# The first commit's message is:
Updated RDS transmitter: flags, PI and date/time
Merging baseband audio tone generators
Merging DTMF baseband with "tones" baseband
Added stealth transmit mode
App flash section bumped to 512k
RX and TX LEDs are now used
Play dead should work again, added login option
Morse frame gen. for letters and fox hunt codes
Merged EPAR with Xylos
Made EPAR use encoders for frame gen.
Moved OOK encoders data in encoders.hpp
Simplified about screen, ui_about_demo.* files are still there
BHT city DB, keywords removed
BHT cities DB, keywords removed
Update README.md
RDS radiotext and time group generators
# This is the 2nd commit message:
Update README.md
TODO: Could be better reporting (CRC?), and could not pause while checking CPLD EEPROM, and could offer a means to program the bitstream if it doesn't match...
No point in calculating or showing, since full compare against desired bits is done at every startup -- way better than a CRC, and if it fails tries to program. If programming fails, the PortaPack panics and LED flashes.