29228,28525,27788,27017, 26214,25379,24513,23617,22693,21740,20761,19755, 18725,17672,16597,15501,14385,13251,12101,10935, 9755,8563,7360,6148,4927,3701,2470,1235, 0,-1235,-2470,-3701,-4927,-6148,-7360,-8563, -9755,-10935,-12101,-13251,-14385,-15501,-16597,-17672, -18725,-19755,-20761,-21740,-22693,-23617,-24513,-25379, -26214,-27017,-27788,-28525,-29228,-29897,-30530,-31128, -31689,-32214,-32702,-33153,-33566,-33941,-34279,-34579, -34841,-35065,-35252,-35402,-35515,-35591,-35630,-35634, -35602,-35535,-35434,-35299,-35131,-34931,-34699,-34437, -34144,-33823,-33473,-33097,-32694,-32266,-31814,-31339, -30842,-30325,-29787,-29231,-28658,-28068,-27464,-26845, -26214,-25571,-24918,-24256,-23586,-22909,-22226,-21539, -20848,-20155,-19461,-18767,-18074,-17382,-16694,-16009, -15330,-14656,-13989,-13329,-12678,-12036,-11404,-10782, -10172,-9573,-8987,-8415,-7856,-7310,-6780,-6264, -5764,-5280,-4811,-4359,-3923,-3504,-3101,-2715, -2346,-1994,-1659,-1341,-1040,-755,-487,-235, 0,219,423,611,785,943,1087,1217, 1334,1437,1527,1605,1670,1724,1767,1800, 1822,1835,1838,1833,1820,1799,1771,1736, 1695,1648,1596,1540,1479,1415,1347,1276, 1203,1128,1051,973,894,815,736,656, 578,500,423,347,274,202,132,65, 0,-62,-121,-178,-232,-282,-329,-373, -414,-451,-485,-515,-542,-565,-586,-602, -616,-626,-633,-638,-639,-637,-633,-626, -616,-604,-590,-574,-555,-535,-513,-490, -465,-439,-412,-384,-356,-326,-296,-266, -236,-205,-175,-144,-114,-85,-56,-27, 0,26,52,77,101,124,145,166, 185,202,219,233,247,259,269,278, 286,292,297,300,302,302,301,299, 296,291,286,279,271,262,252,242, 231,218,206,193,179,165,150,135, 120,105,89,74,59,44,29,14, 0,-14,-27,-41,-53,-66,-77,-88, -99,-109,-118,-126,-134,-141,-147,-152, -157,-160,-163,-166,-167,-168,-168,-167 }; class RDSProcessor : public BasebandProcessor { public: void execute(buffer_c8_t buffer) override { for (size_t i = 0; i= 9) { s = 0; if(sample_count >= SAMPLES_PER_BIT) { cur_bit = (shared_memory.rdsdata[(bit_pos / 26) & 15]>>(25-(bit_pos % 26))) & 1; prev_output = cur_output; cur_output = prev_output ^ cur_bit; int32_t *src = waveform_biphase; int idx = in_sample_index; for(int j=0; j= SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) idx = 0; } in_sample_index += SAMPLES_PER_BIT; if (in_sample_index >= SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) in_sample_index -= SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE; bit_pos++; sample_count = 0; } sample = sample_buffer[out_sample_index]; sample_buffer[out_sample_index] = 0; out_sample_index++; if (out_sample_index >= SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE) out_sample_index = 0; //AM @ 228k/4=57kHz switch (mphase) { case 0: case 2: sample = 0; break; case 1: break; case 3: sample = -sample; break; } mphase++; if (mphase >= 4) mphase = 0; sample_count++; } else { s++; } //FM frq = (sample>>16) * 386760; phase = (phase + frq); sphase = phase + (256<<16); //re = sintab[(sphase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; //im = sintab[(phase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; buffer.p[i] = {(int8_t)re,(int8_t)im}; } } private: int8_t re, im; uint8_t mphase, s; uint32_t bit_pos; int32_t sample_buffer[SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; int32_t val; uint8_t prev_output = 0; uint8_t cur_output = 0; uint8_t cur_bit = 0; int sample_count = SAMPLES_PER_BIT; int in_sample_index = 0; int32_t sample; int out_sample_index = SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1; uint32_t phase, sphase; int32_t sig, frq, frq_im, rdsc; int32_t k; }; class ToneProcessor : public BasebandProcessor { public: void execute(buffer_c8_t buffer) override { for (size_t i = 0; i= 9) { s = 0; aphase += 353205; // DEBUG //sample = sintab[(aphase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; } else { s++; } //sample = sintab[(aphase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; //FM frq = sample * 500; // DEBUG phase = (phase + frq); sphase = phase + (256<<16); //re = sintab[(sphase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; //im = sintab[(phase & 0x03FF0000)>>16]; buffer.p[i] = {(int8_t)re,(int8_t)im}; } } private: int8_t re, im; uint8_t s; uint32_t sample_count; uint32_t aphase, phase, sphase; int32_t sample, sig, frq; }; extern "C" { void __late_init(void) { /* * System initializations. * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers * and performs the board-specific initializations. * - Kernel initialization, the main() function becomes a thread and the * RTOS is active. */ halInit(); /* After this call, scheduler, systick, heap, etc. are available. */ /* By doing chSysInit() here, it runs before C++ constructors, which may * require the heap. */ chSysInit(); } } static BasebandThread baseband_thread; static void init() { i2s::i2s0::configure( audio::i2s0_config_tx, audio::i2s0_config_rx, audio::i2s0_config_dma ); audio::dma::init(); audio::dma::configure(); audio::dma::enable(); i2s::i2s0::tx_start(); i2s::i2s0::rx_start(); LPC_CREG->DMAMUX = portapack::gpdma_mux; gpdma::controller.enable(); nvicEnableVector(DMA_IRQn, CORTEX_PRIORITY_MASK(LPC_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY)); baseband::dma::init(); touch::dma::init(); const auto thread_main = chThdSelf(); baseband_thread.thread_main = thread_main; baseband_thread.start(NORMALPRIO + 20); } static void shutdown() { // TODO: Is this complete? nvicDisableVector(DMA_IRQn); m0apptxevent_interrupt_disable(); chSysDisable(); systick_stop(); } static void halt() { port_disable(); while(true) { port_wait_for_interrupt(); } } class EventDispatcher { public: MessageHandlerMap& message_handlers() { return message_map; } void run() { while(is_running) { const auto events = wait(); dispatch(events); } } void request_stop() { is_running = false; } private: MessageHandlerMap message_map; bool is_running = true; eventmask_t wait() { return chEvtWaitAny(ALL_EVENTS); } void dispatch(const eventmask_t events) { if( events & EVT_MASK_BASEBAND ) { handle_baseband_queue(); } if( events & EVT_MASK_SPECTRUM ) { handle_spectrum(); } } void handle_baseband_queue() { std::array message_buffer; while(Message* const message = shared_memory.baseband_queue.pop(message_buffer)) { message_map.send(message); } } void handle_spectrum() { if( baseband_thread.baseband_processor ) { baseband_thread.baseband_processor->update_spectrum(); } } }; const auto baseband_buffer = new std::array(); char ram_loop[32]; typedef int (*fn_ptr)(void); fn_ptr loop_ptr; void ram_loop_fn(void) { while(1) {} } void wait_for_switch(void) { memcpy(&ram_loop[0], reinterpret_cast(&ram_loop_fn), 32); loop_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&ram_loop[0]); ReadyForSwitchMessage message; shared_memory.application_queue.push(message); (*loop_ptr)(); return; } int main(void) { init(); events_initialize(chThdSelf()); m0apptxevent_interrupt_enable(); EventDispatcher event_dispatcher; auto& message_handlers = event_dispatcher.message_handlers(); message_handlers.register_handler(Message::ID::BasebandConfiguration, [&message_handlers](const Message* const p) { auto message = reinterpret_cast(p); if( message->configuration.mode != baseband_thread.baseband_configuration.mode ) { if( baseband_thread.baseband_processor ) { i2s::i2s0::tx_mute(); baseband::dma::disable(); } // TODO: Timing problem around disabling DMA and nulling and deleting old processor auto old_p = baseband_thread.baseband_processor; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = nullptr; delete old_p; switch(message->configuration.mode) { case TX_RDS: direction = baseband::Direction::Transmit; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = new RDSProcessor(); break; case TX_LCR: direction = baseband::Direction::Transmit; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = new LCRFSKProcessor(); break; case TX_TONE: direction = baseband::Direction::Transmit; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = new ToneProcessor(); break; case TX_JAMMER: direction = baseband::Direction::Transmit; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = new JammerProcessor(); break; case TX_XYLOS: direction = baseband::Direction::Transmit; baseband_thread.baseband_processor = new XylosProcessor(); break; case 0xFF: wait_for_switch(); default: break; } if( baseband_thread.baseband_processor ) baseband::dma::enable(direction); } baseband::dma::configure( baseband_buffer->data(), direction ); baseband_thread.baseband_configuration = message->configuration; } ); message_handlers.register_handler(Message::ID::Shutdown, [&event_dispatcher](const Message* const) { event_dispatcher.request_stop(); } ); /* TODO: Ensure DMAs are configured to point at first LLI in chain. */ touch::dma::allocate(); touch::dma::enable(); baseband::dma::configure( baseband_buffer->data(), direction ); //baseband::dma::allocate(4, 2048); event_dispatcher.run(); shutdown(); ShutdownMessage shutdown_message; shared_memory.application_queue.push(shutdown_message); halt(); return 0; }