diff --git "a/lolita-city-user-dump/[2011]-fyi:-anonymous-dumped-1589-usernames-from-\"lolita-city\"-to-pastebin-:-pizzagate.html" "b/lolita-city-user-dump/[2011]-fyi:-anonymous-dumped-1589-usernames-from-\"lolita-city\"-to-pastebin-:-pizzagate.html" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3df83c3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/lolita-city-user-dump/[2011]-fyi:-anonymous-dumped-1589-usernames-from-\"lolita-city\"-to-pastebin-:-pizzagate.html" @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +[2011] FYI: Anonymous dumped 1589 usernames from "Lolita City" to PasteBin : pizzagate

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all 7 comments
[–]qrayzhd +7 points8 points9 points + (2 children)
FFS they really aren't ashamed are they? I was especially sickened by all of the usernames involving babies, like WTF just end yourself now. These people are a danger to society and all of them deserve to never walk the street again.
[–]vvingnut[S] +3 points4 points5 points + (0 children)
I can't upvote this enough.
[–]LowCarbDeplorable +1 point2 points3 points + (0 children)
Can you explain what that list means? I'm resistant of shock now so don't hold hold back
[–]NMTommy +1 point2 points3 points + (1 child)
This is going back to 2011
[–]vvingnut[S] +0 points1 point2 points + (0 children)
Yes, I included that in the title. I see there's a "scummings" in there. I wonder if that's Scott Cummings?
[–]Exec99 +3 points4 points5 points + (0 children)
Holy shit
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lolita-city-user-dump/pedophile-user-dump.txt b/lolita-city-user-dump/pedophile-user-dump.txt index 395e92e..b0c600d 100644 --- a/lolita-city-user-dump/pedophile-user-dump.txt +++ b/lolita-city-user-dump/pedophile-user-dump.txt @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ Found here: http://pastebin.com/88Lzs1XR Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/pizzagate/comments/5cp1g0/2011_fyi_anonymous_dumped_1589_usernames_from/ +Archive of Reddit Post: http://archive.is/tzIWm +HTML version of reddit post is in this same folder pizzagate/lolita-city-user-dump/ _ __ ___ __ _ | | / /__ / | ________ / / ___ ____ (_)___ ____