/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "rffc507x.hpp" #include <array> #include "utility.hpp" #include "hackrf_hal.hpp" #include "hackrf_gpio.hpp" using namespace hackrf::one; #include "hal.h" namespace rffc507x { /* Empirical tests indicate no minimum reset pulse width, but the speed * of the processor and GPIO probably produce at least 20ns pulse width. */ constexpr float seconds_during_reset = 1.0e-6; constexpr halrtcnt_t ticks_during_reset = (base_m4_clk_f * seconds_during_reset + 1); /* Empirical testing indicates >3.5us delay required after reset, before * registers can be reliably written. Make it 5us, just for fun. Tests were * conducted at high temperatures (with a hair dryer) increased room * temperature minimum delay of 2.9us to the requirement above. */ constexpr float seconds_after_reset = 5.0e-6; constexpr halrtcnt_t ticks_after_reset = (base_m4_clk_f * seconds_after_reset + 1); constexpr auto reference_frequency = rffc5072_reference_f; namespace vco { constexpr rf::FrequencyRange range{2700000000, 5400000000}; } /* namespace vco */ namespace lo { constexpr size_t divider_log2_min = 0; constexpr size_t divider_log2_max = 5; constexpr size_t divider_min = 1U << divider_log2_min; constexpr size_t divider_max = 1U << divider_log2_max; constexpr rf::FrequencyRange range{vco::range.minimum / divider_max, vco::range.maximum / divider_min}; size_t divider_log2(const rf::Frequency lo_frequency) { /* TODO: Error */ /* if( lo::range.out_of_range(lo_frequency) ) { return; } */ /* Compute LO divider. */ auto lo_divider_log2 = lo::divider_log2_min; auto vco_frequency = lo_frequency; while (vco::range.below_range(vco_frequency)) { vco_frequency <<= 1; lo_divider_log2 += 1; } return lo_divider_log2; } } /* namespace lo */ namespace prescaler { constexpr rf::Frequency max_frequency = 1600000000U; constexpr size_t divider_log2_min = 1; constexpr size_t divider_log2_max = 2; constexpr size_t divider_min = 1U << divider_log2_min; constexpr size_t divider_max = 1U << divider_log2_max; constexpr size_t divider_log2(const rf::Frequency vco_frequency) { return (vco_frequency > (prescaler::divider_min * prescaler::max_frequency)) ? prescaler::divider_log2_max : prescaler::divider_log2_min; } } /* namespace prescaler */ struct SynthConfig { const size_t lo_divider_log2; const size_t prescaler_divider_log2; const uint64_t n_divider_q24; static SynthConfig calculate( const rf::Frequency lo_frequency) { /* RFFC507x frequency synthesizer is is accurate to about 2ppb (two parts * per BILLION). There's not much point to worrying about rounding and * tuning error, when it amounts to 8Hz at 5GHz! */ const size_t lo_divider_log2 = lo::divider_log2(lo_frequency); const size_t lo_divider = 1U << lo_divider_log2; const rf::Frequency vco_frequency = lo_frequency * lo_divider; const size_t prescaler_divider_log2 = prescaler::divider_log2(vco_frequency); const uint64_t prescaled_lo_q24 = vco_frequency << (24 - prescaler_divider_log2); const uint64_t n_divider_q24 = prescaled_lo_q24 / reference_frequency; return { lo_divider_log2, prescaler_divider_log2, n_divider_q24, }; } }; /* Readback values, RFFC5072 rev A: * 0000: 0x8a01 => dev_id=1000101000000 mrev_id=001 * 0001: 0x3f7c => lock=0 ct_cal=0111111 cp_cal=011111 ctfail=0 0 * 0010: 0x806f => v0_cal=10000000 v1_cal=01101111 * 0011: 0x0000 => rsm_state=00000 f_errflag=00 * 0100: 0x0000 => vco_count_l=0 * 0101: 0x0000 => vco_count_h=0 * 0110: 0xc000 => cal_fbi=1 cal_fbq=1 * 0111: 0x0000 => vco_sel=0 vco_tc_curve=0 */ void RFFC507x::init() { gpio_rffc5072_resetx.set(); gpio_rffc5072_resetx.output(); reset(); _bus.init(); _dirty.set(); flush(); } void RFFC507x::reset() { /* TODO: Is RESETB pin ignored if sdi_ctrl.sipin=1? Programming guide * description of sdi_ctrl.sipin suggests the pin is not ignored. */ gpio_rffc5072_resetx.clear(); halPolledDelay(ticks_during_reset); gpio_rffc5072_resetx.set(); halPolledDelay(ticks_after_reset); } void RFFC507x::flush() { if (_dirty) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _map.w.size(); i++) { if (_dirty[i]) { write(i, _map.w[i]); } } _dirty.clear(); } } void RFFC507x::write(const address_t reg_num, const spi::reg_t value) { _bus.write(reg_num, value); } spi::reg_t RFFC507x::read(const address_t reg_num) { return _bus.read(reg_num); } void RFFC507x::write(const Register reg, const spi::reg_t value) { write(toUType(reg), value); } spi::reg_t RFFC507x::read(const Register reg) { return read(toUType(reg)); } void RFFC507x::flush_one(const Register reg) { const auto reg_num = toUType(reg); write(reg_num, _map.w[reg_num]); _dirty.clear(reg_num); } void RFFC507x::enable() { _map.r.sdi_ctrl.enbl = 1; flush_one(Register::SDI_CTRL); /* TODO: Reset PLLCPL after CT_CAL? */ /* TODO: After device is enabled and CT_cal is complete and VCO > 3.2GHz, * change prescaler divider to 2, update synthesizer ratio, change * lf.pllcpl from 3 to 2. */ } void RFFC507x::disable() { _map.r.sdi_ctrl.enbl = 0; flush_one(Register::SDI_CTRL); } void RFFC507x::set_mixer_current(const uint8_t value) { /* MIX IDD = 0b000 appears to turn the mixer completely off */ /* TODO: Adjust mixer current. Graphs in datasheet suggest: * MIX_IDD=1 has lowest noise figure (10.1dB vs 13dB @ MIX_IDD=7). * MIX_IDD=5 has highest IP3 (24dBm vs 10.3dBm @ MIX_IDD=1). * MIX_IDD=5 has highest P1dB (11.8dBm vs 1.5dBm @ MIX_IDD=1). * Mixer input impedance ~85 Ohms at MIX_IDD=4. * Mixer input impedance inversely proportional to MIX_IDD. * Balun balanced (mixer) side is 100 Ohms. Perhaps reduce MIX_IDD * a bit to get 100 Ohms from mixer. */ _map.r.mix_cont.p1mixidd = value; _map.r.mix_cont.p2mixidd = value; flush_one(Register::MIX_CONT); } void RFFC507x::set_frequency(const rf::Frequency lo_frequency) { const SynthConfig synth_config = SynthConfig::calculate(lo_frequency); /* Boost charge pump leakage if VCO frequency > 3.2GHz, indicated by * prescaler divider set to 4 (log2=2) instead of 2 (log2=1). */ if (synth_config.prescaler_divider_log2 == 2) { _map.r.lf.pllcpl = 3; } else { _map.r.lf.pllcpl = 2; } flush_one(Register::LF); _map.r.p2_freq1.p2n = synth_config.n_divider_q24 >> 24; _map.r.p2_freq1.p2lodiv = synth_config.lo_divider_log2; _map.r.p2_freq1.p2presc = synth_config.prescaler_divider_log2; _map.r.p2_freq2.p2nmsb = (synth_config.n_divider_q24 >> 8) & 0xffff; _map.r.p2_freq3.p2nlsb = synth_config.n_divider_q24 & 0xff; _dirty[Register::P2_FREQ1] = 1; _dirty[Register::P2_FREQ2] = 1; _dirty[Register::P2_FREQ3] = 1; flush(); } void RFFC507x::set_gpo1(const bool new_value) { if (new_value) { _map.r.gpo.p2gpo |= 1; _map.r.gpo.p1gpo |= 1; } else { _map.r.gpo.p2gpo &= ~1; _map.r.gpo.p1gpo &= ~1; } flush_one(Register::GPO); } spi::reg_t RFFC507x::readback(const Readback readback) { /* TODO: This clobbers the rest of the DEV_CTRL register * Time to implement bitfields for registers. */ _map.r.dev_ctrl.readsel = toUType(readback); flush_one(Register::DEV_CTRL); return read(Register::READBACK); } } /* namespace rffc507x */