/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_search.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "binder.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "ui_freqman.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace ui { template <> void RecentEntriesTable<SearchRecentEntries>::draw( const Entry& entry, const Rect& target_rect, Painter& painter, const Style& style) { std::string str_duration = ""; if (entry.duration < 600) str_duration = to_string_dec_uint(entry.duration / 10) + "." + to_string_dec_uint(entry.duration % 10) + "s"; else str_duration = to_string_dec_uint(entry.duration / 600) + "m" + to_string_dec_uint((entry.duration / 10) % 60) + "s"; str_duration.resize(target_rect.width() / 8, ' '); painter.draw_string(target_rect.location(), style, to_string_short_freq(entry.frequency) + " " + entry.time + " " + str_duration); } /* SearchView ********************************************/ SearchView::SearchView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_wideband_spectrum); add_children({&labels, &field_frequency_min, &field_frequency_max, &field_lna, &field_vga, &field_threshold, &text_mean, &text_slices, &text_rate, &text_infos, &vu_max, &progress_timers, &check_snap, &options_snap, &big_display, &recent_entries_view}); baseband::set_spectrum(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH, 31); recent_entries_view.set_parent_rect({0, 28 * 8, screen_width, 12 * 8}); recent_entries_view.on_select = [this, &nav](const SearchRecentEntry& entry) { nav.push<FrequencySaveView>(entry.frequency); }; text_mean.set_style(&Styles::grey); text_slices.set_style(&Styles::grey); text_rate.set_style(&Styles::grey); progress_timers.set_style(&Styles::grey); big_display.set_style(&Styles::grey); field_frequency_min.set_step(100'000); bind(field_frequency_min, settings_.freq_min, nav, [this](auto) { on_range_changed(); }); field_frequency_max.set_step(100'000); bind(field_frequency_max, settings_.freq_max, nav, [this](auto) { on_range_changed(); }); bind(field_threshold, settings_.power_threshold); bind(check_snap, settings_.snap_search); bind(options_snap, settings_.snap_step); progress_timers.set_max(DETECT_DELAY); on_range_changed(); receiver_model.enable(); } SearchView::~SearchView() { receiver_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void SearchView::on_show() { baseband::spectrum_streaming_start(); } void SearchView::on_hide() { baseband::spectrum_streaming_stop(); } void SearchView::focus() { field_frequency_min.focus(); } void SearchView::do_detection() { uint8_t power_max = 0; int32_t bin_max = -1; uint32_t slice_max = 0; uint32_t snap_value; uint8_t power; rtc::RTC datetime; std::string str_approx, str_timestamp; // Display spectrum bin_skip_acc = 0; pixel_index = 0; display.draw_pixels( {{0, 88}, {(Dim)spectrum_row.size(), 1}}, spectrum_row); mean_power = mean_acc / (SEARCH_BIN_NB_NO_DC * slices_nb); mean_acc = 0; overall_power_max = 0; // Find max power over threshold for all slices for (size_t slice = 0; slice < slices_nb; slice++) { power = slices[slice].max_power; if (power > overall_power_max) overall_power_max = power; if ((power >= mean_power + settings_.power_threshold) && (power > power_max)) { power_max = power; bin_max = slices[slice].max_index; slice_max = slice; } } // Lock / release if ((bin_max >= last_bin - 2) && (bin_max <= last_bin + 2) && (bin_max > -1) && (slice_max == last_slice)) { // Staying around the same bin if (detect_timer >= DETECT_DELAY) { if ((bin_max != locked_bin) || (!locked)) { if (!locked) { resolved_frequency = slices[slice_max].center_frequency + (SEARCH_BIN_WIDTH * (bin_max - 128)); if (check_snap.value()) { snap_value = options_snap.selected_index_value(); resolved_frequency = round(resolved_frequency / snap_value) * snap_value; } // Check range if ((resolved_frequency >= settings_.freq_min) && (resolved_frequency <= settings_.freq_max)) { duration = 0; auto& entry = ::on_packet(recent, resolved_frequency); rtcGetTime(&RTCD1, &datetime); str_timestamp = to_string_dec_uint(datetime.hour(), 2, '0') + ":" + to_string_dec_uint(datetime.minute(), 2, '0') + ":" + to_string_dec_uint(datetime.second(), 2, '0'); entry.set_time(str_timestamp); recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); text_infos.set("Locked ! "); big_display.set_style(&Styles::green); locked = true; locked_bin = bin_max; // TODO: open Audio. } else text_infos.set("Out of range"); } big_display.set(resolved_frequency); } } release_timer = 0; } else { detect_timer = 0; if (locked) { if (release_timer >= RELEASE_DELAY) { locked = false; auto& entry = ::on_packet(recent, resolved_frequency); entry.set_duration(duration); recent_entries_view.set_dirty(); text_infos.set("Listening"); big_display.set_style(&Styles::grey); } } } last_bin = bin_max; last_slice = slice_max; search_counter++; // Refresh red tick portapack::display.fill_rectangle({last_tick_pos, 90, 1, 6}, Color::black()); if (bin_max > -1) { last_tick_pos = (Coord)(bin_max / slices_nb); portapack::display.fill_rectangle({last_tick_pos, 90, 1, 6}, Color::red()); } } void SearchView::do_timers() { if (timing_div >= 60) { // ~1Hz timing_div = 0; // Update scan rate text_rate.set(to_string_dec_uint(search_counter, 3)); search_counter = 0; } if (timing_div % 12 == 0) { // ~5Hz // Update power levels text_mean.set(to_string_dec_uint(mean_power, 3)); vu_max.set_value(overall_power_max); vu_max.set_mark(mean_power + settings_.power_threshold); } if (timing_div % 6 == 0) { // ~10Hz // Update timing indicator if (locked) { progress_timers.set_max(RELEASE_DELAY); progress_timers.set_value(RELEASE_DELAY - release_timer); } else { progress_timers.set_max(DETECT_DELAY); progress_timers.set_value(detect_timer); } // Increment timers if (detect_timer < DETECT_DELAY) detect_timer++; if (release_timer < RELEASE_DELAY) release_timer++; if (locked) duration++; } timing_div++; } void SearchView::on_channel_spectrum(const ChannelSpectrum& spectrum) { uint8_t max_power = 0; int16_t max_bin = 0; uint8_t power; size_t bin; baseband::spectrum_streaming_stop(); // Add pixels to spectrum display and find max power for this slice // Center 12 bins are ignored (DC spike is blanked) // Leftmost and rightmost 2 bins are ignored for (bin = 0; bin < 256; bin++) { if ((bin < 2) || (bin > 253) || ((bin >= 122) && (bin < 134))) { power = 0; } else { if (bin < 128) power = spectrum.db[128 + bin]; else power = spectrum.db[bin - 128]; } add_spectrum_pixel(spectrum_rgb3_lut[power]); mean_acc += power; if (power > max_power) { max_power = power; max_bin = bin; } } slices[slice_counter].max_power = max_power; slices[slice_counter].max_index = max_bin; if (slices_nb > 1) { // Slice sequence if (slice_counter >= slices_nb) { do_detection(); slice_counter = 0; } else slice_counter++; receiver_model.set_target_frequency(slices[slice_counter].center_frequency); baseband::set_spectrum(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH, 31); // Clear } else { // Unique slice do_detection(); } baseband::spectrum_streaming_start(); } void SearchView::on_range_changed() { rf::Frequency slices_span; rf::Frequency center_frequency; int64_t offset; size_t slice; // TODO: enforce min < max? search_span = abs(settings_.freq_max - settings_.freq_min); if (search_span > SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH) { // ex: 100M~115M (15M span): // slices_nb = (115M-100M)/2.5M = 6 slices_nb = (search_span + SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH - 1) / SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH; if (slices_nb > 32) { text_slices.set("!!"); slices_nb = 32; } else { text_slices.set(to_string_dec_uint(slices_nb, 2, ' ')); } // slices_span = 6 * 2.5M = 15M slices_span = slices_nb * SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH; // offset = 0 + 2.5/2 = 1.25M offset = ((search_span - slices_span) / 2) + (SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH / 2); // slice_start = 100M + 1.25M = 101.25M center_frequency = std::min(settings_.freq_min, settings_.freq_max) + offset; for (slice = 0; slice < slices_nb; slice++) { slices[slice].center_frequency = center_frequency; center_frequency += SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH; } } else { slices[0].center_frequency = (settings_.freq_max + settings_.freq_min) / 2; receiver_model.set_target_frequency(slices[0].center_frequency); slices_nb = 1; text_slices.set(" 1"); } bin_skip_frac = 0xF000 / slices_nb; slice_counter = 0; } void SearchView::add_spectrum_pixel(Color color) { // Is avoiding floats really necessary? bin_skip_acc += bin_skip_frac; if (bin_skip_acc < 0x10000) return; bin_skip_acc -= 0x10000; if (pixel_index < screen_width) spectrum_row[pixel_index++] = color; } } /* namespace ui */