/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Bernd Herzog * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "usb_serial_shell.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "core_control.hpp" #include "bitmap.hpp" #include "png_writer.hpp" #include "irq_controls.hpp" #include "usb_serial_io.h" #include "ff.h" #include "chprintf.h" #include "chqueues.h" #include #include #include #include #define SHELL_WA_SIZE THD_WA_SIZE(1024 * 3) #define palOutputPad(port, pad) (LPC_GPIO->DIR[(port)] |= 1 << (pad)) // queue handler from ch static msg_t qwait(GenericQueue* qp, systime_t time) { if (TIME_IMMEDIATE == time) return Q_TIMEOUT; currp->p_u.wtobjp = qp; queue_insert(currp, &qp->q_waiting); return chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(THD_STATE_WTQUEUE, time); } // This function fills the output buffer, and sends all data in 1 packet static size_t fillOBuffer(OutputQueue* oqp, const uint8_t* bp, size_t n) { qnotify_t nfy = oqp->q_notify; size_t w = 0; chDbgCheck(n > 0, "chOQWriteTimeout"); chSysLock(); while (TRUE) { while (chOQIsFullI(oqp)) { if (qwait((GenericQueue*)oqp, TIME_INFINITE) != Q_OK) { chSysUnlock(); return w; } } while (!chOQIsFullI(oqp) && n > 0) { oqp->q_counter--; *oqp->q_wrptr++ = *bp++; if (oqp->q_wrptr >= oqp->q_top) oqp->q_wrptr = oqp->q_buffer; w++; --n; } if (nfy) nfy(oqp); chSysUnlock(); /* Gives a preemption chance in a controlled point.*/ if (n == 0) return w; chSysLock(); } } static void cmd_reboot(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)chp; (void)argc; (void)argv; m4_request_shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[0] = (1 << 0); } static void cmd_dfu(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)chp; (void)argc; (void)argv; m4_request_shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); LPC_SCU->SFSP2_8 = (LPC_SCU->SFSP2_8 & ~(7)) | 4; palOutputPad(5, 7); palSetPad(5, 7); LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[0] = (1 << 0); } static void cmd_hackrf(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)chp; (void)argc; (void)argv; m4_request_shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); EventDispatcher::request_stop(); } static void cmd_sd_over_usb(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)chp; (void)argc; (void)argv; ui::Painter painter; painter.fill_rectangle( {0, 0, portapack::display.width(), portapack::display.height()}, ui::Color::black()); painter.draw_bitmap( {portapack::display.width() / 2 - 8, portapack::display.height() / 2 - 8}, ui::bitmap_icon_hackrf, ui::Color::yellow(), ui::Color::black()); sdcDisconnect(&SDCD1); sdcStop(&SDCD1); m4_request_shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); portapack::shutdown(true); m4_init(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_usb_sd, portapack::memory::map::m4_code, false); m0_halt(); } std::filesystem::path path_from_string8(char* path) { std::wstring_convert, char16_t> conv; return conv.from_bytes(path); } static void cmd_flash(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "Usage: flash /FIRMWARE/portapack-h1_h2-mayhem.bin\r\n"); return; } auto path = path_from_string8(argv[0]); size_t filename_length = strlen(argv[0]); if (!std::filesystem::file_exists(path)) { chprintf(chp, "file not found.\r\n"); return; } std::memcpy(&shared_memory.bb_data.data[0], path.c_str(), (filename_length + 1) * 2); m4_request_shutdown(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(50); m4_init(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_flash_utility, portapack::memory::map::m4_code, false); m0_halt(); } static void cmd_screenshot(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; ensure_directory("SCREENSHOTS"); auto path = next_filename_matching_pattern(u"SCREENSHOTS/SCR_????.PNG"); if (path.empty()) return; PNGWriter png; auto error = png.create(path); if (error) return; for (int i = 0; i < ui::screen_height; i++) { std::array row; portapack::display.read_pixels({0, i, ui::screen_width, 1}, row); png.write_scanline(row); } chprintf(chp, "generated %s\r\n", path.string().c_str()); } // gives full color. static void cmd_screenframe(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; for (int i = 0; i < ui::screen_height; i++) { std::array row; portapack::display.read_pixels({0, i, ui::screen_width, 1}, row); for (int px = 0; px < ui::screen_width; px += 5) { char buffer[5 * 3 * 2]; sprintf(buffer, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", row[px].r, row[px].g, row[px].b, row[px + 1].r, row[px + 1].g, row[px + 1].b, row[px + 2].r, row[px + 2].g, row[px + 2].b, row[px + 3].r, row[px + 3].g, row[px + 3].b, row[px + 4].r, row[px + 4].g, row[px + 4].b); fillOBuffer(&((SerialUSBDriver*)chp)->oqueue, (const uint8_t*)buffer, 5 * 3 * 2); } chprintf(chp, "\r\n"); } chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static char getChrFromRgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { uint8_t chR = r >> 6; // 3bit uint8_t chG = g >> 6; // 3bit uint8_t chB = b >> 6; // 3bit uint8_t res = chR << 4 | chG << 2 | chB; res += 32; return res; } // sends only 1 byte (printable only) per pixel, so around 96 colors static void cmd_screenframeshort(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; for (int y = 0; y < ui::screen_height; y++) { std::array row; portapack::display.read_pixels({0, y, ui::screen_width, 1}, row); for (int px = 0; px < ui::screen_width; px += 60) { char buffer[60]; for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) { buffer[i] = getChrFromRgb(row[px + i].r, row[px + i].g, row[px + i].b); } fillOBuffer(&((SerialUSBDriver*)chp)->oqueue, (const uint8_t*)buffer, 60); } chprintf(chp, "\r\n"); } chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_write_memory(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { chprintf(chp, "usage: write_memory
\r\n"); chprintf(chp, "example: write_memory 0x40004008 0x00000002\r\n"); return; } int value_length = strlen(argv[1]); if (value_length != 10 && value_length != 4) { chprintf(chp, "usage: write_memory
\r\n"); chprintf(chp, "example: write_memory 0x40004008 0x00000002\r\n"); return; } uint32_t address = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[0], NULL, 16); uint32_t value = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 16); if (value_length == 10) { uint32_t* data_pointer = (uint32_t*)address; *data_pointer = value; } else { uint8_t* data_pointer = (uint8_t*)address; *data_pointer = (uint8_t)value; } chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_read_memory(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: read_memory 0x40004008\r\n"); return; } int address = (int)strtol(argv[0], NULL, 16); uint32_t* data_pointer = (uint32_t*)address; chprintf(chp, "%x\r\n", *data_pointer); } static void cmd_button(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: button 1\r\n"); return; } int button = (int)strtol(argv[0], NULL, 10); if (button < 1 || button > 8) { chprintf(chp, "usage: button \r\n"); return; } control::debug::inject_switch(button); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_sd_list_dir(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: ls /\r\n"); return; } auto path = path_from_string8(argv[0]); for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path, "*")) { if (std::filesystem::is_directory(entry.status())) { chprintf(chp, "%s/\r\n", entry.path().string().c_str()); } else if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(entry.status())) { chprintf(chp, "%s\r\n", entry.path().string().c_str()); } else { chprintf(chp, "%s *\r\n", entry.path().string().c_str()); } } } static void cmd_sd_delete(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: rm \r\n"); return; } auto path = path_from_string8(argv[0]); if (!std::filesystem::file_exists(path)) { chprintf(chp, "file not found.\r\n"); return; } delete_file(path); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } File* shell_file = nullptr; static void cmd_sd_filesize(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: filesize \r\n"); return; } auto path = path_from_string8(argv[0]); FILINFO res; auto stat = f_stat(path.tchar(), &res); if (stat == FR_OK) { chprintf(chp, "%lu\r\n", res.fsize); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } else { chprintf(chp, "error\r\n"); } } static void cmd_sd_open(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: open \r\n"); return; } if (shell_file != nullptr) { chprintf(chp, "file already open\r\n"); return; } auto path = path_from_string8(argv[0]); shell_file = new File(); shell_file->open(path, false, true); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_sd_seek(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: seek \r\n"); return; } if (shell_file == nullptr) { chprintf(chp, "no open file\r\n"); return; } int address = (int)strtol(argv[0], NULL, 10); shell_file->seek(address); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_sd_close(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argv; if (argc != 0) { chprintf(chp, "usage: close\r\n"); return; } if (shell_file == nullptr) { chprintf(chp, "no open file\r\n"); return; } delete shell_file; shell_file = nullptr; chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_sd_read(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, "usage: read \r\n"); return; } if (shell_file == nullptr) { chprintf(chp, "no open file\r\n"); return; } int size = (int)strtol(argv[0], NULL, 10); uint8_t buffer[16]; do { File::Size bytes_to_read = size > 16 ? 16 : size; auto bytes_read = shell_file->read(buffer, bytes_to_read); if (bytes_read.is_error()) { chprintf(chp, "error %d\r\n", bytes_read.error()); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes_read.value(); i++) chprintf(chp, "%02X", buffer[i]); chprintf(chp, "\r\n"); if (bytes_to_read != bytes_read.value()) return; size -= bytes_to_read; } while (size > 0); chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static void cmd_sd_write(BaseSequentialStream* chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { const char* usage = "usage: write 0123456789ABCDEF\r\n"; if (argc != 1) { chprintf(chp, usage); return; } if (shell_file == nullptr) { chprintf(chp, "no open file\r\n"); return; } size_t data_string_len = strlen(argv[0]); if (data_string_len % 2 != 0) { chprintf(chp, usage); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < data_string_len; i++) { char c = argv[0][i]; if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'A' || c > 'F')) { chprintf(chp, usage); return; } } char buffer[3] = {0, 0, 0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < data_string_len / 2; i++) { buffer[0] = argv[0][i * 2]; buffer[1] = argv[0][i * 2 + 1]; uint8_t value = (uint8_t)strtol(buffer, NULL, 16); shell_file->write(&value, 1); } chprintf(chp, "ok\r\n"); } static const ShellCommand commands[] = { {"reboot", cmd_reboot}, {"dfu", cmd_dfu}, {"hackrf", cmd_hackrf}, {"sd_over_usb", cmd_sd_over_usb}, {"flash", cmd_flash}, {"screenshot", cmd_screenshot}, {"screenframe", cmd_screenframe}, {"screenframeshort", cmd_screenframeshort}, {"write_memory", cmd_write_memory}, {"read_memory", cmd_read_memory}, {"button", cmd_button}, {"ls", cmd_sd_list_dir}, {"rm", cmd_sd_delete}, {"open", cmd_sd_open}, {"seek", cmd_sd_seek}, {"close", cmd_sd_close}, {"read", cmd_sd_read}, {"write", cmd_sd_write}, {"filesize", cmd_sd_filesize}, {NULL, NULL}}; static const ShellConfig shell_cfg1 = { (BaseSequentialStream*)&SUSBD1, commands}; void create_shell() { shellCreate(&shell_cfg1, SHELL_WA_SIZE, NORMALPRIO); }