/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2018 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __PROC_ACARS_H__ #define __PROC_ACARS_H__ #include "baseband_processor.hpp" #include "baseband_thread.hpp" #include "rssi_thread.hpp" #include "dsp_decimate.hpp" #include "spectrum_collector.hpp" #include <cstdint> #include "baseband_processor.hpp" #include "baseband_thread.hpp" #include "rssi_thread.hpp" #include "channel_decimator.hpp" #include "matched_filter.hpp" #include "clock_recovery.hpp" #include "symbol_coding.hpp" #include "packet_builder.hpp" #include "baseband_packet.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "dsp_demodulate.hpp" #include "audio_output.hpp" #include <cstdint> #include <cstddef> #include <bitset> #include "crc.hpp" // AIS: // IN: 2457600/8/8 = 38400 // Offset: 2457600/4 = 614400 (614400/8/8 = 9600) // Deviation: 2400 // Symbol: 9600 // Decimate: 2 // 4 taps, 1 symbol, 1/4 cycle // TPMS: // IN: 2457600/4/2 = 307200 // Offset: 2457600/4 = 614400 (614400/4/2 = 76800) // Deviation: 38400 // Symbol: 19200 // Decimate: 8 // 16 taps, 1 symbol, 2 cycles // ACARS: // IN: 2457600/8/8 = 38400 // Offset: 2457600/4 = 614400 (614400/8/8 = 9600) // Deviation: ??? // Symbol: 2400 // Decimate: 8 // 16 taps, 1 symbol, 2 cycles // Number of taps: size of one symbol in samples (in/symbol) // Cycles: // Translate+rectangular filter // sample=38.4k, deviation=4800, symbol=2400 // Length: 16 taps, 1 symbol, 2 cycles of sinusoid // This is actually the same as rect_taps_307k2_38k4_1t_19k2_p constexpr std::array<std::complex<float>, 16> rect_taps_38k4_4k8_1t_2k4_p{{ {6.2500000000e-02f, 0.0000000000e+00f}, {4.4194173824e-02f, 4.4194173824e-02f}, {0.0000000000e+00f, 6.2500000000e-02f}, {-4.4194173824e-02f, 4.4194173824e-02f}, {-6.2500000000e-02f, 0.0000000000e+00f}, {-4.4194173824e-02f, -4.4194173824e-02f}, {0.0000000000e+00f, -6.2500000000e-02f}, {4.4194173824e-02f, -4.4194173824e-02f}, {6.2500000000e-02f, 0.0000000000e+00f}, {4.4194173824e-02f, 4.4194173824e-02f}, {0.0000000000e+00f, 6.2500000000e-02f}, {-4.4194173824e-02f, 4.4194173824e-02f}, {-6.2500000000e-02f, 0.0000000000e+00f}, {-4.4194173824e-02f, -4.4194173824e-02f}, {0.0000000000e+00f, -6.2500000000e-02f}, {4.4194173824e-02f, -4.4194173824e-02f}, }}; typedef enum { WSYN, SYN2, SOH1, TXT, CRC1, CRC2, END } Acarsstate; class ACARSProcessor : public BasebandProcessor { public: ACARSProcessor(); void execute(const buffer_c8_t& buffer) override; private: static constexpr size_t baseband_fs = 2457600; std::array<complex16_t, 512> dst{}; const buffer_c16_t dst_buffer{ dst.data(), dst.size()}; dsp::decimate::FIRC8xR16x24FS4Decim8 decim_0{}; // Translate already done here ! dsp::decimate::FIRC16xR16x32Decim8 decim_1{}; dsp::matched_filter::MatchedFilter mf{rect_taps_38k4_4k8_1t_2k4_p, 8}; clock_recovery::ClockRecovery<clock_recovery::FixedErrorFilter> clock_recovery{ 4800, 2400, {0.0555f}, [this](const float symbol) { this->consume_symbol(symbol); }}; uint16_t update_crc(uint8_t dataByte); void consume_symbol(const float symbol); void payload_handler(); void add_bit(uint8_t bit); void reset(); void sendDebug(); std::array<float, 32> audio{}; const buffer_f32_t audio_buffer{ audio.data(), audio.size()}; dsp::demodulate::AM demod{}; AudioOutput audio_output{}; Acarsstate curr_state = WSYN; uint32_t decode_data = 0; uint8_t decode_count_bit = 0; ACARSPacketMessage message{}; uint8_t parity_errors = 0; /* NB: Threads should be the last members in the class definition. */ BasebandThread baseband_thread{ baseband_fs, this, baseband::Direction::Receive, /*auto_start*/ false}; RSSIThread rssi_thread{}; }; #endif /*__PROC_ACARS_H__*/