I choose what I think are the best Titles based on existing titles/class names and so on. There were also inconsistencies between TX and Transmit and RX and receive. I renamed them to shorter version TX and RX also added it as suffix where possible to make it clearer in what mode you are in. If you have any other title suggestions or changes please use Add comment on Files Changed Screen so I can change it.
I think the Jammer deserves a green icon, since it actually does it job pretty well.
Then there is a Jitter parameter. It allows to introduce a jitter from 1/60th of a second up to 60/60th of a second (a full one). It will delay / move forward either the TX or the cooldown period for a maximum of a half of the time you choose as jitter.
Meaning: If I choose 60/60th, a full second of jitter, it will produce a random number from 1 to 60.
Then it will calculate jitter = 30 - randomnumber
THen it will "add" that (positive or negative) time to the time counter for the next jitter change of state.