    ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Giovanni Di Sirio

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

 * @file    templates/pwm_lld.c
 * @brief   PWM Driver subsystem low level driver source template.
 * @addtogroup PWM
 * @{

#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"

#if HAL_USE_PWM || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver local definitions.                                                 */

/* Driver exported variables.                                                */

 * @brief   PWM1 driver identifier.
#if PLATFORM_PWM_USE_PWM1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
PWMDriver PWMD1;

/* Driver local variables and types.                                         */

/* Driver local functions.                                                   */

/* Driver interrupt handlers.                                                */

/* Driver exported functions.                                                */

 * @brief   Low level PWM driver initialization.
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_init(void) {

  /* Driver initialization.*/
#endif /* PLATFORM_PWM_USE_PWM1 */

 * @brief   Configures and activates the PWM peripheral.
 * @param[in] pwmp      pointer to the @p PWMDriver object
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_start(PWMDriver *pwmp) {

  if (pwmp->state == PWM_STOP) {
    /* Enables the peripheral.*/
    if (&PWMD1 == pwmp) {

#endif /* PLATFORM_PWM_USE_PWM1 */
  /* Configures the peripheral.*/


 * @brief   Deactivates the PWM peripheral.
 * @param[in] pwmp      pointer to the @p PWMDriver object
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_stop(PWMDriver *pwmp) {

  if (pwmp->state == PWM_READY) {
    /* Resets the peripheral.*/

    /* Disables the peripheral.*/
    if (&PWMD1 == pwmp) {

#endif /* PLATFORM_PWM_USE_PWM1 */

 * @brief   Changes the period the PWM peripheral.
 * @details This function changes the period of a PWM unit that has already
 *          been activated using @p pwmStart().
 * @pre     The PWM unit must have been activated using @p pwmStart().
 * @post    The PWM unit period is changed to the new value.
 * @note    The function has effect at the next cycle start.
 * @note    If a period is specified that is shorter than the pulse width
 *          programmed in one of the channels then the behavior is not
 *          guaranteed.
 * @param[in] pwmp      pointer to a @p PWMDriver object
 * @param[in] period    new cycle time in ticks
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_change_period(PWMDriver *pwmp, pwmcnt_t period) {



 * @brief   Enables a PWM channel.
 * @pre     The PWM unit must have been activated using @p pwmStart().
 * @post    The channel is active using the specified configuration.
 * @note    Depending on the hardware implementation this function has
 *          effect starting on the next cycle (recommended implementation)
 *          or immediately (fallback implementation).
 * @param[in] pwmp      pointer to a @p PWMDriver object
 * @param[in] channel   PWM channel identifier (0...PWM_CHANNELS-1)
 * @param[in] width     PWM pulse width as clock pulses number
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_enable_channel(PWMDriver *pwmp,
                            pwmchannel_t channel,
                            pwmcnt_t width) {



 * @brief   Disables a PWM channel.
 * @pre     The PWM unit must have been activated using @p pwmStart().
 * @post    The channel is disabled and its output line returned to the
 *          idle state.
 * @note    Depending on the hardware implementation this function has
 *          effect starting on the next cycle (recommended implementation)
 *          or immediately (fallback implementation).
 * @param[in] pwmp      pointer to a @p PWMDriver object
 * @param[in] channel   PWM channel identifier (0...PWM_CHANNELS-1)
 * @notapi
void pwm_lld_disable_channel(PWMDriver *pwmp, pwmchannel_t channel) {



#endif /* HAL_USE_PWM */

/** @} */