Jared Boone
Extract AISRecentEntries from AISView.
2016-01-13 18:01:38 -08:00
Jared Boone
Rename AISModel to AISLogger.
That's really what it is. Also move receiver initialization to AISView. It'll eventually move further out to an AISApp, once I figure out what an App looks like...
2016-01-13 17:05:19 -08:00
Jared Boone
Remove Signal use, register message handler in View.
Changed my mind from earlier commit...
2016-01-13 17:00:53 -08:00
Jared Boone
AISView constructors out of header.
2016-01-13 16:44:01 -08:00
Jared Boone
AISModel receive packets from baseband, notifies AISView.
Use Signal class to distribute packets to multiple listeners.
2016-01-13 16:32:56 -08:00
Jared Boone
Remove message_map from Context.
It doesn't belong in a display/rendering context object, it has much broader significance, mostly distributing messages via the M4->M0 IPC mechanism.
2016-01-13 15:46:04 -08:00
Jared Boone
Extract AIS record renderer from AISView.
2016-01-13 11:56:23 -08:00
Jared Boone
Pull AIS record types out of AISView.
2016-01-13 11:52:39 -08:00
Jared Boone
Push AIS list item draw style into render method.
2016-01-13 11:43:21 -08:00
Jared Boone
Run codec at 1 x baseband sample rate. Do not use CPLD decimator.
Codec performance appears to be unaffected by <8MHz sample rate. Saves a bit of power, eliminates dependency on CPLD decimation feature.
2015-12-29 10:55:55 -08:00
Jared Boone
Move packet timestamping into baseband.
Now reads the RTC peripheral at the end of each received packet.
TODO: Improve resolution to milliseconds or better.
TODO: Work back from end of packet to compute timestamp for beginning of packet.
TODO: Reuse ChibiOS RTC code, which isn't used now because ChibiOS on M0 core is responsible for RTC configuration, and including ChibiOS RTC API on M4 will also try to initialize/manage the peripheral.
2015-12-12 11:37:30 -08:00
Jared Boone
AIS-related namespace cleanup.
2015-12-08 15:53:17 -08:00
Jared Boone
Separate AIS packet and formatting code from app code.
2015-12-08 15:49:20 -08:00
Jared Boone
Rename all the app .cpp/.hpp to have app name first.
Larger refactoring of filenames and namespaces imminent!
2015-12-08 15:28:33 -08:00