pedo hunter 3a280b585a
Save the children
add an article

add note about george soros

add missing comet ping pong instagram photo

remove a video of a shooter eye witness because it was slowing down repo

add ted gunderson pdfs that are related to child trafficking etc

add some voat posts with a link to a new bot to get every post

add some more photos

Signed-off-by: pedo hunter <>
2016-12-13 03:39:33 +07:00
2016-12-13 03:39:33 +07:00

This is an archive of voat posts. It is not complete. You should be able to view some pretty good posts here. It is reccomended downloading the repos below if you want all the data.

Archived data can also be found here ( beware there is a 950-1000 pagination limit so you won't be able to see older posts ):*

You can also download all HTML files through this repo and can git clone with the following commands below on either GitHub or GitLab:

git clone


git clone