/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * Copyright (C) 2023 gullradriel, Nilorea Studio Inc. * Copyright (C) 2023 Kyle Reed * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "convert.hpp" #include "file.hpp" #include "file_reader.hpp" #include "freqman_db.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "tone_key.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include "file_path.hpp" #include <array> #include <cctype> #include <string_view> #include <vector> namespace fs = std::filesystem; const std::filesystem::path freqman_extension{u".TXT"}; // NB: Don't include UI headers to keep this code unit testable. using option_t = std::pair<std::string, int32_t>; using options_t = std::vector<option_t>; options_t freqman_modulations = { {"AM", 0}, {"NFM", 1}, {"WFM", 2}, {"SPEC", 3}, }; options_t freqman_bandwidths[4] = { { // AM {"DSB 9k", 0}, {"DSB 6k", 1}, {"USB+3k", 2}, {"LSB-3k", 3}, {"CW", 4}, }, { // NFM {"8k5", 0}, {"11k", 1}, {"16k", 2}, }, { // WFM {"40k", 2}, {"180k", 1}, {"200k", 0}, }, { // SPEC -- TODO: these should be indexes. {"12k5", 12500}, {"16k", 16000}, {"25k", 25000}, {"32k", 32000}, {"50k", 50000}, {"75k", 75000}, {"100k", 100000}, {"150k", 150000}, {"250k", 250000}, {"500k", 500000}, {"600k", 600000}, {"750k", 750000}, {"1000k", 1000000}, // Max bandwith for recording in C16 (with fast SD card). {"1250k", 1250000}, {"1500k", 1500000}, {"1750k", 1750000}, {"2000k", 2000000}, {"2250k", 2250000}, // Max bandwith for recording in C8 (with fast SD card). {"2500k", 2500000}, // Here and up, LCD is ok, but M4 CPU drops samples. {"3000k", 3000000}, {"3500k", 3500000}, {"4000k", 4000000}, {"4500k", 4500000}, {"5000k", 5500000}, {"5500k", 5500000}, // Max capture, needs /4 decimation, (22Mhz sampling ADC). }, }; // TODO: these should be indexes. options_t freqman_steps = { {"0.1kHz ", 100}, {"1kHz ", 1000}, {"5kHz (SA AM)", 5000}, {"6.25kHz(NFM)", 6250}, {"8.33kHz(AIR)", 8330}, {"9kHz (EU AM)", 9000}, {"10kHz(US AM)", 10000}, {"12.5kHz(NFM)", 12500}, {"15kHz (HFM)", 15000}, {"25kHz (N1)", 25000}, {"30kHz (OIRT)", 30000}, {"50kHz (FM1)", 50000}, {"100kHz (FM2)", 100000}, {"250kHz (N2)", 250000}, {"500kHz (WFM)", 500000}, {"1MHz ", 1000000}, }; // TODO: these should be indexes. options_t freqman_steps_short = { {"0.1kHz", 100}, {"1kHz", 1000}, {"5kHz", 5000}, {"6.25kHz", 6250}, {"8.33kHz", 8330}, {"9kHz", 9000}, {"10kHz", 10000}, {"12.5kHz", 12500}, {"15kHz", 15000}, {"25kHz", 25000}, {"30kHz", 30000}, {"50kHz", 50000}, {"100kHz", 100000}, {"250kHz", 250000}, {"500kHz", 500000}, {"1MHz", 1000000}, }; uint8_t find_by_name(const options_t& options, std::string_view name) { for (auto ix = 0u; ix < options.size(); ++ix) if (options[ix].first == name) return ix; return freqman_invalid_index; } const option_t* find_by_index(const options_t& options, freqman_index_t index) { if (index < options.size()) return &options[index]; else return nullptr; } /* Impl for next round of changes. *template <typename T, size_t N> *const T* find_by_name(const std::array<T, N>& info, std::string_view name) { * for (const auto& it : info) { * if (it.name == name) * return ⁢ * } * * return nullptr; *} */ bool operator==(const freqman_entry& lhs, const freqman_entry& rhs) { auto equal = lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.frequency_a == rhs.frequency_a && lhs.description == rhs.description && lhs.modulation == rhs.modulation && lhs.bandwidth == rhs.bandwidth; if (!equal) return false; if (lhs.type == freqman_type::Range) { equal = lhs.frequency_b == rhs.frequency_b && lhs.step == rhs.step; } else if (lhs.type == freqman_type::HamRadio) { equal = lhs.frequency_b == rhs.frequency_b && lhs.tone == rhs.tone; } else if (lhs.type == freqman_type::Repeater) { equal = lhs.frequency_b == rhs.frequency_b; } return equal; } std::string freqman_entry_get_modulation_string(freqman_index_t modulation) { if (auto opt = find_by_index(freqman_modulations, modulation)) return opt->first; return {}; } std::string freqman_entry_get_bandwidth_string(freqman_index_t modulation, freqman_index_t bandwidth) { if (modulation < freqman_modulations.size()) { if (auto opt = find_by_index(freqman_bandwidths[modulation], bandwidth)) return opt->first; } return {}; } std::string freqman_entry_get_step_string(freqman_index_t step) { if (auto opt = find_by_index(freqman_steps, step)) return opt->first; return {}; } std::string freqman_entry_get_step_string_short(freqman_index_t step) { if (auto opt = find_by_index(freqman_steps_short, step)) return opt->first; return {}; } const std::filesystem::path get_freqman_path(const std::string& stem) { return freqman_dir / stem + freqman_extension; } bool create_freqman_file(const std::string& file_stem) { auto fs_error = make_new_file(get_freqman_path(file_stem)); return fs_error.ok(); } bool load_freqman_file(const std::string& file_stem, freqman_db& db, freqman_load_options options) { return parse_freqman_file(get_freqman_path(file_stem), db, options); } void delete_freqman_file(const std::string& file_stem) { delete_file(get_freqman_path(file_stem)); } std::string pretty_string(const freqman_entry& entry, size_t max_length) { std::string str; switch (entry.type) { case freqman_type::Single: str = to_string_short_freq(entry.frequency_a) + "M: " + entry.description; break; case freqman_type::Range: str = to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_a, 1) + "M-" + to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_b, 1) + "M: " + entry.description; break; case freqman_type::HamRadio: str = "R:" + to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_a, 1) + "M,T:" + to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_b, 1) + "M: " + entry.description; break; case freqman_type::Repeater: str = "L:" + to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_a, 1) + "M,T:" + to_string_rounded_freq(entry.frequency_b, 1) + "M: " + entry.description; break; case freqman_type::Raw: str = entry.description; break; default: str = "UNK:" + entry.description; break; } // Truncate. '+' indicates if string has been truncated. if (str.size() > max_length) return str.substr(0, max_length - 1) + "+"; return str; } std::string to_freqman_string(const freqman_entry& entry) { std::string serialized; serialized.reserve(0x80); // Append a key=value to the string. auto append_field = [&serialized](std::string_view name, std::string_view value) { if (!serialized.empty()) serialized += ","; serialized += std::string{name} + "=" + std::string{value}; }; switch (entry.type) { case freqman_type::Single: append_field("f", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_a)); break; case freqman_type::Range: append_field("a", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_a)); append_field("b", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_b)); if (is_valid(entry.step)) append_field("s", freqman_entry_get_step_string_short(entry.step)); break; case freqman_type::HamRadio: append_field("r", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_a)); append_field("t", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_b)); if (is_valid(entry.tone)) append_field("c", tonekey::tone_key_value_string(entry.tone)); break; case freqman_type::Repeater: append_field("l", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_a)); append_field("t", to_string_dec_uint(entry.frequency_b)); break; case freqman_type::Raw: return entry.description; default: return {}; }; if (is_valid(entry.modulation) && entry.modulation < freqman_modulations.size()) { append_field("m", freqman_entry_get_modulation_string(entry.modulation)); if (is_valid(entry.bandwidth) && (unsigned)entry.bandwidth < freqman_bandwidths[entry.modulation].size()) append_field("bw", freqman_entry_get_bandwidth_string(entry.modulation, entry.bandwidth)); } if (entry.description.size() > 0) append_field("d", entry.description); serialized.shrink_to_fit(); return serialized; } freqman_index_t parse_tone_key(std::string_view value) { // Split into whole and fractional parts. auto parts = split_string(value, '.'); int32_t tone_freq = 0; int32_t whole_part = 0; parse_int(parts[0], whole_part); // Tones are stored as frequency / 100 for some reason. // E.g. 14572 would be 145.7 (NB: 1s place is dropped). // TODO: Might be easier to just store the codes? // Multiply the whole part by 100 to get the tone frequency. tone_freq = whole_part * 100; // Add the fractional part, if present. if (parts.size() > 1) { auto c = parts[1].front(); auto digit = std::isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : 0; tone_freq += digit * 10; } return static_cast<freqman_index_t>(tonekey::tone_key_index_by_value(tone_freq)); } bool parse_freqman_entry(std::string_view str, freqman_entry& entry) { if (str.empty() || str[0] == '#') return false; entry = freqman_entry{}; auto cols = split_string(str, ','); for (auto col : cols) { if (col.empty()) continue; auto pair = split_string(col, '='); if (pair.size() != 2) continue; auto key = pair[0]; auto value = pair[1]; if (key == "a") { entry.type = freqman_type::Range; parse_int(value, entry.frequency_a); } else if (key == "b") { parse_int(value, entry.frequency_b); } else if (key == "bw") { // NB: Requires modulation to be set first if (entry.modulation < std::size(freqman_bandwidths)) { entry.bandwidth = find_by_name(freqman_bandwidths[entry.modulation], value); } } else if (key == "c") { entry.tone = parse_tone_key(value); } else if (key == "d") { entry.description = trim(value).substr(0, freqman_max_desc_size); } else if (key == "f") { entry.type = freqman_type::Single; parse_int(value, entry.frequency_a); } else if (key == "m") { entry.modulation = find_by_name(freqman_modulations, value); } else if (key == "r") { // HamRadio relay receive freq entry.type = freqman_type::HamRadio; parse_int(value, entry.frequency_a); } else if (key == "l") { // Portapack Repeater mode listen freq. Used as a single freq if Repeater mode isn't active entry.type = freqman_type::Repeater; parse_int(value, entry.frequency_a); } else if (key == "s") { entry.step = find_by_name(freqman_steps_short, value); } else if (key == "t") { // Tx freq: scanned as a single freq in HamRadio mode, used as TX freq in Repeater mode and ignored by the scanner parse_int(value, entry.frequency_b); } } return is_valid(entry); } bool parse_freqman_file(const fs::path& path, freqman_db& db, freqman_load_options options) { FreqmanDB freqman_db; freqman_db.set_read_raw(false); // Don't return malformed lines. if (!freqman_db.open(path)) return false; // Attempt to avoid a re-alloc if possible. db.clear(); db.reserve(freqman_db.entry_count()); for (auto entry : freqman_db) { // Filter by entry type. if (entry.type == freqman_type::Unknown || (entry.type == freqman_type::Single && !options.load_freqs) || (entry.type == freqman_type::Range && !options.load_ranges) || (entry.type == freqman_type::HamRadio && !options.load_hamradios) || (entry.type == freqman_type::Repeater && !options.load_repeaters)) { continue; } // Use previous entry's mod/band if current's aren't set. if (!db.empty()) { if (is_invalid(entry.modulation)) entry.modulation = db.back()->modulation; if (is_invalid(entry.bandwidth)) entry.bandwidth = db.back()->bandwidth; } // Move the entry onto the heap and push. db.push_back(std::make_unique<freqman_entry>(std::move(entry))); // Limit to max_entries when specified. if (options.max_entries > 0 && db.size() >= options.max_entries) break; } db.shrink_to_fit(); return true; } bool is_valid(const freqman_entry& entry) { // No valid frequency combination was set. if (entry.type == freqman_type::Unknown) return false; // Frequency A must be set for all types if (entry.frequency_a == 0) return false; // Frequency B must be set for type Range or HamRadio or Repeater if (entry.type == freqman_type::Range || entry.type == freqman_type::HamRadio || entry.type == freqman_type::Repeater) { if (entry.frequency_b == 0) return false; } // Ranges should have frequencies A <= B. if (entry.type == freqman_type::Range) { if (entry.frequency_a > entry.frequency_b) return false; } // TODO: Consider additional validation: // - Tone only on HamRadio. // - Step only on Range // - Fail on failed parse_int. // - Fail if bandwidth set before modulation. return true; } /* FreqmanDB ***********************************/ bool FreqmanDB::open(const std::filesystem::path& path, bool create) { auto result = FileWrapper::open(path, create); if (!result) return false; wrapper_ = *std::move(result); return true; } void FreqmanDB::close() { wrapper_.reset(); } freqman_entry FreqmanDB::operator[](Index index) const { auto length = wrapper_->line_length(index); auto line_text = wrapper_->get_text(index, 0, length); if (line_text) { freqman_entry entry; if (parse_freqman_entry(*line_text, entry)) return entry; else if (read_raw_) { entry.type = freqman_type::Raw; entry.description = trim(*line_text).substr(0, freqman_max_desc_size); return entry; } } return {}; } void FreqmanDB::insert_entry(Index index, const freqman_entry& entry) { index = clip<uint32_t>(index, 0u, entry_count()); wrapper_->insert_line(index); replace_entry(index, entry); } void FreqmanDB::append_entry(const freqman_entry& entry) { insert_entry(entry_count(), entry); } void FreqmanDB::replace_entry(Index index, const freqman_entry& entry) { auto range = wrapper_->line_range(index); if (!range) return; // Don't overwrite the '\n'. range->end--; wrapper_->replace_range(*range, to_freqman_string(entry)); } void FreqmanDB::delete_entry(Index index) { wrapper_->delete_line(index); } bool FreqmanDB::delete_entry(const freqman_entry& entry) { auto it = find_entry(entry); if (it == end()) return false; delete_entry(it.index()); return true; } FreqmanDB::iterator FreqmanDB::find_entry(const freqman_entry& entry) { return find_entry([&entry](const auto& other) { return entry == other; }); } uint32_t FreqmanDB::entry_count() const { // FileWrapper always presents a single line even for empty files. return empty() ? 0u : wrapper_->line_count(); } bool FreqmanDB::empty() const { // FileWrapper always presents a single line even for empty files. // A DB is only really empty if the file size is 0. return !wrapper_ || wrapper_->size() == 0; }